Feb 17, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

International Language-Business, BA

The major in International Language-Business is a professionally oriented program. Its purpose is to make language study a more career-structured discipline by providing students with the opportunity to acquire a liberal education while, at the same time, taking courses specifically relevant to a business enterprise.

In order to bridge the communication gap between multinational businesses and the lack of functional language skills often exhibited by the personnel representing them, specialized language courses focusing on the business terminology and cultural setting of the countries in question complement the regular language and business courses in this major.

The department urges students to study abroad during their junior year. In addition, it strongly recommends that students who spend the entire junior year abroad plan their studies carefully, so that they will be able to take at least one course per semester in their major language during the senior year. Students who pursue a business internship will earn credits in addition to the 129 credits stipulated for the program, unless there is room in the free area.

For more information about the World Languages and Cultures department, visit its website

International Language–Business Curriculum

   Department and Number - