Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2020 
Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • ENLT 230 - (CL) American Romanticism

    3 cr.

    (Area A-1) 

    This course will deal with representative short works of America’s six major Romantic authors: Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, Hawthorne, Melville, and Poe.

  • ENLT 231 - (CL) Shakespeare’s Comedies

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisite: One 100 – level ENLT Course)

    A consideration of Shakespeare’s dramatic work in the comic sub-genres of romantic comedy, farce, and pastoral.  Students will read seven plays, usually Two Gentlemen of Verona, Comedy of Errors, Love’s Labor’s Lost, The Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, and As You Like It.



  • ENLT 232 - (CL) Shakespeare’s Tragedies

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisite: One 100 – Level ENLT Course)

    A consideration of Shakespeare’s dramatic work in the tragic sub-genres of revenge tragedy, romantic tragedy, de casibus tragedy, and political tragedy.  Students will read seven plays, usually Titus Andronicus, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, and Coriolanus.





  • ENLT 233 - (EPW, CL) Imagining Native Americans

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: ENLT with a # between 120 & 179)

    The first half of the course begins with the Pocahontas stories of the colonial era and moves on to captivity narratives, autobiographies, and relevant prose fiction; the second half considers Hollywood portrayals of ‘cowboys and Indians’ & contemporary films by Native American filmmakers.

  • ENLT 234 - (CL,W) Camelot Legend

    3 cr.

    (Area B-1) 

    This course will examine the development of Arthurian legend-tales of knights and ladies associated with the court of King Arthur from its early origins in Celtic and Latin medieval literature, through medieval romances and histories, culminating in Malory’s Morte D’Arthur.

  • ENLT 235 - (CL,W) Literature in the Age of Chaucer

    3 cr.

    (Area B-1) 

    This course will explore 14th-century non-dramatic vernacular literature.  In addition to Chaucer, authors studied may include Langland, Kempe, and the Pearl Poet.

  • ENLT 236 - (CL,W) The Romantic Protest

    3 cr.

    (Area B-2) 

    A survey of the first half of the British Romantic period. Readings will include Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge and at least three “minor” writers of this era.  Discussions will focus on the Romantic imagination, the role of nature in Romantic mysticism, and Romantic notions concerning heightened sensations and altered realities.

  • ENLT 237 - (CL,W) The Darker Romantics

    3 cr.

    (Area B-2) 

    A survey of the second half of the British Romantic period. Readings will include Byron, Percy Shelley, Keats, and at least three “minor” writers of this era.  Discussions will focus on the waning of the “Romantic religion” of Blake, Coleridge, and Wordsworth in an increasingly prosperous, skeptical, and secularized era.

  • ENLT 239 - (CL,D,W) The Irish Short Story

    3 cr.

    (Area B-3) 

    For two centuries, Irish short story writers have represented the comedy and tragedy of Irish experience and simultaneously have fashioned the medium into one of our most flexible and innovative art forms.  In historical and critical contexts, we examine the work of forth authors, emphasizing Joyce, O’Connor, O’Faolain, and O’Flaherty.

  • ENLT 240 - British Literature: Medieval and Renaissance

    3 cr.

    (Area B-1) 

    A detailed study of representative works and authors from the Anglo-Saxons to the 17th century.  Though the emphasis will be on an intensive study of major works in their literary and cultural context, consideration will be given to minor writers as well.

  • ENLT 241 - British Literature: Restoration and 18th Century

    3 cr.

    (Area B-2) 

    Study of a select group of English and Anglo-Irish authors whose works were first published between 1660 and 1776.  Discussions and assignments will emphasize literary history, critical analysis, and sociopolitical contexts.

  • ENLT 242 - British Literature: Romantic and Victorian

    3 cr.

    (Area B-2) 

    A study of the major literary works in 19th-century England: poetry, novels and non-fictional prose.  The emphasis is threefold: critical analysis; literary history; social, intellectual and political background.

  • ENLT 243 - American Literature to 1865

    3 cr.

    (Area A-1) 

    An in-depth study of a select group of major American authors from the Colonial Period to the Civil War.  Included are Bradford, Franklin, Irving, and Poe.  Consideration given to the historical and cultural milieu and development of major American themes and attitudes.

