Undergraduate Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Course Descriptions
PHYS 113 - (E) The Science of Light and Photography 3 cr. An introductory-level science course intended for non-science majors covers the basic science of light and its application in the technology of photography. Topics range from a historical overview of early photographic methods to modern digital cameras. The scientific principles of light waves and rays, the optics of lenses, the process involved in picture taking and the formation and development of the image. Topics include the nature of light, laws of optics, development of black and white and color images, and digital electronics for photographic capture and display. (Not for major elective credit in Physics, Biophysics or EE.) |
PHYS 114 - Solar Electricity 3 cr. The history, physics and engineering of obtaining energy from the sun, with special attention to environmental impact of Photovoltaic (PV) technology. Topics include: environmental protection, economic growth, job creation, diversity of supply, rapid deployment, technology transfer and innovation with a free, abundant and inexhaustible fuel source. (Not for major elective credit in Physics, Biophysics or Electrical Engineering.) |
PHYS 115 - (E) It’s Only Rocket Science 3 cr. (Prerequisite: High school algebra, geometry, and very basic trigonometry)
Covering topics from rocket launches and propulsion to spacecraft navigation and orbit, this course will demystify rocket science by explaining an otherwise complicated science in common language. Through these topics students will examine the physical concepts of gravitation, momentum, energy, basic force laws, and motion. |
PHYS 120/PHYS 120L - (E) General Physics I 4 cr. (Prerequisites: MATH 103 or a math placement PT score of 14 or higher)
Emphasizes quantitative and conceptual understanding of the topics of introductory physics developed without use of calculus. Topics include vectors, kinematics, force and the laws of motion, momentum, work, energy, rotational equilibrium, rotational dynamics, solids and fluids, periodic motion, wave characteristics, sound, and thermodynamics. Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory. |
PHYS 121/PHYS 121L - (E) General Physics II 4 cr. (Prerequisite: PHYS 120/PHYS 120L )
Emphasizes quantitative and conceptual understanding of the topics of introductory physics developed without use of calculus. Topics include electric forces and electric fields, electric potential, capacitance, current, resistance, dc circuits, magnetic field and magnetic force, inductance, induced emf, electromagnetic waves, geometrical and physical optics, optical instruments, and an introduction to modern physics. Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory. |
PHYS 140/PHYS 140L - (E) Elements of Physics I 4 cr. (Co-requisite: MATH 114 )
Calculus-based introduction to physics covering linear and rational kinematics, Newton’s laws, conservation of momentum and energy, the work-energy theorem, gravitation, oscillations, and waves. Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory. |
PHYS 141/PHYS 141L - (E) Elements of Physics II 4 cr. (Prerequisite: PHYS 140/PHYS 140L , Co-requisite MATH 221 )
Calculus-based introduction to physics covering waves of sound and light, superposition, interference, geometrical and ray optics, electrostatics, electric field, electric potential, current, capacitance, resistance, circuits, magnetic field, magnetic force, and induced emf. Three hours lecture and two hours laboratory. |
PHYS 201 - (E) Stellar Evolution 3 cr. An introduction to astrophysics for non-science students. Topics include the sun, stars and the universe, including evolution, birth, lifetimes an deaths; remnants of stars and exotic entities such as neutron stars, quasars, and black holes; galaxies and galaxy formations; the expanding universe; red shifts and cosmological principles; and grand unified theories. |
PHYS 204 - (E) Information Technology 3 cr. Lectures and demonstrations are designed to describe and explain the basics of information technology and engineering for students outside the technical disciplines. Data representation, graphics and visual information, data compression, data transmission and network technology. |
PHYS 250L - Electronics for Physicists 1 cr. (Prerequisites: PHYS 140L , PHYS 141L )
In this laboratory course, students will learn to analyze and construct basic circuits needed for data acquisition and signal processing. Topics covered are design and prototype simple analog and digital circuits that can be used for data acquisition, basic noise reduction techniques, including band pass filters and lock-in detection, amplifiers, oscillators, sensors, and optoelectronics. |
PHYS 255 - (E) Nanotechnology: Physics of Small Systems 3 cr. (Prerequisites: PHYS 121/PHYS 121L and MATH 114 )
Understanding small systems: Nano-scale physics and applications: nanomaterials, nanomechanics, nanophotonics, nano thermodynamics, nano-biotech. Transport process in nano systems.
