Undergraduate Catalog 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Military Science/Army ROTC
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Military Science/Army ROTC
Lieutenant Colonel Lars A. Wendt, Professor of Military Science/Department Chair
Master Sergeant Roland Cuellar, Senior Military Instructor
The Military Science Department offers courses in Leadership, Military History and Military Tactics to help prepare students to earn a commission in United States Army, U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard. Students take Military Science courses in addition to their normal academic workload. Courses are offered as part of three and four-year programs to provide students the leadership skills and understanding of the military they need in order to become future leaders in the United States Army.
In addition to the classroom instruction, students are required to take part in a weekly Leadership Lab which focuses on training students in basic military skills such as first aid, land navigation and small unit tactics. Students are also expected to enroll in the Department’s physical education program and complete physical training three mornings per week.
Students who are enrolled in Military Science Level 101/102 and 201/202 courses incur no military service obligation.
Students who successfully complete the Military Science program, as well as meet other prescribed standards by the University of Scranton may qualify to earn an academic minor in leadership.
Upon completion of the Military Science Program students should have a strong understanding of the following fields:
Leadership Skills & Attributes/Military Law/Physical Training/Small Unit Tactics/Military Administration & Management/Army Values/Ethical Decision Making.
Course Information
Courses for the Military Science/Army ROTC Program are listed under the prefixes MS and PHED. For more information on these courses, visit our Military Science/Army ROTC Department Courses page. For information and all courses offered, visit our Course Descriptions page.
For more information, visit the Military Science/ROTC website.
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