Oct 06, 2024  
Graduate Studies Catalog 2010-2011 
Graduate Studies Catalog 2010-2011 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations


Each new graduate student will be assigned a mentor to formulate a program of study and to supervise her/his work. It is suggested that students work closely with their mentors and that the courtesy of arranging appointments in advance with faculty members so designated be observed by all students.

Grading System

The following grades are used in graduate course work:

Grade Quality Points Per Credit Definition
A 4.00 Superior/outstanding
A- 3.67 Excellent
B+ 3.33 Very good
B 3.00 Good
B- 2.67 Fair
C+ 2.33 Passing grade
C 2.00 Minimal passing grade
F 0.00 Failure
S Not computed Satisfactory or Pass
U Not computed Unsatisfactory or Fail

S/U grading is authorized only for certain courses.

“IP” indicates that a student is registered for a thesis or an approved research project which has not been completed at the end of a given semester but for which satisfactory progress is being made. This grade is temporary and once the work has been  completed it must be converted to one of the permanent grade symbols.

“W” indicates that a student has withdrawn from a course.

“I” indicates postponement of the completion of a course. It is given at the discretion of the instructor to a student who is doing satisfactory work but who has not completed all of the course requirements at the end of a given semester. Given such an  extension, the student must complete all the required work, unless otherwise agreed, before the midpoint of the next regular semester. Failure to complete the necessary work within the stipulated time results in automatic conversion of the “Incomplete” to  a permanent grade of F.

“AU” indicates that a student has taken a course for which permission has been granted without grade’s being awarded. Students must secure such authorization prior to the start of a course. Entry of the audit grade on a transcript assumes satisfactory  attendance at class meetings. The student should consult with the instructor as to what constitutes satisfactory attendance.

“NG” is a temporary grade issued when a faculty member fails to meet the deadline for the submission of grade reports. Such temporary grades will be changed to permanent grade symbols when issued by the professor.

Special permission is not needed to repeat failed courses; however, prior approval of the CGCE dean is needed to repeat non-failed courses. The recording of grades for repeated courses shall be governed by the following conditions: 1. Credit for a course will be granted only once; 2. Credit for the course will be lost if the course is repeated and failed; 3. The most recent credit and grade will count toward the GPA with this exception: a “W” grade cannot replace another grade; 4. Each attempt to complete a course will be reported on the student’s transcript; 5. Ordinarily, a student may repeat a course only in the same mode in which it was originally taken; 6. A student repeating a course must so indicate on his/her registration form.

Regular attendance at class is considered a requisite for successful completion of a course.

Appeal of a Graduate Course Grade

A student who wishes to appeal the final grade in a graduate course should first contact the instructor of the course in order to remedy the situation informally. If, having met with the instructor, the student still thinks that he/she has been inappropriately  evaluated in the course, he/she may make a written request that the Chair of the faculty member’s department review the process by which the grade was determined. The written request must describe, in detail, the situation and reason for appealing the  course grade. The Chair will attempt to facilitate a reasonable solution at the departmental level. The Chair may make written recommendation to both the student and faculty member following the review. If the matter is not resolved at the departmental  level, then the student may request, in writing, that the Dean of CGCE review the matter. The Dean will conduct a review and provide a written decision to the student and faculty member. The Dean’s decision is final.

Waiver or Partial Waiver of Regulations

A graduate student seeking waiver or partial waiver of a CGCE requirement must petition in writing his/her Graduate Program Director explaining what relief is sought and why the student believes special consideration is justified. The Graduate Program  Director will review the petition and will send her/his recommendation to the Dean. The Dean will review the petition and inform the student of his/her decision. In all cases the decision of the Dean is final.

Standards of Progress

All graduate students must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 in order to graduate with a master’s or doctoral degree. In addition, all graduate students must maintain a cumulative graduate GPA of at least 3.0 in order to remain in  good standing.

A master’s degree seeking student whose cumulative graduate GPA falls between a 3.0 and 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. A master’s degree seeking student whose cumulative graduate GPA falls below a 2.0 will be subject to dismissal.

  1. If a student in a master’s program is placed on academic probation, then the student is required to earn a cumulative graduate GPA of a least 3.0 within the next three courses taken (normally nine hours of course work).
  2. Successful achievement of this expectation will result in the master’s degree seeking student being reinstated to regular academic status.
  3. Failure to fulfill this expectation may result in the dismissal of the master’s degree seeking student.
  4. Although there are no set limitation on the number of courses a master’s student may take in a semester while on academic probation, it is imperative that the student recognizes the necessity of improved academic performance in order to regain the  minimum graduate GPA of 3.0 within the next three courses.

A Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on academic probation.

  1. A DPT student must earn a 3.0 cumulative GPA (and be taken off probation) in order to enroll in internships (Summer II, Summer III, Spring III).
  2. A DPT student who does not earn a 3.0 cumulative GPA prior to an internship semester will be denied access to the internship and will be required to retake courses in order to achieve a 3.0 cumulative GPA. A DPT student is provided this opportunity only once.
  3. A student who fails to achieve a 3.0 cumulative GPA after retaking the same courses is subject to dismissal.
  4. A DPT student who earns an F in a DPT course is prohibited from continuing in the program until the failed course is retaken and the student earns a passing grade.
  5. A DPT student who earns more than one F in the DPT program is subject to dismissal.

