HADM 110 - Introduction to Gerontology 3 cr. A multi-disciplinary examination of the cognitive and affective aspects of aging. The course covers social, physiological, psychological, economic, and health aspects of aging, as well as service-delivery systems. It explores planning and action strategies aimed at enhancing the quality of life and providing adequate benefits and services for the elderly. (Credit cannot be earned for GERO 110 and HADM 110.) |
HADM 111 - Introduction to Health Administration 3 cr. An introduction to health care and public health in the United States. Guest speakers and two site visits to local health care organizations are included. |
HADM 112 - Health Systems 3 cr. The nature and organization of health systems in the United States and select countries. Knowledge of health services for diverse populations is emphasized. Guest speakers and two site visits to local health care organizations are included.
HADM 211 - (W) Health Administration 3 cr. (Prerequisite: HADM 111 or HADM 112 )
This writing-intensive course studies organization theory, behavior and management applied to health-care organizations. Topics include leadership, conflict, organization structure, work groups, coordination, work design, communication, power, politics, change, strategy and performance effectiveness. |
HADM 212 - Health Administration Law 3 cr. The legal and regulatory environment of health care and the administration of health care services. Includes service-learning component. |
HADM 215 - Medical Terminology and Disease Management 3 cr. This course introduces participants to medical terminology used in various fields of healthcare. Basic techniques used in building medical terms is covered, using a systems approach to foster understanding of usage of such terms related to body structures and medical conditions. Medical terminology will be reinforced within the concept of disease management, during which participants will become informed as to various ways used to improve the quality of life for patients. |
HADM 216 - Aging and the Community 3 cr. Consideration of selected community strategies effecting desired changes in the development and implementation of social services and programs for the elderly: legislative action, inter-agency relationships, the citizen role. (Credit cannot be earned for GERO 216 and HADM 216.) |
HADM 218 - Health and Aging 3 cr. An explorative study of the mental and physical health problems prevalent in the older adult population, with emphasis upon the preventive aspect of health care as applied by themselves and healthcare providers. Health-care approaches appropriate to the various problems, and relevant resources within the home and community are considered. (Credit cannot be earned for GERO 218 and HADM 218.) |
HADM 232 - Aging and Death 3 cr. This course offers the student an opportunity to explore the mystery and meaning of death. Focus is on a number of aspects of dying and the death process, such as the dying individual and the family; cross-cultural perspectives; terminal illness; professions and death; rites and rituals. (Credit cannot be earned for GERO 232 and HADM 232.) |
HADM 284 - Special Topics 3 cr. Selected topics of current interest in health administration offered on a variable basis such as health information technology, managerial epidemiology, international health systems, etc. |
HADM 293 - Research in Health Administration 3 cr. (Prerequisites: HADM major; PSYC 210 )
An introduction to research methodology as applied to health administration issues and problems with an emphasis on experimental and quasi-experimental designs. |
HADM 314 - Health Policy 3 cr. Public policy in the health-care sector is studied, including the process of policy making. Implications of governmental policies for health-care organizations and administrators are discussed. |
HADM 316 - Health Care Marketing 3 cr. Marketing theories, concepts and strategies as applied to the health-care field. Define the marketing process. Students learn the development of a marketing plan. |
HADM 318 - Long-Term Care Administration 3 cr. An introduction to the management of long-term care facilities. Emphasis is placed on the differences between acute and long-term care, institutional and community-based long-term care services, and special concerns of the long-term care resident. Site visits to long-term care facilities are included. |
HADM 330 - Managed Care 3 cr. The course provides an overview of managed care, current market trends and market performance issues. Closed and open panels, managed care contracting, disease management, behavioral health services and managed Medicare/Medicaid programs are also covered. Case studies of successful managed care programs are included throughout the course. |
HADM 331 - International Health Care 3 cr. This course examines international health-care services and systems, global integration, public health, expatriation, global competition, transnational enterprises, conceptual models, comparative management, international strategies, health-care issues and problems, health-care processes and functions in international businesses, cross-cultural management, intercultural communication, and leadership across cultures. |
