Feb 09, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Mechanical Engineering, BS

Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies the principles of engineering, physics, and materials science for the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the design, production, and operation of machinery. It is one of the oldest and broadest of the engineering disciplines.

Mechanical Engineering Curriculum

   Department and Number - Descriptive Title of Course Fall Cr. Spr. Cr.

First Year

 COGNATE  CHEM 112 - (E) General and Analytical Chemistry  — PHYS 140/PHYS 140L - (E) Elements of Physics I   3 4
 COGNATE  MATH 114 - (Q) Calculus I 1 MATH 221 - Calculus II   4 4
 GE WRTG  WRTG 107 - (FYW) Composition   3  
 MAJOR   ENGR 253L - Computer Aided Design I  —  ENGR 254L - Computer Aided Design II   1.5 1.5
 GE EP MAJOR - COGNATE  ENGR 150 - (FYOC, FYDT) Foundations of Physics and Engineering  — CMPS 134 - Computer Science I /CMPS 134L   3 4
 GE PHIL - GE T/RS  PHIL 120 - Introduction to Philosophy  — T/RS 121 - (P) Theology I: Introduction to the Bible   3 3
 GE FSEM  First Year Seminar2    
    17.5 16.5

Second Year

 MAJOR  ENGR 250 - Statics  — ENGR 251 - Dynamics   3 3
 MAJOR ELECT - MAJOR  ME ELECTIVE - Mechanical Engineering Elective3ME 260 - Mechanics of Materials /ME 260L - Mechanics of Materials Lab   3 4
 COGNATE  EE 250/EE250L - Computational Tools for Physics and Engineering  — EE 241/EE 241L - (EPW) Circuit Analysis   4 4
 COGNATE  PHYS 141/PHYS 141L - (E) Elements of Physics II   4  
 COGNATE  MATH 222 - Calculus III  — MATH 341 - Differential Equations   4 4
 GE SB/H  ECO 153 - (S) Principles of Microeconomics     3
    18 18

Third Year

 MAJOR  ME 270 - Engineering Materials  —  ME 370 - Manufacturing Processes   3 3
 MAJOR  ENGR 352 - Thermodynamics  — ME 353 - Fluid Mechanics / ME 353L - Fluid Mechanics Lab   3 4
 MAJOR ELECT - MAJOR  ME ELECT- Mechanical Engineering Elective3ME 372 - Machine Design   3 3
 MAJOR  ME 360 - Measurement and Instrumentation / ME 360L - Measurement & Instrumentation Lab   3  
 COGNATE  ENGR 350 - Applied and Engineering Mathematics   3  
 GE T/RS  T/RS 121 - (P) Theology I: Introduction to the Bible   3  
 GE S/BH  S/BH ELECT - Social/Behavioral Elective    3
 GE PHIL  PHIL 210 - Ethics     3
    18 16

Fourth Year

 MAJOR  ME 460 - Senior Design I  — ME 461 - Senior Design II   3 3
 MAJOR  EE 450 - Control Systems /EE 450L - Control Systems Laboratory  — ME 470 - Mechanical Vibrations /ME 470L - Dynamics and Vibrations Lab   4 4
 MAJOR  ME 440 - Heat Transfer / ME 440L - Thermo-Heat Lab   4  
 GE HUMN  HUMN ELECT - Humanities Electives 6 6
 GE PHIL or T/RS  PHIL ELECT - Philosophy Elective or T/RS - Theology   3
    17 16

Total: 137 Credits

1Math placement score may require additional Mathematics courses to be taken prior to MATH 114 .

2The selection of a First Year Seminar is likely to fulfill requirements both for the First Year Seminar and a General Education Requirement. Thus, the First Year Seminar will not add to the total credits for the semester. Talk with your advisor if you have any questions.

3Courses offered by the Physics and Engineering Department 200-level or higher.