    (Offered Fall Semester Only)

  • ENLT 244 - Modern British Literature

    3 cr.

    (Area B-3) (Theory Intensive) 

    Selected modern and postmodern English poets, playwrights, and fiction writers: Hopkins, Eliot, Hughes, Auden, Larkin, Spender, Osborne, Stoppard, Pinter, Greene, Waugh, Read, Lodge, Amis, Spark, McEwan and Chatwin.

    (Offered Fall Semester Only)

  • ENLT 245 - American Literature, 1865 to the Present

    3 cr.

    (Area A-2) 

    Study of a select group of major American authors from the Civil War to the present. Included are Twain, Crane, Fitzgerald and Vonnegut.  The historical and cultural milieu and the development of major American themes and attitudes are reviewed.

    (Offered Spring Semester Only)

  • ENLT 250 - (W,EPW,CL,D) Multi-Ethnic American Literature

    3 cr.

    (Area G) 

    Readings will be drawn primarily from Native American, Asian American, African American and Latina/o writings.  The class will trace common themes and questions such as what it means to be “American,” gender identity, the conflict of cultural identities, alienation and assimilation.

  • ENLT 251 - (CL,D,W) Borderlands Writing

    3 cr.

    (Area G) (Theory Intensive) 

    An introduction to Latino/a literature of the U.S. southwest and southeast.  Each location represents a type of border culture, U.S./Mexican in the southwest and U.S./Cuban in the southeast.  Discussions and assignments will explore the cultural role of women, nation-states and nationalism, violence, healing practices, spirituality and sexual identity.

  • ENLT 255 - (W,EPW,CL,D) African-American Literature

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisite: ENLT 140 )

    (Area G, A-2, or A-3 dependent on course syllabus and approval of chair).  This course is an in-depth study of African-American literature.  A variety of genres and authors can be explored.  This examination will entail discussion of critical topics such as slavery and its legacy, racial identity, and the meaning of freedom.

  • ENLT 258 - (CL,W) Contemporary American Fiction

    3 cr.

    (Area A-3) 

    (Prerequisites: ENLT 140  or the equivalent; any ENLT course between 120 & 179, inclusive)

    A survey of American fiction from 1950 to the present.  Requirements include participation in class discussion, oral presentations, and sustained consultation with the instructor on the writing and revision of several critical essays.

  • ENLT 259 - (CL) Contemporary American Poetry

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: ENLT 121  or ENLT 140  or permission of instructor.  Familiarity with poetic conventions, terminology, forms, etc.)

    This course invites students to a sampling of significant poems by a half dozen or more contemporary American poets who have published within the past half century.  All poets selected have enjoyed major recognition. Poets may include Sylvia Plath, Philip Levine, Rita Dove, Frank O’Hara, Gary Soto, Li-Young Lee, and others.

    (Offered alternate years)

  • ENLT 260 - (CL,D, EPW,W) Women of Color: Literature & Theory

    3 cr.

    (Area G) (Theory Intensive) 

    This course introduces the intermediate student to the critical and creative writings by women of color.  These texts convey women of color’s unique subjectivities.  Discussion topics include themes of the body and storytelling, the ideas of self and communal preservation, and the political and cultural negotiation of multiple communal memberships.

  • ENLT 265J - The American Literary Experience

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: ENLT 140  or the equivalent; any ENLT course between 120 & 179, inclusive)

    A survey of prose landmarks in the evolution of a unique American literary consciousness from the eighteenth century to the present.  Discussions will focus on the American Enlightenment, Romanticism, Transcendentalism, Realism, Naturalism, Modernism, and Postmodernism.  Each literary movement will be considered in relation to its social, historical, & cultural contexts.

  • ENLT 270 - (EPW, CL) Science Fiction and Utopian/Dystopian Literature

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: Grade of “C” in their appropriate EP, Level I courses, and an ENLT 100-level course which may overlap with a FYS.)

    A study of science fiction and utopian/dystopian literature that focuses on the literary devices and concepts highlighted in these texts.  Both written and oral skills are to be focused on and enhanced in this course through the analyses of selected primary texts and secondary critical work.

