Oct 25, 2024  
Graduate Studies Catalog 2010-2011 
Graduate Studies Catalog 2010-2011 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Community Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling, School Counseling

Click here to view the list of programs.

Dr. LeeAnn M. Eschbach, Chair, Counseling and Human Services 570-941-6299 http://academic.scranton.edu/department/chs/

Department faculty: Professors - Oliver J. Morgan; Associate Professors – Lori A. Bruch, Rebecca Spirito Dalgin, LeeAnn M. Eschbach, Elizabeth J. Jacob, Ann Marie Toloczko, Kevin S. Wilkerson; Assistant Professors – Amy T. Banner, Pornthip Chalungsooth, Paul Datti.  Counseling Training Center Director - Geri Barber.


The Department offers course work leading to Master of Science degrees in Community Counseling, Rehabilitation Counseling, and School Counseling. The Department also offers a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS) in professional counseling. The following policies and procedures apply to all these curricula. Specific curricular requirements are listed under the respective programs.

Admission Requirements

The applicant for admission to any departmental program must possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university and provide the Office of Admissions with evidence of satisfactory undergraduate preparation. The ordinary standard for admission is an undergraduate GPA of at least 2.75 on a grading scale of 4.00. Students falling below this level may submit other evidence of their ability to successfully complete a graduate program, such as grades in other graduate-level courses, a record of progressively higher work responsibilities, or scores from the Miller Analogies Test or Graduate Record Examination. These students may be accepted on a probationary basis. Students accepted on probation cannot enroll for more than six credits in a semester and must obtain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 after completing nine credits of course work to be removed from probation. International students whose native language is not English must demonstrate their proficiency in English. Please refer to International Student Section for information on acceptable English proficiency tests and test score requirements.

New students may start course work in the fall semester only. Students must submit their completed application to the Office of Admissions prior to March 1. Program Directors review applications and pay particular attention to each applicant’s ability to address program specific professional goals and professional identity in the statement of intentions. All students will be informed of an admission decision by April 15. Personal interviews with program faculty members prior to acceptance are required. School Counseling applicants participate in a group interview. All interviews are scheduled by program faculty shortly after the application deadline. All School Counseling applicants must complete the specially developed recommendation forms for the program and respond to three additional program specific essays in order to finalize their admissions packets.  Online application materials can be accessed on the web.  Preference for admission will be given to persons with undergraduate majors in social and behavioral sciences, education and other related fields. Additional preference is given to those persons possessing relevant work and/or volunteer experience. Applicants are expected to have completed a course in each of the following areas: Introduction to Statistics (Descriptive Statistics, Basic Inferential Statistics), Introduction to Theories of Personality, or Counseling or Psychotherapy and Lifespan Development (Developmental Psychology, Adulthood, Adolescence, Childhood, Growth and Development). It is expected that applicants demonstrate some competency in computer literacy (e-mail, Internet, work processing.)

The admissions process is highly competitive and faculty will select only those applicants best qualified for the program. Students will meet with their advisors prior to beginning the program and set up their first semester schedules.  The faculty will review annually each student’s professional and academic performance. Suggestions for continued student growth and plans for remediation will be presented and discussed with students by their Program Directors.

Standards of Progress and Transfer of Credits

Satisfactory progress in professional and academic performance is required for continuation in the program.  Please refer to Academic Regulations  regarding standards of progress and transfer of credits for the CGCE. Students who wish to waive a required course may petition the program director to do so. Courses waived will not reduce the number of credits required for graduation.

In addition to academic competence, the student is continuously evaluated on commitment to the program and the profession, and on personal and emotional characteristics and qualities related to successful professional performance. The Department’s “Fit for the Profession of Counseling” document, available in each program manual or from the Department Chair or Program Directors, outlines appropriate counselor qualities. Feedback on progress is provided by the student’s mentor on a regular basis.

When the faculty identify deficiencies in professional development which make a student unsuitable for performance of the professional role, the student and the Dean of the CGCE will be advised by the mentor of such an evaluation. The mentor will assist the student in developing a plan to remediate the deficiencies which have been identified and a suitable time frame for remediation will be established. Completion of one semester following notification will be considered the minimum time frame to be allowed for remediation of deficiencies. At the conclusion of the time designated, the faculty shall review the student’s performance and recommend to the Dean of the CGCE that the student should be retained, given additional time for remediation, or dismissed from the program. The student shall have the opportunity to present evidence to the program faculty prior to the recommendation to the Dean.

Capstone Experience

All students in the graduate programs of the Department of Counseling and Human Services are expected to demonstrate both theoretical and skill competence prior to graduation. This is accomplished through the comprehensive examination component of the Professional Counselor Portfolio.

This component is a reflection on personal and professional growth in relation to achieving the formal objectives of each particular graduate program. Students should file an Application for Comprehensive Examination when they preregister for practicum in Community Counseling (COUN 590 ), Rehabilitation Counseling (COUN 591 ), Secondary School Counseling (COUN 592 ), or Elementary School Counseling (COUN 593 ). The examination is completed at the mid-point of the internship or practicum course.


Clinical Experiences

Our counseling programs include a 100-hour practicum experience and a 600-hour internship experience. Consult with mentor and program director prior to registering.  Prior to a student’s clinical experience which includes practicum and internship students will be required to obtain the following clearances.

  • FBI fingerprints
  • Pennsylvania Criminal Records Check
  • Child Abuse Clearance
  • TB test

These clearances must be obtained prior to the practicum semester even if the student has previously secured/valid clearances. If a student has a criminal record or pending charges this may have implications for Placements during the clinical experiences. There may also be consequences with respect to counselor licensure and/or future employment.

Application for Degree

Application for degree should be made at Advance Registration for the last semester of course work. Degrees are conferred in May, August, December and January, but commencement exercises are held in May only.

Endorsement of Students

Students who successfully complete all their curricular and clinical training requirements for the Master of Science degree will receive formal endorsement in their areas of specialization by the faculty of their programs. Formal endorsement includes recommendation for state and/or national certification and employment in settings consistent with the training provided in their programs. Students will receive formal endorsement only in that program for which they have successfully completed all requirements and will be recommended only for certification and employment consistent with training provided. In cases in which a certifying body allows a student to sit for a certification examination, the program faculty shall endorse the student as a candidate for that examination if the student has completed that portion of the program required by that certifying body.

Financial Aid

The Department has a limited number of graduate assistantships available. Applications for assistantships are made through the CGCE. Students must be accepted as a student in one of the departmental programs by April 15 to be considered for an assistantship for the following fall semester.


Classes are generally offered from 4:30 p.m. to 7:10 p.m. and from 7:20 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Mondays through Thursdays. Courses are scheduled to enable full-time students to attend classes two or three nights a week; part-time students usually attend one or two nights a week. Each course meets one night a week in the fall and spring semesters and twice weekly during intersession and summer sessions. Some courses are offered in alternative formats (e.g. weekender schedule). These are published early in the registration process. Internships may be spread over two semesters to accumulate the needed number of clock hours.

Employment Opportunities

According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, U.S. Department of Labor, employment in the fields of counseling is predicted to grow at a faster than average pace through the year 2014. In addition, numerous openings are expected to occur as many counselors reach retirement age.

Other Information

The student should refer to the Academic Regulations  section of this catalog for additional relevant policies.
