Feb 08, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Political Science, BS

Political science explores how governments are structured and how they resolve societal conflicts and provide for the public good. Political science also explores the roles that people can play in their governments and the actions people take to influence public policy to serve them and their communities.

Graduates have career options in fields as varied as government, nonprofit management, international affairs, campaigns, special and public interest lobbying, journalism, law, and teaching. With its mix of theoretical and empirical approaches to studying politics, the field of political science prepares women and men for fulfilling careers, lifelong learning, and active and effective citizenship.

The Bachelor of Science program in Political Science imparts to students an understanding of:

  1. The scope and purpose of governments in civil society;
  2. The origins, goals, and limitations of democratic governments;
  3. The structure and functions of the institutions of American governments;
  4. The similarities and differences in the structures and functions of the governments of other countries;
  5. The nature of the relationships among the many governments in the international community; and
  6. The rights and responsibilities of citizens in a variety of governmental systems and as members of the global community.

The Political Science major offers courses in the major subfields of political science: political institutions, political theory, international relations, comparative politics, public policy, and political science research methods. Students in the major must take PS 120 , PS 121 , PS 212 , PS 217 , PS 210 , and either PS 313  or PS 314 . The remaining 18 Political Science credits required for the major are selected by the student.

For more information about the Political Science department, visit its website

Political Science Curriculum

   Department and Number - Descriptive Title of Course Fall Cr. Spr. Cr.

First Year

 MAJOR                          PS 120 - (S) U.S. Politics: Principles & Citizenship  — PS 121 - (S) U.S. Politics: Institutions & Policy   3 3
 COGNATE  Choose one of the following sequences: HIST 110  and HIST 111 ; HIST 120  and HIST 121 HIST 125  and HIST 126 HIST 130  and HIST 131 HIST 132  and HIST 133 ; or HIST 238  and HIST 239   3 3
 GE ELECT  ELECT - Free Electives1   6
 GE EP   PS 110 - (FYOC, FYDT) Scranton and the World 2 3  
 GE WRTG  WRTG 107 - (FYW) Composition   3  
 GE T/RS–PHIL  T/RS 121 - (P) Theology I: Introduction to the Bible  — PHIL 120 - Introduction to Philosophy   3 3
 GE FSEM  First Year Seminar *    
    15 15

Second Year

 MAJOR  PS 212 - (S) International Relations  — PS 217 - Comparative Government   3 3
 MAJOR  PS 210 - (Q, EPW) Political Science Research   3  
 GE ELECT  FREE ELECT - Free Elective1 3 6
 GE HUMN  HUMN ELECT - Humanities Electives 3 3
 GE PHIL–T/RS  PHIL 210 - Ethics  — T/RS 122 - (P) Theology II: Introduction to Christian Theology   3 3
    15 15

Third Year

 MAJOR  PS 313 - (D) Classical Political Ideas 3 OR  PS 314 - (D) Modern Political Ideas 3   3
 MAJOR  PS ELECT - Political Science Electives 3 3
 GE NSCI  NSCI ELECT - Natural Science Electives 3 3
 GE PHIL or T/RS  PHIL ELECT- Philosophy Elective or T/RS ELECT - T/RS Elective 3  
 GE ELECT  FREE ELECT - Free Electives1 6 6
    15 15

Fourth Year

 MAJOR  PS ELECT - Political Science Electives 6 6
 GE ELECT  FREE ELECT - Free Electives1 9 9
    15 15

Total: 120 Credits

1The department strongly recommends a modern world language, especially for those students interested in international politics. Consult with an advisor in the Advising Center if you have any questions.

2Political Science recommends that students enroll in PS 110 - (FYOC, FYDT) Scranton and the World  in order to satisfy First Year Oral Communication and First Year Digital Technology requirements. Consult with an advisor in the Advising Center if you have any questions.

3Political Science majors are required to take either PS 313 - (D) Classical Political Ideas  or PS 314 - (D) Modern Political Ideas .

*The selection of a First Year Seminar is likely to fulfill requirements both for the First Year Seminar and a General Education Requirement. Thus, the First Year Seminar will not add to the total credits for the semester. Talk with an advisor in the Advising Center if you have any questions.