  • ENLT 295 - (CL) Shakespeare in Stratford

    3 cr.
    This course combines a traditional study of six Shakespearean plays on the University campus with a week-long residency at the Shakespeare Centre in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. Students will read and discuss the plays produced during the current Royal Shakespeare Company season and attend performances of those plays.
  • ENLT 323J - (CL) Classics of Western Literature I

    3 cr.
    This SJLA course surveys a tradition concerned with the individual, family, and society from classical Greece (Homer, Aeschylus, Plato) to Shakespeare and thence to the Post-Colonial (Joyce, Woolf, Morrison).  Readings explore the culmination of epic and dramatic modes in modern fiction.  The emphasis is inductive, within cultural and theoretical contexts.
  • ENLT 340 - Late Medieval Drama

    3 cr.

    (Area B-1) 

    A survey of 14th- and 15th-century drama, including the Corpus Christi cycle, morality plays such as Everyman, Mankind and Castle of Perseverance, and the saint’s play. This course may be counted toward the Theatre major, minor or track.

  • ENLT 341 - (CL,W) Shakespeare: Special Topics

    3 cr.

    (Theory Intensive) 

    A detailed study of Shakespeare’s treatment of either a particular genre (comedy, tragedy, history, romance) or a particular subject that occurs across genres.  Special attention will be paid to the meaning of plays in performance.  This course may be counted toward the Theatre track or minor.

  • ENLT 342 - Renaissance Poetry and Prose

    3 cr.

    (Area B-1) 

    A survey of lyric and narrative poetry, fictional and non-fictional prose, and drama written in England between the time of Sir Thomas More and John Milton.  Readings will include More, Surrey, Lyly, Spenser, Sir Philip and Mary Sidney, Donne, Webster, Jonson, Marvell, and Milton.

  • ENLT 343J - (CL) Shakespeare Performed

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisite: PHIL 217J )

    This course examines five Shakespeare plays (Much Ado about Nothing, Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet, and The Merchant of Venice) from four different perspectives: as written texts, as scripts for staging, as screenplays for films, and as material for adaptation into modernized television shows or movies.

  • ENLT 345 - (CL,W) Restoration and 18th-Century Drama

    3 cr.

    (Area B-2) (Theory Intensive) 

    A survey of the major formal and thematic developments on the London stage between 1660 and 1776.  Discussions will focus on the social, political and institutional changes that re-shaped theatrical productions during this period.  This course may be counted toward the Theatre major, minor or track.

  • ENLT 348 - (CL,D,W) Colonial and Postcolonial Fiction

    3 cr.

    (Area G) (Theory Intensive) 

    Through detailed study of such authors as Achebe, Conrad, Forster, Kincaid, Kipling, Naipaul, Orwell, and Rushdie, this course explores the myths and meanings of 19th- and 20th- century European colonialism in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

  • ENLT 349 - (CL) Restoration and 18th-Century Poetry

    3 cr.

    (Area B-2) 

    A study of the major developments in English poetry between 1660 and 1780 in relation to the cultural and literary history of the period.  The reading list will focus on the major ‘“Augustan” poets (Dryden, Pope, Swift, and Johnson).  It will also include works by Rochester, Behn, Gay, and Goldsmith.

  • ENLT 350 - Major Works: American Romantics

    3 cr.

    (Area A-1) 

    Cooper’s The Prairie, Emerson’s Nature, Thoreau’s Walden, Melville’s Moby Dick, and others.  Evaluation of the works in their historical context and the development of the American Romantic movement, 1820-1865.

  • ENLT 351 - Transcendentalists

    3 cr.

    (Area A-1) 

    This course transcends the typical limits of this literary period to Emerson and Thoreau’s major works.  Thus, Orestes Brownson, Margaret Fuller, Ellery Channing, Theodore Parker are covered.

  • ENLT 352 - (CL,W) The Development of the American Novel

    3 cr.
    This course will focus on the ways in which the American novel has reflected our changing literary and cultural values from the late 18th to the 20th century.  The reading list will include works by Charles Brockden Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain, Kate Chopin, John Steinbeck, and Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
  • ENLT 353 - Major Works: American Realists

    3 cr.

