Oct 06, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2014-2015 
Undergraduate Catalog 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Honor Societies

Academic Honor Societies

National Honor Societies that are represented at The University of Scranton are listed below in order of the foundation of the local chapters.

* Indicates member of the Association of College Honor Societies.

Alpha Sigma Nu*

The National Jesuit Honor Society was founded in 1915 with chapters in 30 Jesuit universities throughout the United States. The Scranton chapter was founded in 1943, the oldest Honor Society in the University. It is the only Honor Society open to students and faculty in all disciplines and all colleges of the University. Its admission standards are the most rigorous. The Greek letters signify adelphotes skolastikon nikephoron – brotherhood of honor students. Juniors and seniors who have distinguished themselves in scholarship, loyalty and service are eligible for membership. Appointment is made by the president of the University on the recommendation of the moderator and nomination by chapter members of the Society. The Society annually presents the Alpha Sigma Nu University award for teaching.

Phi Alpha Theta*

Phi Alpha Theta is for undergraduate and graduate students and professors of history. Its mission is to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, good teaching, publication and the exchange of learning and ideas among historians. Basic requirements: 15 credits in history; grade point average of 3.5 in history and overall ranking in top 35% of class. 

Sigma Xi

International Honor Society in scientific research founded in 1886. The University’s chapter was chartered in 1968 and has been authorized since 1979 to induct as associate members undergraduate or graduate students showing outstanding promise in original research.

Sigma Pi Sigma*

National Honor Society in physics for undergraduate and graduate students, founded in 1921. Its chapters are restricted to colleges and universities of recognized standing which offer a strong physics major. The University’s chapter was founded in February 1969.

Omicron Delta Epsilon*

International Honor Society in economics. Basic requirements: 12 credit hours in economics with an overall grade point average of 3.0 and a 3.0 average in economics. The University’s Xi chapter of Pennsylvania was founded in May 1969.

Psi Chi*

International Honor Society in Psychology founded in 1937. This organization has chapters in 1,213 colleges and universities in all 50 states. The University’s chapter was installed in May 1969. Minimum qualifications include a major or minor in psychology, rank in the top 35th percentile in general scholarship, and superior scholarship in psychology.

Phi Delta Kappa

International professional fraternity for men and women in education. Membership is limited to graduate students and teachers. The University’s chapter was founded in 1970.

Pi Gamma Mu*

International Honor Society in social science. Founded in 1924 to improve scholarship in the social sciences and to encourage interdisciplinary study. Basic requirements: at least 60 hours of academic work, an overall grade point average of at least 3.4, with at least 21 hours in the disciplines of economics, human services, psychology, sociology, political science or history. The University’s chapter was founded in 1971.

Alpha Sigma Lambda

National Honor Society to encourage scholarship and leadership among adult students in continuing higher education. The Alpha Upsilon chapter was installed at the University in 1969.

Pi Mu Epsilon

National Honor Society for mathematics majors in junior or senior year with an overall grade point average of at least 3.33, and a 3.50 minimum average in mathematics. Biomathematics majors who meet the criteria can be nominated with an unsolicited recommendation from full-time mathematics faculty. The University’s chapter was installed in February 1973.

Alpha Mu Gamma

National Honor Society for students of foreign languages, founded in 1931. The Greek letters signify amphi mouse glosson: for the muse of languages. The University’s chapter of Theta Iota was installed in May 1973.

Phi Lamda Upsilon

National Honorary Chemical Society established in 1899. The University’s Beta Kappa chapter, one of 60 chapters nationwide, was installed in October 1975. For students with 24 credits in chemistry and a 3.0 grade point average.

Alpha Epsilon Delta*

The national Health Preprofessional Honor Society founded in 1926. The University’s Iota Chapter was installed in May 1976. Membership is open to students who have completed at least three semesters of pre-professional health work, have a minimum GPA of 3.2, and a science GPA of 3.2.

Theta Alpha Kappa*

National Honor Society in theology and religious studies founded in 1976 at Manhattan College. The University’s Alpha Nu chapter was installed in April 1980. Membership requires 12 credits in theology with an average of 3.5 and an overall grade point average of 3.0.

Sigma Tau Delta*

National Honor Society in English founded in 1924. This organization is for students who major in English or Theatre, and/or minors in English, Theatre, or Writing with a grade point average of 3.4 or better in English, Theatre and Writing courses and an overall grade point average of 3.4 or better. The University’s Mu Omicron chapter first met in April 1980.

Alpha Epsilon Alpha

An Honor Society founded in 1980 at The University of Scranton by Fr. Joseph Hamernick, S.J., to recognize students who excel in their general studies and especially in the field of communication. For senior-level communication majors with at least a 3.5 grade point average overall and in the major, and are in the top 10 percent of the senior class.

Alpha Kappa Delta*

International Honor Society for sociology students founded in 1920. Requirements include at least junior (third year) status and 12 credits in sociology with a grade point average of 3.0 both in sociology and overall. Students must also be in the top 35 percent of their class in general scholarship. The University’s Upsilon chapter was founded in May 1980.

