Feb 06, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Engineering Management, BS
The state of the business world today is such that a major portion of its administrative effort must be geared to the supervision of persons engaged in complex technological processes often involving applications of electronics. As a consequence, the ideal administrator is now one who is conversant with both good business practice and technological know-how. The Engineering Management major provides a student with a program of carefully selected business and economics courses coupled with a series of coordinated physics and electrical engineering courses so as to provide preparation for an administrative career in a technical business enterprise. The program also provides sufficient preparation for further studies leading to the Master of Business Administration.
For more information about the Physics and Engineering department, visit its website.
For information on the CAS/MBA Five-Year Program, visit our CAS/MBA Five-Year Program page.
Engineering Management Curriculum 1Math Placement score may require additional Mathematics courses to be taken prior to MATH 109 . 2The selection of a First Year Seminar is likely to fulfill requirements both for the First Year Seminar and a General Education Requirement. Thus, the First Year Seminar will not add to the total credits for the semester. Talk with your advisor if you have any questions. 3ENGR 252 - Solid State Devices & Power Electronics , MGT 484 Special Topics: Negotiations, and/or MGT 471 - Group Dynamics are recommended by department. |