PHYS 333 - Experimental Methods in Physics 3 cr. (Prerequisite: PHYS 270/PHYS 270L )
Hands-on experience with experiments and experimental techniques in contemporary physics. Student will select up to 4 experiments that cover topics such as gamma ray spectroscopy, the Zeeman effect, interferometry, scattering of light, nuclear magnetic resonance, neutron activation, ultrasonics and Fourier spectroscopy. |
PHYS 350 - Applied and Engineering Mathematics 3 cr. (Prerequisites: MATH 222 , PHYS 141/PHYS 141L )
This course derives and solves first and second-order ordinary and partial differential equations as applied to physical systems. Fourier series, Fourier transforms, and Laplace transforms are included; as well as, special functions, such as Bessel and Legendre. MAPLE and MATHEMATICA software are utilized. Three hours lecture. (Credit cannot be earned for PHYS 350 and ENGR 350 ) |
PHYS 351 - Mathematical Physics II 3 cr. This course includes the following applied mathematical approaches and applications: functions of complex variables, theory of residues, conformational mapping, Fourier, Laplace, Hilbert and Wavelet transforms, numerical solutions to differential equations, and Green’s functions. MAPLE and MATHEMATICA software are utilized. |
PHYS 360 - Introductory Astrophysics 3 cr. (Prerequisite: PHYS 270/PHYS 270L )
This course is an advanced survey of modern astrophysics theory and practice, covering the dynamics and formation of the solar system, the formation and evolution of stars, the structure of galaxies, and the makeup of the observable universe. |
PHYS 365 - Introduction to Solid State Physics 3 cr. (Prerequisites: PHYS 270 or ENGR 252 (EE majors), ENGR 350 )
A physics course designed for senior Physics and Electrical Engineering majors and focusing on the Quantum Theory of solids including: fundamentals of crystals, wave diffraction in crystals, reciprocal lattices, crystal binding, phonons and phonon scattering, free-electron Fermi gases, energy bands, periodic potentials, semiconductor theory, superconductors, quantum theory of diamagnetism, optical processes in semiconductors and optoelectronic devices, quantum mechanics and electronic structure of graphene, graphene-based nanostructures, quantum electronic devices. (Credits may not be earned for both PHYS 365 and ENGR 365 .) |
PHYS 371 - Advanced Mechanics 3 cr. (Pre- or co-requisite: MATH 341 )
Comprehensive course in Newtonian dynamics, variational principles, Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s equations; theory of small oscillations and specialized nonlinear differential equations in mechanical systems. |
PHYS 404 - Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics 3 cr. (Prerequisites: PHYS 270/PHYS 270L , MATH 222 , PHYS 372 )
An introduction to nuclear and particle physics. Topics to be covered in nuclear physics include the size and shape of nuclei, the liquid drop model, radioactivity, scattering, and the weak interaction. Topics to be covered in particle physics include the quark model of nucleons, and Feynman diagrams. |
PHYS 447 - Electromagnetics I 3 cr. (Prerequisite: PHYS 270/PHYS 270L ; pre- or co-requisite: PHYS 350 )
Vector calculus, electrostatics (Coulomb’s law, E-fields), Gauss’s law, Maxwell equations, Gauss’s law, potentials, electric dipoles, Energy density in electrostatic fields, Electric fields in material space, dielectrics; Boundary conditions, Poisson’s, Laplace’s equations; Uniqueness theorem, resistance and capacitance, method of images, Magnetostatics, Biot-Savart’s Law, magnetic forces, vector potentials, magnetic flux density. (Credit cannot be earned for PHYS 447 and EE 447 .) |
PHYS 448 - Electromagnetics II 3 cr. (Prerequisite: PHYS 447 or EE 447 )
Magnetic materials, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law, vector potentials, Magnetic forces, Magnetic dipoles, Magnetization, Inductors, Magnetic energy, Magnetic circuits; Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic wave propagation, plane waves, power propagation; Reflection/Transmission/Polarization; Transmission lines; Waveguides, resonators; Radiation, Hertzian dipoles, antennas; Relativistic electromagnetics, Maxwell’s equations unified. (Credit cannot be earned for PHYS 448 and EE 448 .) |
PHYS 448L - Electromagnetics Design Laboratory 1 cr. (Co-requisite: PHYS 448 )
Laboratory designed to emphasis and reinforce the experimental basis of electromagnetism. Multi-week projects require the student to perform experiments that measure fundamental electrical constants, the electrical and magnetic properties of matter, and the properties of electromagnetic waves. Two hours laboratory. (Credit cannot be earned for PHYS 448L and EE 448L ) |
PHYS 460 - Non-linear Systems and Chaos 3 cr. An introduction to qualitative and geometric methods to study nonlinear ordinary differential equations and discrete time maps. Topics include first-order differential equations and their bifurcations, phase plane analysis, limit cycles, Lorenz equations, chaos, iterated maps, period doubling, renormalization, fractals, and strange attractors. |
PHYS 473 - Optics 3 cr. (Prerequisites: PHYS 270/PHYS 270L , MATH 341 or PHYS 350 )
An introduction to the principles of geometrical, physical and quantum optics. Topics to be covered include ray and wave optics, superposition, diffraction, interference, polarization, Fourier methods, and coherence theory. Practical devices such as photo detectors and light sources will also be discussed. Three hours lecture. |