    (Area A-2) 

    Twain’s Huckleberry Finn, Howell’s The Rise of Silas Lapham, James’s The American, Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage, Dreiser’s Sister Carrie and others.  Works are evaluated in their historical milieu and the development of American Realism, 1865-1900.

  • ENLT 360 - (D,CL,W) Jewish Literature

    3 cr.
    The course provides a broad literary overview of Jewish life from medieval times to the present, examining the poetry, fiction, memoirs, and drama of Jewish writers from a variety of cultures.
  • ENLT 362 - Literature and Philosophy

    3 cr.

    (Theory Intensive) 

    This course explores the Platonic insight that on the highest level literature and philosophy converge.  We begin with a few of Plato’s dialogues which develop this idea.  Then we examine several “literary” works in English which embody it.  Our approach is analytical, inductive and historical.

  • ENLT 363 - Magazine Editing

    3 cr.
    The process of editing is surveyed.  Macro-editing (publishing for a defined audience and delighting, surprising, informing, and challenging it) is emphasized over micro-editing (grammar, punctuation, and so forth).  Both are fitted into the larger picture of promotion, fulfillment, circulation, advertising, production, and distribution.
  • ENLT 366 - Dante’s Divine Comedy

    3 cr.
    A canto-by-canto study, in translation, of Dante’s dream vision of hell, purgatory, and heaven.  Consideration will be given to the cultural milieu and to medieval art and thought as these affect the allegorical meaning and structure of the poem.
  • ENLT 367 - Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J.

    3 cr.
    Study of the life and works of Gerard Manley Hopkins, S.J., the only priest-poet ever to be honored with a place in Westminster Abbey’s Poet’s Corner.
  • ENLT 369 - (CL) Playing God: Theatrical Presentations of Divinity

    3 cr.
    Theatrical Presentations of Divinity Playwrights from Aeschylus to Tony Kushner have attempted to stage the divine in various ways.  This course will explore the cultural contexts for these plays and the always complicated relationship between organized religion and the stage.  The reading list will include representative works from antiquity to the present day.
  • ENLT 382 - Guided Independent Study

    Variable credit
    A tutorial program open to third-year students.  Content determined by mentor.
  • ENLT 383 - Guided Independent Study

    Variable credit
    A tutorial program open to third-year students.  Content determined by mentor.
  • ENLT 395 - (CL,D,W) Travel Seminar: Sacred Ireland

    3 cr.
    This Dublin-based course surveys Ireland’s pagan and Christian past.  Our materials include: archeology, architecture, art, myth, literature, history, and film.  Students will view films and read before traveling to Ireland.  Students will be evaluated on discussion and on three original four-page critical essays and five two-page reflection essays. (Summer)
  • ENLT 423J - (CL) Classics of Western Literature

    3 cr.
    This SJLA course examines epic and lyric poetry from classical Roman poetry through medieval, early modern and modern literature.  The approach is both literary (i.e., studying plot, character, style, genre) and thematic (i.e., addressing traditions concerning the individual, family and society).  The emphasis is inductive, within cultural and theoretical contexts.
  • ENLT 443 - Chaucer

    3 cr.

    (Theory Intensive) 

    A study of Chaucer’s poetry in the context of medieval culture. Readings and assignments will concentrate on The Canterbury Tales, but will also cover the other major poems, such as the Book of the Duchess and the Parliament of Birds.

  • ENLT 458 - Joyce

    3 cr.
    This course explores the prose works of James Joyce, a major figure in 20th-century literature. We will read Dubliners, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and, with the help of various guides, Ulysses.  We will work to apprehend in Joyce both the universal and the peculiarly Irish.
  • ENLT 462 - Literary Criticism and Theory

    3 cr.

    (Theory Intensive) 

    This course explores both the derivation and the defining characteristics of a range of contemporary interpretive practices, including those of psychoanalytic, Marxist, feminist, formalist, reader response, structuralist, poststructuralist, and cultural materialist critics.