HADM 332 - Health Information Technology 3 cr. This introductory course is designed to provide an overview of the present and future use of health information technology. It is intended for undergraduate students in health care and information technology with an interest in health-related applications. |
HADM 333 - Managerial Epidemiology 3 cr. (Prerequisite: HADM 111 and/or HADM 112 or equivalent; a course in health statistics is recommended but not required)
This course focuses on epidemiological themes, including study design and data analysis, and introduces causal thinking and causal reference leading to measures of occurrence and measures of effect. The student learns how to analyze epidemiological research studies. |
HADM 390 - Career Seminar 1 cr. A survey of current trends and occupations in health administration, with an emphasis on advanced planning and preparation for the required internship experience. |
HADM 480 - Internship in Long-Term Care Administration 12 cr. (Prerequisite: approval of HADM director)
A practical internship in a licensed long-term care facility under the supervision of a licensed nursing home administrator. Students spend 520 hours per semester in the field placement and 15 hours in on-campus seminars. Students must accumulate 1,000 hours of internship experience by taking HADM 480 in both the fall and spring semesters of their senior year. Students must provide their own transportation. |
HD 224 - Family Development 3 cr. (Prerequisite: PSYC 110 )
This course will explore the reciprocal interactions among children and parents as related to the development of all individuals in the family. Topics covered include the roles of family members, parenthood and marriage, parenting at specific developmental stages, families with single parents, families with exceptional children, and child abuse. Not regularly scheduled. |
HD 325 - Abnormal Child Psychology 3 cr. (Prerequisites: PSYC 110 , PSYC 225 )
This course will consider atypical social, emotional, and mental development during childhood and adolescence. Topics include mental retardation, intellectual giftedness, learning disabilities, psychopathology of childhood and adolescence, and conduct disorders. (Credit cannot be earned for both PSYC 325 and HD 325.) Scheduled every other year. |
HD 334 - Couple and Family Therapy 3 cr. (Prerequisites: PSYC 110 , PSYC 225 )
An introduction to the theory, research, and practice of couples-counseling and family therapy. Topics include family dysfunctions, assessment methods, treatment approaches, innovative techniques, and research findings. Not regularly scheduled. (Credit cannot be earned for both PSYC 334 and HD 334.) |
HIST 110 - (CH) History of the United States to 1877 3 cr. The political, constitutional, social, and economic development of the United States from the colonial period through the era of Reconstruction. |
HIST 111 - (CH) History of the United States from Reconstruction to the Present 3 cr. The political, constitutional, social and economic development of the United States from Reconstruction to the present. |
HIST 120 - (CH) Europe: 1500 to the Present 3 cr. European history with concentration upon the political aspects of European development. The rise of national monarchies; political, social, economic and intellectual developments; industrialism, the new nationalism and liberalism. |
HIST 121 - (CH) Europe: 1815 to Present 3 cr. European history with concentration upon the political aspects of European development. The rise of national monarchies; political, social, economic and intellectual developments; industrialism, the new nationalism and liberalism |
HIST 125 - (CH,D) Colonial Latin America 3 cr. An introduction to colonial Latin American history: Amerindian civilizations; the Spanish and Portuguese colonial period, with emphasis on the themes of conquest, colonialism, race, class and gender. |
HIST 126 - (CH,D) Modern Latin America 3 cr. An introduction to modern Latin American history: the Latin American republics, with emphasis on the themes of nation building, dictatorship, cultural identity, revolutionary movements, and inter-American relations. |
HIST 130 - (CH,D) World History I 3 cr. The course examines the history of human experience from a global perspective with particular attention to political, economic, and social change. World History I begins with human origins and proceeds through ancient civilizations to about 1500 A.D. |
HIST 131 - (CH,D) World History II 3 cr. The course examines the history of human experience from a global perspective with particular attention to political, economic, and social change. World History II begins about 1500 A. D. and comes to the present. |
HIST 132 - (CH,D) Africa to 1870 3 cr. The course surveys the history of Africa south of the Sahara Desert from the earliest time to the late 19th century. Focus is on the technological, ecological, economic, and cultural history of early Africa. |
HIST 133 - (CH,D) Africa Since 1870 3 cr. The history of Africa south of the Sahara Desert from 1870 to the present, focusing on colonization, independence, and the struggles and frustrations of contemporary African states. |
HIST 140 - (W) The Craft of the Historian 3 cr. Introduction to the craft of the historian including the techniques of historical study, research and writing as well as historiography. Students will be given various exercises dealing with both primary and secondary sources to enable them to think historically through writing exercises based on historical questions. |