A student on academic probation cannot apply for a graduate assistantship. A student who is a graduate assistant and who is placed on academic probation may be reappointed for a second year provided he/she is making reasonable progress toward  completion of degree requirements. In this situation, the student’s graduate program director will need to provide the Dean with a written recommendation presenting a sufficient case for reappointment.

Time Limit

All graduate work for a degree, including the thesis, must be completed within six years of the date when the first graduate level course is taken. Time spent in the armed forces is not included in the six-year period. Extension of this time restriction may be   granted for valid reasons at the discretion of the Dean.

Application for Degree

In order to qualify for award of the master’s or doctoral degree, a student must complete the Application for Degree form. This should be done prior to the Course Registration period for the term in which the student expects to finish all requirements. Copies of the form are available in the Office of Student Services and Advising or students may submit an online Application for Degree that can be found at http://lynx.scranton.edu/commencement/gdegree.html.

The University provides the opportunity for students who have completed degree requirements to graduate at the conclusion of each academic term: summer, fall, intersession, spring. Official dates of graduation are noted in the academic calendar.  Commencement exercises are held once in the academic year, at the conclusion of the spring term. Students who graduated in the previous summer, fall or intersession terms, as well as in the current spring term, may participate in these commencement exercises. Diplomas are awarded twice a year; in February for those who completed in August or December and at Commencement in May for those completing in January or May.

Transfer of Credits

Transfer of credits to graduate programs at The University of Scranton is governed by the following policies (special exceptions may pertain to affiliation programs):

  1. Credits for transfer must be earned at an accredited institution while enrolled as a graduate student;
  2. A maximum of nine graduate credits may be transferred for graduate programs requiring at least 39 credit hours for completion and six graduate credits may be transferred for graduate programs that require less than 39 credit hours for completion;
  3. Courses to be transferred must be integral to the student’s program of study;
  4. Transferred credits must have been taken within six years of the date of requested transfer to The University of Scranton;
  5. A grade of B or better is required in any course to be transferred and an official transcript demonstrating this must be submitted for work at other institutions (including course descriptions of the credits in question). A grade of Pass or Satisfactory is not  acceptable for transferred credits;
  6. The course to be transferred must be a regularly scheduled course and not a workshop.

Students matriculated at The University of Scranton may take courses at other accredited graduate schools for the purpose of transfer of credit only with the prior permission of their mentor and the Dean of CGCE.

Capstone Experience

Each student in a master’s degree program must complete a capstone experience in his/her field of study. For some programs, this will mean successfully passing a comprehensive examination given during the last semester of studies; some programs  will require the writing and defense of a master’s thesis or major research paper, directed by the student’s academic advisor, on a topic appropriate to the field of study; and other programs may require the writing and defense of a major paper, written in the program’s capstone course, which synthesizes the ideas, philosophy, and techniques learned in the program of study. Please refer to the relevant program-of-study section in this catalog for capstone experience requirements.

Following are CGCE’s requirements concerning the comprehensive examination and thesis.

Comprehensive Examination: Students who are required to take a comprehensive examination must apply to take the examination by the deadlines given in the academic calendar, using the Application for Comprehensive Examination form available in the  Office of Student Services and Advising. The examinations may be oral, written or both and are given on dates published in the academic calendar  in this catalog. The Director of the student’s program determines eligibility for the examination. Students should consult their mentor regarding the nature of the examination in their field. Students failing the comprehensive examination twice are subject to dismissal.

The College of Graduate and Continuing Education and the Weinberg Memorial Library will require the submission of both print and electronic versions of each master’s thesis. The Weinberg Memorial Library will preserve both versions: print theses will be stored in the Library’s Special Collections, while electronic theses will be included in the Library’s Digital Collections.

After the student’s graduate thesis committee has read and approved the thesis, the student will submit to the Weinberg Memorial Library the following materials:

  1. Two CGCE thesis approval forms, each signed by the thesis director/mentor and the members of the thesis evaluation committee. Forms are available in the CGCE Office of Student Services and Advising.
  2. One printed copy of the completed thesis. The print copy must be double-spaced, single-sided, and on acid-free paper. An original thesis approval form (one of the two) must be included. The print copy should not be bound or stapled.
  3. One digital copy of the completed thesis saved on a CD, DVD, or thumb drive. Acceptable file extensions include .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf. The digital copy must include a scan of the approval page signed by each reader. Students should contact the Library’s Digital Services Department at etheses@scranton.edu if they require the use of an alternative file format or have questions about digital theses.
  4. One Electronic Theses Approval Form, filled out and signed by the student. Forms are available at http://academic.scranton.edu/department/wml/taf.html.