  • ENLT 480 - Internship

    Variable Credit
    English majors can receive internship credit for a variety of on-the-job experiences.  Approval must be obtained beforehand from chair and dean.
  • ENLT 482 - Guided Independent Study

    Variable Credit
    A tutorial program open to fourth-year students.  Content determined by mentor.
  • ENLT 483 - Guided Independent Study

    Variable Credit
    A tutorial program open to fourth-year students.  Content determined by mentor.
  • ENLT 490-491 - (W) Senior Seminar

    3 cr.
    The topics of these writing-intensive seminars vary from semester to semester.  Based largely on student writing, presentations, and discussion, this capstone course is required in the major and culminates in the student’s development of a seminar paper.  May be repeated for credit.  Enrollment limited to 15 students per section.
  • ENLT/CINE 151 - Introduction to Cinema Studies

    3 cr.
    An introduction to narrative film considered as an art form. The viewing list will be evenly divided between American films and films produced in other countries (frequently in languages other than English).
  • ENTR 362 - Business Foundations for Entrepreneurs

    3 cr.
    (This course is for Non-Business Majors only)

    The non-business major will learn and apply basic business concepts needed by the entrepreneur.  This will include concepts in financial accounting, managerial accounting, finance, management, operations management, marketing, and business law.  Entrepreneurship majors and minors will take this course during the spring semester of the junior year.
  • ENTR 363 - Applied Business Foundations for Entrepreneurs

    1 cr.

    (Prerequisite: ACC 253  or equivalent for accounting/finance majors; ACC 254  or equivalent for accounting/finance majors; MGT 251 , MGT 351 , and FIN 251  concurrent)

    The business major will apply basic business concepts needed by the entrepreneur. This will include concepts previously learned in financial accounting, managerial accounting, finance, management, operations management, marketing, and business law. Entrepreneurship majors and minors will take this course during the spring semester of the junior year.

  • ENTR 372 - The Entrepreneurial Mindset

    3 cr.
    This course introduces students to the foundational skills abilities, behaviors, attitudes, and mindsets of successful entrepreneurs (those who start a business) and intrapreneurs (those who are innovative within an existing organization).  This course is action-oriented and experiential in nature. A variety of guest speakers will share their entrepreneurial experiences. The student will be exposed to entrepreneurial theories and applicable project management tools. Upon completion of this course, students will have not only discovered their entrepreneurial skill sets but also increased them. This course will be taken during the fall semester of the junior year.
  • ENTR 373 - Business Creativity and Innovation

    3 cr.
    This course will provide the student with opportunities to further develop personal creativity within the context of entrepreneurial efforts.  Tools for analyzing the feasibility of entrepreneurial ideas and their transition into innovative efforts will be demonstrated. The student will devise an idea that can be transformed into a business plan.  Entrepreneurship majors and minors will generally take this course during the spring semester of the junior year.
  • ENTR 374 - Entrepreneurial Resource Acquisition and Management

    3 cr.
    This course will provide the student with opportunities to understand, analyze, and evaluate ways to acquire and manage several types of resources needed to manage a successful entrepreneurial endeavor.  Particular emphasis is placed upon financial and human resources.  Timing of resource acquisition is considered.  Related legal implications are also addressed.
  • ENTR 375 - Family Run Business

    3 cr.
    This course will provide students with opportunities to understand, analyze, and evaluate the unique issues that emerge in managing family businesses.  The importance of effective family member business relationships, succession, and estate issues will be examined.  Strategies for deciding how quickly to grow the business will also be addressed.
  • ENTR 477 - The Entrepreneurial Business Plan

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: ENTR 372 ; ENTR 362  or ENTR 363 ) (For Entrepreneurship majors and minors only)

    This course will provide the student with the opportunity to create and present a complete business plan for a proposed entrepreneurial effort. The plan can be for a non-profit, family-business, or other for-profit endeavor. Selected business plans will be entered in external entrepreneurial competitions. This course will be taken during the fall semester of the senior year.

  • ENTR 478 - Social Entrepreneurship

    3 cr.
    This course exposes the student to social and environmental entrepreneurial opportunities. This includes both the examination of non-profit entrepreneurial efforts and the creation of hybrid organizations, which are self-sustaining for-profit businesses that have a primary social and stewardship mission. Social and environmental responsibilities of traditional entrepreneurial activities will also be examined. Entrepreneurship majors and minors will generally take this course during the fall semester of the senior year. 
  • ENTR 480 - The Entrepreneurial Capstone Business Experience or Internship

    1 to 3 cr. (3 cr. in total needed to complete the Entrepreneurship Minor)

    (Formerly MGT 480) (Pre-requisites: Entrepreneurship Minors Only; Entrepreneurship Program Director Approval)

    This course is designed to provide for the use of concepts, techniques, and theories learned in the classroom through completion of a 150-hour internship or a project.  Students pursuing either the internship or the project are assigned tasks that will enable them to develop competencies and increase their entrepreneurial skills.