HIST 211 - The Third World: Empire to Independence 3 cr. A study of the developing nations with the developed nations in the contemporary world. |
HIST 212 - (D) Rebels, Rogues, and Reformers 3 cr. A sociological cross-cultural, and psychohistorical approach to those folk heroes, political “expropriators” and bandits whose spectacular exploits have been romanticized and preserved through the centuries. Figures such as Robin Hood, Cartouche, Pancho Villa, Jesse James, Che Guevara and others will be considered. |
HIST 213 - (CH,D,W) Gender and Family in Latin America 3 cr. (Prerequisite: One of the following – HIST 125 , HIST 126 , PS 219 , SPAN 314 , PHIL 242 )
Examines the role of gender and family in Latin America from 1521 to present. Themes of gender roles, marriage, family and licit and illicit sexuality will be highlighted. Individual units will examine machismo, marianismo, relations of power and women in the workplace. Distinctions will be made according to race and class. |
HIST 214 - (CH,D) History of Contemporary World Politics 3 cr. Deals directly with the history of the political, economic, and social issues that are current in international affairs including the future possibilities of world order and the crises of foreign policy making. |
HIST 215 - (CH,D,W) Church and Society in Latin America 3 cr. (Prerequisite: One of the following – HIST 125 , HIST 126 , PS 219 , SPAN 314 , PHIL 242 )
Examines the historic role of the Catholic Church in Latin America. Major themes include the conversion of New World peoples to Catholicism, syncretism, church and state, and liberation theology. Other units include indigenous religions and beliefs, Protestantism and Judaism in Latin America. |
HIST 216 - (CH,D) Race in American History 3 cr. The course studies the role of race in American history from the colonial era to the present, focusing on the experience of African-Americans with consideration given to other racial and ethnic groups. Topics include: slavery; “Jim Crow” laws; the Ku Klux Klan; black migration of the 20th century; African-American community life; and the civil rights struggle. |
HIST 217 - (CH) History of American Catholicism 3 cr. A survey of the significant events, trends, and individuals reflecting the Catholic experience in America from the earliest colonial settlements to the post-Vatican II era. |
HIST 218 - The World at War, 1939-45 3 cr. Examination of the tactics, strategy, and global significance of World War II. The logistics and scope of the conflict. Importance of propaganda, patriotism and the people. Film-seminar approach. Film fee. |
HIST 219 - (CH,D) Modern World History 3 cr. A study of change and development in the world during the 20th century. Emphasis on cultural, economic, and political differences between Western and non-Western states. |
HIST 220 - (CH) War and Modern Society 3 cr. (Formerly H/PS 215)
Role of military force in international relations; historical background focusing on wars, American and European, of 19th and 20th century; theories of function of war; arms control and deterrence of war. |
HIST 221 - (CH,D) The American West 3 cr. A study of acquisition, settlement, and development of the Trans-Mississippi West, including the mining, cattleman’s and farmer’s frontiers; Indian removal, and Manifest Destiny in Texas and Oregon. |
HIST 222 - (CH) The Civil War on Film 3 cr. Since the first movies appeared, Americans have been trying to capture the drama and humanity inspired by the Civil War. This course examines the changing depictions of the conflict as a means of analyzing American collective memory and the way that the war was politicized long after it had been fought. |
HIST 223 - (CH) Irish History 3 cr. A survey of key political, social, and economic changes in Irish life since the coming of Christianity. Topics include: society and the Church; the English connection; famine and emigration; Irish nationalism; independence and “The Troubles.” |
HIST 224 - (CH,D) Ethnic and Racial Minorities in Northeastern Pennsylvania 3 cr. Film-seminar approach to the study of various ethnic groupings in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Seeks to achieve better understanding of the immigrant’s problems and accomplishments through use of documentary and feature films. |
HIST 225 - Imperial Russia 3 cr. From the crystallization of political forms in the ninth century through the Kievan State, Mongolian Invasion, rise of Muscovy to the Eurasian Empire from the 17th to the end of the 19th century. |
HIST 226 - Russia from Revolution to Revolution 3 cr. An examination of 20th-century Russia and the Soviet Union, beginning with the reign of Tsar Nicholas II and culminating with the breakup of the USSR and its aftermath. Analysis of the prerevolutionary Russia, the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin and Stalin, World War II, the Cold War, the fall of communism and Russia’s place in world affairs. |
HIST 227 - (D) The Civilization of Islam 3 cr. An introduction to the history of Islamic civilization from the career of the Prophet Muhammad (c. 632 AD) to the eve of European colonization and imperialism. |