PHYS 473L - Optics Lab 1 cr. Laboratory designed to emphasize and reinforce the key concepts in optics. Multi-week projects require the student to perform experiments in a range of topics including interferometry, spatial filtering, interference and diffraction, polarization, scattering, and holography. Two hour laboratory. |
PHYS 474 - Acoustics 3 cr. (Prerequisite: PHYS 350 )
This course covers the fundamentals of vibration as applied to one-, two- and three-dimensional systems of solids and fluids. Reflection, transmission, absorption, attenuation, and radiation are covered. Resonators and wave guides and filters are studied along with the fundamentals of transducers. Acoustical issues in hearing are covered, time permitting. |
PHYS 475 - Digital Image Processing 3 cr. (Prerequisites: PHYS 141/PHYS 141L or PHYS 121/PHYS 121L and CMPS 134 )
Digital image processing is a modern scientific and engineering technique employed to enhance and extract details of images in diverse fields such as medicine, military, industry, and artistic photography. This course will make use of the Matlab programming package for algorithmic development. The student will develop algorithms and implement code for automated image analysis.
(Credits may not be earned for both PHYS 475 and EE 475 .) (Offered alternate years.)
PHYS 493 - Undergraduate Physics Research I 1 cr. (Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor)
Undergraduate Physics Research I, the first in a two semester sequence is a one hour seminar intended for students doing research with a faculty member in the Physics/EE department. Students will learn data analysis, physics literature searches and time management. A written progress report is required at the end of the semester. |
PHYS 494 - Undergraduate Physics Research II 1 cr. (Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor)(Prerequisite: PHYS 493 )
Undergraduate Physics Research II, the second in a 2 semester sequence, is a one hour seminar intended for students doing research with a faculty member in the Physics/EE department. Students will continue their research project, and weekly meetings will concentrate on time management, data analysis and thesis writing. The thesis must be defended at the end of the semester.
PORT 110 - (CF) Intensive Beginning Portuguese 4 cr. A video-based introduction to Brazilian Portuguese, this course covers basic grammar and vocabulary needed for listening, speaking, reading, and writing Portuguese. Students will also develop some cultural understanding of Brazil, Portugal, and other Lusophone countries. Meets four days a week. Taught in Portuguese. Includes activities inside and/or outside the classroom that involve Language Learning Center (language lab) resources. Offered fall only, alternate years. |
PORT 210 - (CF,D) Intensive Intermediate Portuguese 4 cr. (Prerequisite: PORT 110 or equivalent)
A continuation of elementary Portuguese. Students will refine, through oral and written activities, literary and other readings, and video, and film, the skills learned in PORT 110. Cultural knowledge of the Lusophone world will also be further developed. Meets four days a week. Taught in Portuguese. Includes activities inside and/or outside the classroom that involve Language Learning Center (language lab) resources. Offered spring only, alternate years. |
PS 130 - (S) American National Government I 3 cr. Addresses key principles of American government: democracy, constitutionalism, separation of powers, and federalism. It also covers political parties, voting, public opinion, interest groups and the media. |
PS 131 - (S) American National Government II 3 cr. Addresses structures and functions of the branches of government: Congress, the presidency, bureaucracy, and the courts. It also covers civil rights and civil liberties, and an overview of domestic and foreign policies. |
PS 135 - (S) State and Local Government 3 cr. The structures, scope, processes, and politics of state and local governments are analyzed. Also considered: the constitutional position of state and local governments; the changing relationships among federal, state and local governments; and policy areas of interest to students in the class (educational policy, criminal justice policy, etc.). |
PS 140 - (FYOC, FYDT) Scranton and the World 3 cr. Introduces students to the scope (what we study) and methods (how we study) of political science through an analysis of major sociopolitical issues, philosophies, and public policy perspectives of the discipline’s subfields; makes students more sophisticated consumers of diverse empirical research; and develops abilities to gather, evaluate, and disseminate information. |
PS 212 - International Relations 3 cr. This course examines the prominent tenets of international relations as an academic discipline. Secondly, students are provided with basic knowledge and tools for analyzing the international system as it unfolds today. A constant theme is bridging the gap between theory and practice of international relations. |
PS 213 - (D) Modern Africa 3 cr. An introduction to the politics of major African states with emphasis on ethnic, racial, and religious tensions as well as the geopolitics of the region. |