  • ESCI 440 - Topics in Environmental Science

    1 cr.

    (Prerequisite: senior standing in ESCI major or permission of instructor) 

    One credit/semester.  Discussions of current and significant environmental science issues.

  • ESCI 441 - Topics in Environmental Science

    1 cr.

    (Prerequisite: senior standing in ESCI major or permission of instructor) 

    One credit/semester.  Discussions of current and significant environmental science issues.

  • ESCI 480 - Internship in Environmental Science

    1.5 cr.

    (Prerequisite: senior standing in ESCI major or permission of instructor) 

    Student to work with private firm, advocacy group, or governmental agency on an environmental issue or technique that involves application of scientific principles to monitor, test, or develop/implement solutions to environmental problems.  Project and institutional sponsor subject to approval of the Environmental Science Committee; final project report required.

  • ESCI 481 - Internship in Environmental Science

    1.5 cr.

    (Prerequisite: senior standing in ESCI major or permission of instructor) 

    Student to work with private firm, advocacy group, or governmental agency on an environmental issue or technique that involves application of scientific principles to monitor, test, or develop/implement solutions to environmental problems.  Project and institutional sponsor subject to approval of the Environmental Science Committee; final project report required.

  • ESCI 493 - Research in Environmental Science

    1.5 cr.

    (Prerequisite: senior standing in ESCI major or permission of instructor) 

    Individual study and research of a specific environmental problem.  Mentored by a Biology or Chemistry faculty member.

  • ESCI 494 - Research in Environmental Science

    1.5 cr.

    (Prerequisite: senior standing in ESCI major or permission of instructor) 

    Individual study and research of a specific environmental problem.  Mentored by a Biology or Chemistry faculty member.

  • ESL 101 - Academic ESL

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: for ESL 101: Paper TOEFL score of 500 or equivalent; for ESL 102 , ESL 101 or consent of instructor)

    Designed for students for whom English is a second/additional language to develop skills in academic English discourse.  Focuses on reading and writing needed for university course work as well as dominant mores and characteristics of U.S. culture such as the political, economic, historical, and social environment of the United States

  • ESL 102 - Academic ESL

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: for ESL 101 :  Paper TOEFL score of 500 or equivalent; for ESL 102, ESL 101  or consent of instructor)

    Designed for students for whom English is a second/additional language to develop skills in academic English discourse.  Focuses on reading and writing needed for university course work as well as dominant mores and characteristics of U.S. culture such as the political, economic, historical, and social environment of the United States

  • FIN 251 - Introduction to Finance

    3 cr.

    (Formerly FIN 351) (Prerequisites: MATH 106  or permission from the instructor, ECO 153 , ECO 154 , Co-requisites: ACC 251  or ACC 253 ). For non-business majors, substitution of ECO 101  in place of ECO 153 , ECO 154  is permissible.

    This course introduces the business student to the field of finance. It serves as the foundation course for financial principles used in both financial management and investment courses. Topics include time value of money, risk analysis, basic operation of the capital markets, current asset and liability analysis, and introduction to the topics of capital budgeting and cost of capital calculation.

  • FIN 251K - Introduction to Finance

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: MATH 106 or permission from the instructor, ECO 153, ECO 154, Co-requisites: ACC 251 or ACC 253).

    This honor course introduces the business student to the field of finance. It serves as the foundation course for financial principles used in both financial management and investment courses. Topics include time value of money, risk analysis, basic operation of the capital markets, current asset and liability analysis, and introduction to the topics of capital budgeting and cost of capital calculation.

  • FIN 362 - Investments

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisite: FIN 251 )

    An introduction to the theory and process of managing investments.  Topics include practical operation of the equity markets, debt options and futures markets.  Stock-valuation models using fundamental technical and random-walk approaches.

  • FIN 363 - Intermediate Finance

    3 cr.