HIST 228 - Ancient History 3 cr. A survey of ancient civilizations of the Near East and Mediterranean worlds. The culture, society and science of Mesopotamia and Persia; Egypt – the Gift of the Nile; the ancient Israelites; heroic, archaic, classical and Hellenistic Greece; republican and imperial Rome; the origins of Christianity. |
HIST 229 - Ancient History 3 cr. A survey of ancient civilizations of the Near East and Mediterranean worlds. The culture, society and science of Mesopotamia and Persia; Egypt – the Gift of the Nile; the ancient Israelites; heroic, archaic, classical and Hellenistic Greece; republican and imperial Rome; the origins of Christianity. |
HIST 230-231 - Medieval History 6 cr. The civilization of medieval Christendom from the fall of the Roman Empire to the beginning of the 14th century; its religious, social, economic, cultural and political aspects; the relationship between church and society, belief and life style, ideal and reality; the interaction between Western Christendom, Byzantium and Islam. |
HIST 232 - (CH) England, 1485 to 1714 3 cr. The end of the Wars of the Roses; Tudor Absolutism, Henry VIII and Reformation; Elizabeth I; Renaissance and Elizabethan music and literature; the Stuarts; Colonialism; Commonwealth; Restoration; the Revolution of 1688; reign of Anne. |
HIST 233 - (CH) England, 1714 to Present 3 cr. Parliamentary rule; Cabinet government; political parties; Industrial Revolution; 19th-century reforms; building of a British Empire; World War I; problems of readjustment; World War II; Britain and the world today. |
HIST 236 - Modern Germany: Unification and Empire 3 cr. The 1815 Confederation; 1848 and the failure of liberalism; the Age of Bismarck; Wilhelm II and the “New Course”; World War I and the Collapse of the Empire. |
HIST 237 - Modern Germany: The Twentieth Century 3 cr. The troubled birth of the Weimar Republic: the Ruhr Crisis; the Stresemann Era; economic collapse and the rise of Nazism; the Third Reich, and World War II; the two Germany’s and the “economic miracle.” |
HIST 238 - (CH,D) History of American Women: From Colonization to Mid-Nineteenth Century 3 cr. A study of American women from the colonial era to the mid-19th century. Changes in the family, the workforce, women’s participation in politics and reform movements, and Native-American and African-American women. |
HIST 239 - (CH,D) History of American Women: From Mid-Nineteenth Century to the Present 3 cr. A study of American women since the mid-19th century. The effects of industrialization on the family, women’s participation in the workforce, the Depression and the family, women and war, the feminist movement, and the conservative response. |
HIST 240 - (D) Modern Italy 3 cr. This course will examine major developments in Italian history from the Napoleonic invasion until current crises of the Republic. Important themes for discussion will be the unification movement, the liberal state, Fascism and anti-Fascist resistance, the postwar Republic, cultural and social change, and economic development. |
HIST 241 - Law in the Western Tradition 3 cr. A survey of ideas about law in Western civilization from antiquity until the Civil War. Emphasis on the legal systems, such as the Hebrew, the Athenian, the Roman, the German, and the Catholic, that influenced the modern ideas about the law. |
HIST 242 - (CH,D) Modern East Asia 3 cr. A survey of the history of East Asia from the 17th century to the present with a focus on China and Japan. Examines the transformation of political, economic, social, cultural and intellectual institutions in East Asia, and interactions with the outside world. |
HIST 245 - (CH,D,W) History of Modern China 3 cr. (Prerequisites: None, but any previous course related to any aspect of China would be helpful.)
A writing intensive course to explore China’s path to modernization from the 17th century to the present. It examines the political, economic, social, cultural, and intellectual transformations in China, and the internal and external driving forces and personalities that have shaped these transformations. |
HIST 295 - (CH) Britain: Past and Present 3 cr. (Prerequisite: any 100 level History course)
Combines with travel experience in Great Britain to introduce the student to the major historical, cultural, political, economic and social events in Britain’s past and present. |
HIST 296 - (D,CH) Italian History and Heritage 3 cr. Combines with a travel experience to introduce the student to Italy’s cultural heritage and the history of the current Italian Republic. Students will visit sites of historic, artistic and religious significance as well as important places of the contemporary Italian republic. |
HIST 314 - Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1877 3 cr. (Prerequisite: HIST 110 )
Crisis Decade, disintegration of national bonds; The War: resources, leadership, strategy, politics, monetary policy, diplomacy; Reconstruction: realistic alternatives, presidential and congressional phases, effects in the North and South. |
HIST 315 - America and the World, 1877-1929 3 cr. (Prerequisite: HIST 111 )
A study of American society from the end of Reconstruction through the “Roaring Twenties.” Topics include the emergence of the U.S. as a world power; Populism and Progressivism; women’s rights, the Spanish-American War and the First World War; immigration and Prohibition; race riots and cultural conflict. |