PS 216 - (D,S) Women’s Rights and Status 3 cr. This course examines public policies that impact the legal, political, economic, and social status of women in the U.S. A historical exploration of women’s rights will be the foundation for the examination of women’s rights and status today. The future prospects of women’s rights and status will also be discussed. |
PS 217 - Comparative Government 3 cr. Political institutions of Germany, France, Britain, and selected Third World nations are analyzed with focus on elections, parties, interest groups and foreign policies. |
PS 218 - East European Politics 3 cr. This course examines the history and politics of East Europe from Poland to the Balkans and from Germany to the Ukraine during the 20th century. Special attention is given to ethnic politics before and after the communist period and the economics of the new privatization and its problems. |
PS 219 - (S,D) Survey of Latin American Politics 3 cr. An overview of the political cultures and political dynamics of Latin America. A series of representative nations is examined to provide a general overview of the region. Topics include historical figures and events, the processes of democratization and modernization, and issues in contemporary politics. |
PS 220 - (S,D) Ideologies 3 cr. A study of the three major political ideologies that shaped the 20th century (communism, fascism, and liberalism) and of those that may shape the twenty-first: feminism, racism, egalitarianism, environmentalism, libertarianism, and communitarianism. |
PS 221 - Politics of Southeast Asia 3 cr. Domestic politics of Southeast Asia and international politics affecting the region. The ASEAN nations (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Brunei) and Myanmar, the region’s only socialist country, along with the three communist states of Indochina: Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are considered; spheres of influence and capitalism versus state socialism as a lever of economic development are also discussed. |
PS 222 - Politics in Russia 3 cr. This course considers Russian politics and colonialism from the Revolution to contemporary economic efforts to move toward capitalism. The politics of the remnants of the Soviet empire are examined and Stalin and the Bolshevik experiment are also examined. |
PS 223 - Politics of Ireland 3 cr. Ireland’s political history predates the creation of the Irish Free State in 1922 and this course examines the major events and important influences that led to the creation of the Irish polity and political structures as well as contemporary politics in the Republic of Ireland. The Irish Constitution, Irish parliamentary government, the political parties, and contemporary political issues are covered. |
PS 227 - (D,S) Women, Authority and Power 3 cr. This course studies the historical and current paradox of women and U.S. public policy decision making. It examines the role of women in pressure politics, their integration into positions of political authority, and the future prospects for the political power and authority of women. |
PS 230 - (S) Environmental Laws and Regulations 3 cr. Consideration of the variety of statutory laws legislated by Congress, as well as the variety of administrative rules and regulations promulgated by the executive branch. Policy areas include air pollution, water pollution, solid and toxic waste disposal, management of public lands, and the regulation of nuclear power. Course also includes a brief introduction to international cooperation and conflict. |
PS 231 - (S) Environmental Policy Process 3 cr. The role of legislative, executive, and judicial institutions in shaping the content of environment policy. Discussion of the processes by which such policies are formulated and implemented, including consideration of the impact of federalism. |
PS 232 - Public Administration 3 cr. A study of the structures, scope and processes of American public bureaucracies. The growth of the executive branches of governments, the role of public bureaucracies in our democratic government, and the experiences of American public bureaucrats are analyzed. |
PS 240 - (Q,W) Research Methods in Political Science 3 cr. Consideration of both qualitative and quantitative research methods in the study of Political Science. Topics include: primary source material, legal research, analysis of aggregate data, analysis of survey data and use of focus groups. Special consideration is given to survey research and public opinion polling. Course also introduces principles of univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques. |
PS 280 - Pre-Law Internship 3 cr. Permission of faculty advisor and department chair required for internship registration. |
PS 296 - Irish Political Culture 3 cr. Irish political culture is summarized as “all politics is local.” This course examines Irish political culture and contemporary issues through interactions with Deputies in the Irish Parliament, staff, officials in Government Departments, officials of the political parties, and community leaders. The location is Dublin with trips to other locations. |
PS 311 - Constitutional Law I 3 cr. An examination, by means of case law, of the demands of liberty and the demands of democracy within the American Constitution. Topics include federalism, the separation and division of powers, social issues tied to industrialization and urbanization, commercial and property rights, and the rights of the poor and the oppressed as they arise in our legal framework. |