All materials should be placed in a large envelope labeled with the student’s name. Students can submit materials by:

  • Dropping them off in person at the Weinberg Memorial Library Circulation Desk; or
  • Mailing all materials to:
                     Weinberg Memorial Library (Attn: Cataloging Department)
                     The University of Scranton
                     Scranton, PA 18510

Once all materials have been received, the Weinberg Memorial Library will forward one copy of the student’s signed thesis approval form to the College of Graduate and Continuing Education as confirmation of receipt. CGCE will send the student a confirmation email to announce the official acceptance of the thesis.

Dropping, Withdrawing from or Adding a Course

Students may officially drop a course by completing and returning to the Office of Student Services and Advising a “Schedule Change” form.

If they drop the course early in the semester, they will be entitled to a refund according to the schedule , and the drop will be treated as though the student had never registered for the course.

Beyond the refund period, a student may still withdraw from a course until the date indicated on the Academic Calendar. The student’s transcript will carry the number and title of the course with a grade of “W.”

Withdrawing from a course without completion and official acceptance of the appropriate form will result in a grade of “F.”

To add a course, the student must complete, and return to the Office of Student Services and Advising by the deadline indicated in the Academic Calendar, the “Schedule Change” form.

Note: There is a special fee for any course-related schedule change made after the first week of each term.

Courses Taken as Readers and Independent Studies

 The purpose of reader and independent study courses is to enable University of Scranton students in good academic and disciplinary standing to pursue a course of study that meets one of the following descriptions.

Readers are study experiences that replicate courses listed in the catalog and are offered to one or, less frequently, two students. These offerings are limited to meeting acute student programmatic need, as identified and accepted by the dean, and are not  meant to be offered routinely.

Independent Studies, experiences provided to academically successful students, are specially designed learning experiences and are not offered in the normal course listing.

Thesis, experiences are specially designed and are not offered in the normal course listing. These experiences are based on experimental work that involves intensive research activity and a public defense on the part of the student.

Students may take no more than one reader or independent study per term and no more than one reader or independent study per year, on average, during the course of their degree programs. Readers and independent studies are to be taken for the  same number of credits as are granted similar courses in the discipline in which the reader or independent study is offered. Readers and independent studies may not ordinarily be used to repeat failed courses.

The completed Reader and Independent Study forms should be submitted to the College of Graduate and Continuing Education by the last day to add courses as published in the University academic calendar. A fee of $60 per credit in addition to the  normal tuition will be charged.

Readers and independent studies are not available to visiting students. Faculty conducting independent study courses will provide the dean’s office with a copy of the syllabus, reading lists, and examinations used in the independent study. Normally, faculty are limited to mentoring no more than two students per semester in any combination of readers, independent studies, directed studies and special topics. Exceptions to this limitation can be made by the Dean for programmatic reasons or in response to  course cancellations.

Military Leave Policy

If a student is called or volunteers for active military duty while attending The University of Scranton, the University will do its best to protect the academic and financial interest of the student within the norms of good academic judgment. The student must  meet with the Dean of his/her college and provide proof of being called to active duty. The Dean, after conferring with the Director of Financial Aid, the Treasurer, the student’s current faculty, and the student, will decide the course of action. The Dean will then process the necessary paperwork and place the student on military leave status. If the student does not concur with the Dean’s decision, the student may appeal to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.The student is responsible for all room and  board and related expenses incurred. Deans must confer with the Financial Aid and Treasurer’s Offices before making decisions regarding refunds.

Student Course Evaluations

Because student course evaluations are a necessary part of the University’s program to enhance the quality of teaching, students are asked to complete an evaluation for each of their courses. Final grades are unavailable for one week in those cases  where students choose not to complete the evaluations.

Policy Changes, Academic Integrity, Student Conduct and Student Rights of Confidentiality

The University reserves the right to change any of the rules and regulations in this catalog. All such changes are effective at such times as the proper authorities determine and may apply not only to prospective students but also to those who are already  matriculated in the University. However, curricular changes shall not become effective until published in the catalog unless specifically approved for an earlier implementation date by the appropriate body. If a change is approved for implementation prior to  its publication in a catalog, the appropriate school, department, or program shall inform students affected by the change. Application of policies, rules, and requirements, including changes thereto, may be appealed to the dean of the student’s college.

The University reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action in the case of any student who conducts himself or herself contrary to the standards of the University. These standards (particularly the “Academic Code of Honesty” and the “Policies  Governing the University Community”) are given clear expression in the faculty and student handbooks of the University. The University also reserves the right to modify admissions requirements, the right to change tuition and fee charges, and the right to  change the semester schedule of courses.

The University of Scranton recognizes the privacy rights of individuals who are or who have been students, as guaranteed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. The complete “Student Rights and Confidentiality of Information  Policy” can be reviewed in the Office of Student Services and Advising. Any student wishing to prevent disclosure of information deemed permissible by FERPA may do so by notifying the Office of Student Services and Advising and completing the  appropriate form.

Special Note for Students

It is the personal responsibility of each student to acquire an active knowledge of all pertinent regulations set forth in the Graduate Studies Catalog.