    Prerequisites: STAT 252  or STAT 253 , ACC 251  and ACC 252 , and FIN 251 .

    Intermediate Finance builds on the introductory course in finance (FIN 251 ).  The topics covered will include, Financial Planning and Short-Term Financing, Risk and Capital Budgeting, Capital Structure and Dividend Policy, Long-Term Financing, Derivatives and Corporate Finance, and Mergers and Acquisitions.

  • FIN 365 - Fixed Income Securities and Markets

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FIN 251  and FIN 362 )

    This course will cover fixed income products, analytical techniques for valuing bonds, and the quantification of bond exposure to various types of risk.  Topics discussed will include: the structure of the U.S. bond market, valuation, securitization, price and yield calculations, the measurement and management of risks associated with investing in fixed income securities and bond portfolio management.

  • FIN 471 - Derivative Securities

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisite: FIN 362 )

    This course looks at the nature of derivative securities, focusing on options.  It develops pricing models for options, emphasizing the Black-Scholes model.  The use of options in various investment strategies is discussed in terms of risk and return.  Students use real-time data to implement these strategies.

  • FIN 472 - Portfolio Management

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisite: FIN 362 )

    Advanced study of professional management of various portfolios including those of banks, insurance companies, pension funds, and non-profit institutions.  Markowitz and Sharpe models, data availability, and computerized-data services are covered.

  • FIN 473 - (EPW) Financial Institutions

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisite: ECO 362 )

    The study of financial markets and financial institutions, including depository and nondepository institutions.  Topics include regulation, operation, and management of financial institutions, financial instruments, interest-rate principles, risk-management strategies, loan analysis, and asset/liability management.  Insurance and pension principles and investment banking are covered.

  • FIN 476 - Case Course in Corporate Finance

    3 cr.
    (Prerequisites FIN 363 , ACC 361 , and ACC 362 )

    The goal of this course is to familiarize you with fundamental aspects of corporate financial policy and practice through case analysis.  Both financing and investment decision making will be examined through in-depth case discussions of representative finance cases including data analysis as appropriate.  Tentative topics include capital budgeting under uncertainty, estimation of cost of equity/debt and weighted average cost of capital, implications of the capital asset pricing model and arbitrage pricing theory, dividend policy, optimal capital structure, initial public offerings and merger & acquisitions.
  • FIN/IB 475 - International Finance

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: ECO/IB 351 , FIN 251 )

    This course deals with the environment of international financial management, exchange-rate determination, foreign-exchange risk-management, multinational working-capital management, international financial markets and instruments, foreign-investment analysis, and management of ongoing operations.  It also exposes students to a wide range of issues, concepts, and techniques pertaining to international finance.

  • FREN 101 - (CF) Beginning French

    3 cr.
    Designed to impart a good basic foundation in comprehending, speaking, reading, and writing the French language.  Designed primarily for students with little or no background in the French language.  Taught in French.  Includes activities inside and/or outside the classroom that involve Language Learning Center (language lab) resources.
  • FREN 102 - (CF) Beginning French

    3 cr.
    (Prerequisite: FREN 101  is normally the prerequisite to 102)

    Designed to impart a good basic foundation in comprehending, speaking, reading, and writing the French language.  Designed primarily for students with little or no background in the French language.  Taught in French.  Includes activities inside and/or outside the classroom that involve Language Learning Center (language lab) resources.
  • FREN 203 - French Cultural Heritage

    3 cr.
    This course aims to develop understanding of the culture, literature and civilization of France.  Representative readings from different periods.  Lectures, discussions and readings in English.
  • FREN 211 - (CF) Intermediate French

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 101 -FREN 102  or equivalent, as determined by placement exam)

    Designed to give greater scope and depth to the student’s knowledge of the French language and Francophone culture.  Taught in French.  Includes activities inside and/or outside the classroom that involve Language Learning Center (language lab) resources.  

  • FREN 212 - (CF,D) Intermediate French

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 101 -FREN 102  or equivalent, as determined by placement exam; FREN 211  or its equivalent is normally the prerequisite to 212)

    Designed to give greater scope and depth to the student’s knowledge of the French language and Francophone culture.  Taught in French.   Includes activities inside and/or outside the classroom that involve Language Learning Center (language lab) resources.  Completion of FREN 212 satisfies one semester of the cultural diversity requirements.