PS 312 - Constitutional Law II 3 cr. An examination, by means of case law, of the demands of liberty and the demands of democracy within the American Constitution. Topics include federalism, the separation and division of powers, social issues tied to industrialization and urbanization, commercial and property rights, and the rights of the poor and the oppressed as they arise in our legal framework. |
PS 313 - (D) Classical Political Ideas 3 cr. An examination of philosophical questions about politics (including the nature of law, morals, justice, and authority; and the role of ideas in political and social life) in classical texts from East and West, from Lao Tzu and Plato to the beginnings of modernity and Machiavelli. |
PS 314 - (D) Modern Political Ideas 3 cr. An examination of philosophical questions and politics (including the nature of law, morals, justice, and authority; and the role of ideas in political and social life) in modern texts from East and West, from the beginnings of modernity with Machiavelli to Marx and Mao. |
PS 315 - Contemporary Political Thought 3 cr. A study, based on primary materials, of the current state of the controversies in contemporary political thinking. A wide range of perspectives, from far left to far right, will be analyzed and critically examined. Minimally, the works of John Rawls, Robert Nozick, C.B. MacPherson, Isaiah Berlin, and Leo Strauss will be included. |
PS 316 - Jurisprudence 3 cr. An examination of the differences between “the law” and “the laws”; the nature of legal systems; the nature and grounds of political, moral and legal obligations, and the controversy between the traditions of Natural Law and Positive Law. |
PS 317 - Parties, Elections, and Interest Groups 3 cr. Discussion of the historical development and current status of political parties and interest groups in the United States. Emphasis on the functions performed by political parties in our system vs. their functions in other systems, such as parliamentary democracies. Emphasis also on factors shaping the creation, maintenance, and political power of organized interest groups. |
PS 318 - (W) U.S. Foreign Policy: Cold War and Aftermath 3 cr. Examines and analyzes critically the content of American foreign policy in the Cold War and post–Cold War eras. Special emphasis on themes, goals and means of American foreign policy, particularly national security. |
PS 319 - (W) U.S. Foreign Policy Process 3 cr. Examines the actual formulation and implementation of American foreign policy within the decision-making process. Analyzes what the process is, who the decision makers are, and internal and external variables of policy making in the U.S. Involves at least two in-depth American foreign policy case studies. |
PS 322 - Public Personnel 3 cr. (Prerequisites: At least two of PS 130 , PS 131 , PS 135 , PS 231 , PS 232 or permission of instructor)
An examination of public personnel administration and management. Theories of organization, personnel management, civil service history, current issues in personnel administration and management are considered. |
PS 323 - (S,D) Central America 3 cr. This course provides an overview of contemporary Central American politics. Special attention is given to the revolutionary upheavals in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala. This course also explores current challenges to the region’s economic and political development such as crime, free trade and relations with the United States. |
PS 326 - Theories of Political Economy 3 cr. An examination of the works of the great thinkers in the tradition of the political economy, and an extensive study of the historical evolution of theories of value, the creation of value and the increase of productive abilities. |
PS 327 - U.S. Congress 3 cr. Reading and discussion of selected Federalist Papers in order to appreciate the founders’ views on human nature, the nature of government, democracy, and legislatures. An examination of the structure and function of the contemporary United States Congress, including the impact of political parties and interest groups on the business of Congress. Theories of representation are also considered. |
PS 328 - (D) Modern China 3 cr. Study of modern Chinese politics in the 19th and 20th centuries. Problems of modernization, Westernization, and communism in the People’s Republic of China. |
PS 329 - The American Presidency 3 cr. This course focuses on the American presidency – historical development, powers of the office, elections, models of the presidency and, to a lesser extent, the relations between the president and Congress, and the president and the Judiciary. |
PS 330 - Western Europe in World Affairs 3 cr. This seminar provides an historical, political, and analytical foundation for understanding the profound political and economic changes facing Europeans today. This involves studying the two world wars, the formation of Cold-War alliances and security systems, the European integration movement, the foreign policies of major European states, and organization of post–Cold War Europe. |
PS 331 - (W) The European Union 3 cr. (Enrollment only by permission from the professor.)