Pi Sigma Alpha*

National Honor Society in political science founded in 1920. The Kappa Iota chapter at the University was installed in May 1980. Membership is limited to juniors and seniors with at least 18 credits (six courses) in political science, a grade point average of at least 3.4 in these courses, and overall rank in the top third of the class.

Alpha Phi Sigma*

The National Honor Society for criminal justice, founded in 1942. The University’s Epsilon Zeta chapter was installed in May 1982. Candidates must be a junior or senior having a criminal justice major or minor; complete at least four (4) criminal justice courses; maintain a 3.2 grade point average overall, as well as in criminal justice; and have class standing in the top 35%.

Phi Sigma Tau*

National Honor Society for students of philosophy. The University’s Tau chapter was installed in May 1982. Membership requires a major or minor in philosophy as well as excellence in philosophy, in both scholarly and extra-curricular activities. Induction is based on nomination and voting results of philosophy faculty and current members of the society.

Omega Beta Sigma

The Women’s Business Honor Society, founded in 1982 at The University of Scranton, to recognize academic excellence in students in business. Students must have at least a sophomore standing, a major or minor in some area of business, and an overall grade point average of 3.25.

Upsilon Pi Epsilon

The first and only existing International Honor Society in the Computing and Information Disciplines, founded in 1967, and endorsed by both of the corresponding professional organizations, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS).

The mission of UPE is to recognize academic excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the Computing and Information Disciplines. It is the expressed purpose of Upsilon Pi Epsilon to promote the computing sciences and to encourage its contribution to the enhancement of knowledge.

The University’s Gamma Chapter was founded in 1985 and now numbers over300 members. Information, including eligibility requirements, may be found at www.cs.scranton.edu/~upe.

Sigma Theta Tau*

International Honor Society of Nursing founded in 1922. The University’s Iota Omega Chapter was chartered in April 1988. Membership is by invitation to baccalaureate and graduate nursing students who demonstrate academic excellence in the scholarship and practice of professional nursing. Qualified candidates have demonstrated outstanding ability in nursing, and rank in the upper one-third of the class. This prestigious organization of leaders, scholars and researchers comprises a global community of nurses who lead in using knowledge, scholarship, service and learning to improve the health of the world’s people.

Kappa Delta Pi

International Honor Society for education established in 1911. The Sigma Chi chapter was installed at The University of Scranton in 1992. It joins more than 500 chapters around the world in fidelity to four cherished ideals: Humanity, Science, Service and Toil.

Beta Beta Beta

National Honor Society for biology founded in 1922. The University’s chapter, established in 1994, is one of more than 520 chapters in the United States and Puerto Rico. The society encourages undergraduate biological research through presentations at conventions, publication in the journal BIOS, and research/travel grants. All undergraduate students interested in biology may join as associate members. A regular member must be of sophomore or higher status with a 3.0 grade point average in biology and having completed at least three biology courses (one upper level) and in good academic standing at the University.

Beta Gamma Sigma*

Beta Gamma Sigma is the only business honor society recognized by AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. To be eligible for membership, the academic ranking of those being considered must place them in the upper 10% of the junior class, upper 10% of the senior class or upper 20% of the graduating master’s class. The University’s chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma was chartered in spring 1997.

Lambda Pi Eta*

The National Honor Society for communication majors was founded in 1985 to honor and encourage high levels of scholarship and leadership in the field of communications. The University’s chapter was installed in 1999. Membership in The University of Scranton’s chapter requires senior-level communication majors to have earned a GPA of at least 3.25, overall and in their major, and are in top 35 percent of the senior class.

Alpha Lambda Delta

The National Honor Society of freshmen, founded in 1924 to honor excellent academic achievement by students in the first year of study. The Richard H. Passon Chapter was installed at the University in March 2001. Membership requires enrollment as a full-time student in a degree program, a calculated grade point average of 3.5 or above at the end of the first semester of the freshman year, and a rank in the top 20% of the class.

Upsilon Phi Delta

The Upsilon Phi Delta Honor Society was founded in 1999 and established at The University of Scranton in 2002. This national organization recognizes graduate and undergraduate students in the health administration programs. Students must have a minimum overall grade point average of 3.25.

Phi Epsilon Kappa

National Honor Society for persons engaged in, or pursuing careers in exercise science, physical education, health, recreation, dance, human performance, sports medicine and sports management. PEK was founded in 1913, and the University’s chapter, Zeta Gamma, was chartered in May 2004 and recognizes exercise science majors in their junior year. Students must have an overall minimum grade point average of 3.3, and a 3.5 average in exercise science courses.

Nu Rho Psi

The National Honor Society for neuroscience was founded in 2007. The Alpha chapter was established at the University in 2006. For membership, students must have a demonstrated interest in neuroscience, an overall minimum grade point average of 3.2, and a 3.5 average in neuroscience-related courses.

Epsilon Eta

Since 1967, Eta Sigma Gamma’s mission is the “promotion of the discipline by elevating the standards, ideals, competence, and ethics of professional prepared men and women in Health Education.”  Membership is open to all Community Health Education majors who qualify with a minimum overall grade point average of 3.0 and a grade point average of at least a 3.2 in the major.  The Epsilon Eta chapter was installed at the University in 2012.