  • FREN 311 - (CF,D) French Conversation

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 211 -FREN 212  or equivalent, as determined by placement exam or consent of instructor)

    Intensive French conversation, emphasizing cross-cultural comparisons and development of self-expression in French.  Taught in French. Includes activities inside and/or outside the classroom that involve Language Learning Center (language lab) resources.

  • FREN 312 - (CF,W) French Composition

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 211 -FREN 212  or equivalent, as determined by placement exam or consent of instructor)

    An intensive course in writing in French, stressing grammar, writing analysis and composition.  Taught in French. Includes activities inside and/or outside the classroom that involve Language Learning Center (language lab) resources.

  • FREN 315 - (D) Survey of French Culture and Civilization

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 311 -FREN 312  or equivalent)

    A review of the geography, history, art and other components of the heritage of continental France, from antiquity to the present.  Taught in French.

  • FREN 316 - (D) Survey of Francophone Culture and Civilization

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 311 -FREN 312  or equivalent)

    A historical view of the cultural contribution and heritage of French-speaking peoples living outside continental France.  Taught in French.

  • FREN 319 - Business French

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 311 -FREN 312  or equivalent)

    Overview of the spoken and written language of the French business world.  Formalities and conventions of letter writing, banking, import/export, and other commercial transactions.   Analysis of terminology from business-related areas such as finance, insurance and international commerce within a contemporary cultural setting.  Taught in French.  Includes activities inside and/or outside the classroom that involve Language Learning Center (language lab) resources.

  • FREN 320 - (W,EPW,CL) Introduction to French Literature

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 311 -FREN 312  or equivalent)

    An introduction to the principal literary genres of poetry, novel, short story, essay and drama, through analysis of representative works in the French tradition.  Strongly recommended as a prerequisite for all upper-division literature courses in French.  Taught in French.

  • FREN 325F - (D,W) French-Francophone Politics and Society

    3 cr.
    The course addresses the historical, social and cultural aspect of France’s imperialistic expansion, with particular emphasis on French relations, past and present, with the African colonies.   FREN 325F can count towards the major or minor by arrangement with the professor.  Taught in conjunction with FREN 333 .
  • FREN 333 - French Practicum

    1 cr.

    (Prerequisite: Enrollment in a FLaC course, that is, a course listed as E and F, English language or Foreign language credit bearing.) 

    A one-credit course in the target language to supplement FLaC courses (Foreign Language across the Curriculum) taught in English.  In addition to doing their reading and writing in the target language, students receiving credit in the target language will meet an additional hour per week for discussion in that language.  This course may be repeated for credit.

  • FREN 430 - Women Writers of the Francophone World

    3 cr.
    (Prerequisites: FREN 311 -FREN 312  or equivalent)

    Women’s view of themselves and the world as reflected in their literary creations. Cross-listed with Women’s Studies Concentration. (See Women’s and Gender Studies Concentration  section.) Taught in French.
  • FREN 431 - (D,W) Literature of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 311 -FREN 312  or equivalent)

    This course provides an overview of different literary genres and literary currents through in depth reading and analysis of exemplary texts written in French in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Taught in French.

  • FREN 432 - French Short Story

    3 cr.
    (Prerequisites: FREN 311 -FREN 312  or equivalent)

    Principal practitioners of the short story in French, including contemporary authors.  Taught in French.
  • FREN 433 - Twentieth-Century French Drama

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 311 -FREN 312  or equivalent)

    The development of dramatic forms from the Théâtre Libre to the present. Taught in French.

  • FREN 435 - The French Theater

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 311 -FREN 312  or equivalent)

    An inquiry into the various forms of the French theater through a study of significant representative works from different periods. Taught in French.

  • FREN 437 - (D) Francophone Literature

    3 cr.

    (Prerequisites: FREN 311 -FREN 312  or equivalent)

    This course provides an overview of different forms of literary expression throughout the Francophone world, from Africa to Haiti to Quebec.  Emphasis will be on main literary currents, ideology, political climates, and linguistic traditions in each country. Taught in French.


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