Provides an in-depth study of the European Union and its 25 member states in order to prepare students for an intercollegiate simulation of the EU, which is held in Washington, D.C., each December. Students examine the EU’s theoretical and historical foundations, its institutions and policy procedures, and the ongoing challenges for European integration. |
PS 332 - (D) Modern Japan 3 cr. This course examines the history and politics of Japan; the period of the shoguns; the reforms of the modernizing Meiji era at the end of the 19th century; the Japanese effort to conquer Asia; the postwar political structure; the question, “Is Japan a democracy?”; and the economic miracle of the present. |
PS 333 - United States-Latin American Relations 3 cr. An introduction to the political, economic, and security relations between Latin America and the United States from the beginning of the 19th century through the present day. Present day topics include regional trade arrangements, democracy promotion, drug trafficking, immigration and the impact of 9/11. |
PS 334 - Comparative Civil Wars 3 cr. (Prerequisites: At least one of PS 212 , PS 217 , PS 240 or permission of instructor)
The course introduces students to the comparative study of civil war. We discuss conceptual issues, review arguments related to their origins, examine how they vary in terms of intensity, use of child soldiers, refugee movements, and violence against civilians, and investigate how they end.
PS 335 - (D) Women in the Global Community 3 cr. Examines women’s experiences in a global context. Studies women who emerge as elected political representatives and policy makers in various international arenas. Considers women as citizens in a complex global community, by exploring the abuse of women in war, and women’s empowerment to fight global poverty and protect women’s rights. |
PS 338 - Politics of Islam 3 cr. The political ideology of Islam; efforts to establish theocracies in a number of states from Iran to Egypt to Malaysia and Indonesia; Islam as a political opposition in such countries as the Philippines, Russia, and China; Shiite versus Sunni sects; the politics of Israel and the Islamic states of the Middle East; OPEC; the Palestinian question; political terrorism; Islam as an expansionist ideology. |
PS 338J - Politics of Islam 3 cr. The political ideology of Islam; efforts to establish theocracies in a number of states from Iran to Egypt to Malaysia and Indonesia; Islam as a political opposition in such countries as the Philippines, Russia, and China; Shiite versus Sunni sects; the politics of Israel and the Islamic states of the Middle East; OPEC; the Palestinian question; political terrorism; Islam as an expansionist ideology. |
PS 340 - (W) September 11, 2001 and Beyond 3 cr. Analyzes the major social and political events directly related to September 11, 2001. It examines the causes and consequences of 9/11 including the emergence of Al Qaeda, U.S. involvement in the Middle East, and U.S. efforts to ensure the safety of Americans at home and abroad. |
PS 384 - Special Topics in Political Science 3 cr. Study and analysis of selected topics in the field of Political Science. The particular topic or topics will vary from year to year depending on the instructor and changing student needs. |
PS 480 - Political Science Internship I 3-6 cr. Permission of faculty advisor and department chair required for internship registration. |
PS 481 - Political Science Internship II 3-6 cr. Permission of faculty advisor and department chair required for internship registration. |
PSYC 105 - (E) Brain and Human Nature 3 cr. An examination of the human mind, brain and why we are the way we are. Topics include the mind-body problem, the nature of consciousness, the evolution of behavior, addictions (e.g., love), eating disorders, depression, and aggression. (Credit cannot be earned for this course and PSYC 231 or NEUR 231 ; not open to Psychology majors or minors.) |
PSYC 106 - (E) Drugs and Behavior 3 cr. This course will examine interactions between drugs and behavior. Behavioral topics will include: tolerance, addiction, learning, aggression, sexual behavior, eating, anxiety, depression and schizophrenia. Drug/drug categories will include: alcohol, cannabis, opiates, antidepressants and anti-anxiety. (Credit cannot be earned for PSYC 106 and PSYC 339 or NEUR 339 ; not open to Psychology majors or minors.) |
PSYC 110 - (S) Fundamentals of Psychology 3 cr. An introduction to the scientific study of behavior through a survey of psychology’s principal methods, content areas and applications. Course requirements include participation in psychological research studies and preparation of short article reviews. |
