Feb 14, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2010-2011 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Women’s Studies Concentration
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Sharon M. Meagher, Ph.D., Director
Courses for the Women’s Studies Concentration are drawn from departments across the University and are open to students in all majors. (To enroll, students must see the Director of Women’s Studies.) The concentration consists of six courses including one required foundational course from a list of four: ( , , , OR ). Students are strongly encouraged to take two foundational courses, one in the social sciences and one in philosophy. Additional foundational courses beyond the required one will count as electives for the concentration. Many of the cross-listed Women’s Studies courses also fulfill major, minor, cognate, and/or general education requirements. Students also are encouraged to do extracurricular activities that will enrich their classroom experience.
Students may, with the approval of the Women’s Studies Committee; substitute honors tutorials or thesis, study abroad courses, one reader, or a non-cross-listed course for a women’s studies course elective in cases where major graded requirements are completed in ways that meet the course criteria for women’s studies. Students seeking such substitutions should seek advice from the Director of Women’s Studies, preferably before completing the credits they wish to substitute.
For more informaton about the Latin American Studies and Women’s Studies (LA/W/S) department, visit its website.
Women’s Studies Courses
Some of the listed courses have prerequisites; please consult departmental description. Foundational Courses:
Students completing the concentration must complete one of the following foundational courses but are encouraged to take one philosophy and one sociology course: Supplemental Courses:
Choose any five (or four if two foundational courses are taken) - ARTH 210 - (CA,D,W) Women in the Visual Arts
- ARTH 311 - (W,D,CA) Medieval and Renaissance Women
- CHS 337 - (W, D) Counseling Girls and Women
- COMM 229 - (D) Gender and Communication
- ENLT 225 - (CL,D,W) Writing Women
- ENLT 226 - (CL,D) Novels by Women
- ENLT 227 - (CL,D,W) Frankenstein’s Forebears
- ENLT 228 - (CL,D,W) Race in Anglo-American Culture 1600-1860
- ENLT 251 - (CL,D,W) Borderlands Writing
- ENLT 260 - (CL,D) Women of Color: Literature & Theory
- FREN 323E-323F - (D,W) Topics in French and FrancophoneCinema or
- FREN 430 - Women Writers of the Francophone World
- GERM 320E-320F - (W,D) Sex in the City: Gender and Modernity in Weimar Germany /
- HIST 213 - (CH,D,W) Gender and Family in Latin America
- HIST 238 - (CH,D) History of American Women: From Colonization to Mid-Nineteenth Century
- HIST 239 - (CH,D) History of American Women: From Mid-Nineteenth Century to the Present
- ITAL 221E - (CL,D,W) Italian Women’s Writing or
- ITAL 221F - (CL,D,W) Italian Women’s Writing
- LA/WS 395 - (S,D) Women and Development in Latin America
- LIT 207 - (CL,D,W) Literature of American Minorities
- NURS 111 - (D) Women’s Health
- PHIL 326 - (P,D) Advanced Topics in Feminist Philosophy
- PHIL 331 - (P) Feminist Philosophy of Science
- PS 216 - (D,S) Women’s Rights and Status
- PS 227 - (D,S) Women, Authority and Power
- SOC 224 - (S,D) Race and Ethnic Relations
- SOC 317 - (D,W) Family Issues and Social Policy
- SPAN 430 - (CL,D) Hispanic Women Writers (Taught in the original language.)
- T/RS 218 - (P,D) Women in Christianity
- WOMN 380-381 - Women’s Studies Internship
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