HIST 316 - (CH) From Depression to Cold War: 1929-1960 3 cr. A study of American society from the Great Depression to the election of 1960. The course will focus on the New Deal; American entry into World War II; the origins of the Cold War; and America in the age of “consensus.” |
HIST 319-320 - Byzantine Civilization 6 cr. The Byzantine Empire from its origins in the fourth century to its collapse in the 15th; the political and economic growth of the Empire with emphasis on its art and religion. |
HIST 321 - (CH) American Ideas and Culture 3 cr. (Prerequisites: HIST 110 )
History of American art, architecture, literature and thought; Colonial developments; the American enlightenment; the emergence of a national culture; Romanticism, post-Civil War realism in American art and literature; the intellectual response to the industrial order; the American mind in the 1920s; the intellectual and cultural response to the Depression; post–World War II developments. |
HIST 322 - (CH) American Ideas and Culture 3 cr. (Prerequisites: HIST 111 )
History of American art, architecture, literature and thought; Colonial developments; the American enlightenment; the emergence of a national culture; Romanticism, post-Civil War realism in American art and literature; the intellectual response to the industrial order; the American mind in the 1920s; the intellectual and cultural response to the Depression; post–World War II developments. |
HIST 323 - The Renaissance 3 cr. A study of culture in Italy from the 14th to the 16th centuries. Humanism, art, historiography and politics will be emphasized. |
HIST 324 - The Reformation 3 cr. The history of Europe during the era of religious revivalism (16th century). The course will focus on the magisterial Protestant reformers, the Catholic Counter-Reformation and dynastic politics. |
HIST 327 - (CH,D,W) The African Experience in Latin America 1500-1900 3 cr. (Prerequisite: One of the following – HIST 125 , HIST 126 , PS 219 , SPAN 314 , PHIL 242 )
Examines the experiences of Africans in the colonies and former colonies of Latin America and the Caribbean with emphasis on Spanish America and Portuguese Brazil. Units will highlight slavery, the response of slaves to subjugation; the role of free Africans and men and women of color, inter marriage, religion and music. |
HIST 330 - Europe, 1815-1914 3 cr. (Prerequisite: HIST 121 )
A study of 19th-century Europe concentrating on The Congress of Vienna and its aftermath, the Age of Nationalism and Realism, European Dynamism and the non-European world, and the Age of Modernity and Anxiety. |
HIST 331 - (CH) Recent U.S. History: 1960 to the Present 3 cr. A study of American society since 1960. The course will focus on the New Frontier and Great Society; the Vietnam War; protest movements; Watergate; and the conservative response to these developments. |
HIST 333 - Twentieth-Century Europe to 1945 3 cr. World War I; Treaty of Versailles; Russia becomes the USSR; social and cultural developments; the European struggle for security; Italian Fascism; rise of Nazi Germany; World War II. |
HIST 334 - Twentieth-Century Europe After 1945 3 cr. Loss of colonial empires in Africa and Asia; development of the Cold War; Marshall Plan and NATO; Post-war prosperity; cultural and social developments; the Fall of Communism. |
HIST 335 - World War II, Cold War and Détente 3 cr. The diplomacy of World War II; the development of the Cold War between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. and the adoption of the policy of detente. |
HIST 336 - History of American Law 3 cr. (Prerequisites: HIST 110 -HIST 111 )
Traces the history of ideas and concepts utilized by the courts, legislature, organized bar and administrative agencies to solve legal problems: and shows how American legal thought and reasoning developed from Colonial days to the present. |
HIST 337 - English Constitutional and Legal History 3 cr. Anglo-Saxon basis; Norman political institutions; Magna Carta; beginnings of common law; jury system; Tudor absolutism; struggle for sovereignty; rise of House of Commons; democratic reforms; extension of administrative law. |
HIST 338 - American Foreign Relations 1776 - 1900 3 cr. (Prerequisites: HIST 110 )
A study of American diplomatic history and principles, including an examination of the American Revolution, the Early American Republic, The War of 1812, The Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destiny, The Civil War, and the Spanish-American War. |
HIST 339 - 20th Century American Foreign Relations 3 cr. (Prerequisites: HIST 111 )
A study of American diplomatic history and principles including an examination of the Spanish American War, Latin American diplomacy in the 20th century, World War I, World War II, and the Cold War. |
HIST 340 - History of Urban America 3 cr. (Prerequisites: HIST 110 -HIST 111 )
The evolution of cities in the United States from the founding of colonial settlements to the end of the 20th century. The nature of cities and urban life, the process and impact of urban growth, and the problems facing contemporary cities will all be considered. |
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