PSYC 110L - Demonstrations for Fundamentals of Psychology 0.5 cr. This lab is offered only in the fall semester and is restricted to and required only for students who enter the University as freshman Psychology majors and who are enrolled in the Psychology majors’ fall section of PSYC 110 . It is team taught by the psychology faculty and will entail exercises, simulations and applications. Graded pass/fail. |
PSYC 210 - (Q) Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences 3 cr. Basic statistics in the behavioral sciences, including organization and display of data; measures of central tendency; variability; correlation and regression; one- and two-sample t-tests; confidence intervals, one-way and two-way analysis of variance, chi-square; and consideration of effect size, power, and null hypothesis testing including types of errors. May include an introduction to computerized statistical-analysis package/s. |
PSYC 220 - (S) Social Psychology 3 cr. (Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in PSYC 110 , AP or Transfer Credit)
Social determinants of behavior from a psychological perspective. Topics include liking, love, conformity, persuasion, attitude change, and person perception. |
PSYC 222 - (S) Adulthood and Aging 3 cr. (Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in PSYC 110 , AP or Transfer Credit)
Survey of psychological research dealing with the age-graded aspects of behavior in adulthood. Course will consider the physical, cognitive and social aspects of the aging process from late adolescence to death. Topics include occupation selection, marriage, parenthood, middle age, retirement and dying. |
PSYC 223 - Adolescence 3 cr. (Formerly PSYC 284) (Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in PSYC 110 , AP or Transfer Credit)
This course provides a survey of psychological research dealing with adolescence and considers the physical, cognitive, and social aspects of adolescence. Topics include adolescent egocentrism, importance of peers, family and school, as well as problem behaviors/emotional problems. Fall, odd years. |
PSYC 224 - (S) Personality and Individual Differences 3 cr.
(Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in PSYC 110 , AP or Transfer Credit)
A survey of scientific theory and research on human variation in personality and other behavioral domains. |
PSYC 225 - (S) Abnormal Psychology 3 cr. (Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in PSYC 110 , AP or Transfer Credit)
A comprehensive survey of mental and behavioral disorders from biological, psychological, and sociocultural perspectives. The course will consider diagnosis and labeling, overview of specific disorders, and various treatment approaches. |
PSYC 228 - Health Psychology 3 cr. (Prerequisite: PSYC 110 )
An overview of health psychology and its professional activities. Topics include methods of health promotion and disease prevention, theories of health behavior change, a biopsychosocial approach to treating chronic illnesses, stress/coping processes, pain management, social factors that affect health and illness, and the role of psychologists in integrated healthcare. |
PSYC 230 - Sensation and Perception 3-4 cr. (Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in PSYC 110 , AP or Transfer Credit)
Concerns the study of sensory mechanisms and perceptual phenomena. Optional lab entails supervised individual experimentation. Lecture, 3 credits; optional 1-credit laboratory, PSYC 230L. Lab fee; Lab offered periodically. |
PSYC 231 - (E) Behavioral Neuroscience 3-4.5 cr. (Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in PSYC 110 , AP or Transfer Credit or BIOL 141 -BIOL 142 )
Introduction to the field of neuroscience, examining the cellular bases of behavior, effects of drugs and behavior, brain/body correlates of motivation and emotion, and neural changes accompanying pathology. Three hours lecture and optional 1.5-credit laboratory, PSYC 231L. Lab fee; Lab offered fall only. (Credit cannot be earned for both NEUR 231 and PSYC 231.) |
PSYC 232 - Psychology of Language 3 cr. (Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in PSYC 110 , AP or Transfer Credit)
An introduction to the scientific study of the psychological processes underlying the ability to produce and understand language. Topics will include how humans learn language, how humans comprehend language, how humans speak, bilingualism, the relationship between language and thought, and language in non-human species. |
PSYC 233 - Evolutionary Psychology 3 cr. (Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in PSYC 110 , AP or Transfer Credit)
An introduction to the field of evolutionary psychology: the scientific study of human nature dedicated to discovering and understanding the mental adaptations that evolved to solve ancestral survival and reproductive problems. Topics discussed include eating, habitat selection, marriage, casual sex, parenting, kinship, cooperation, aggression, warfare, and conflict between the sexes. |
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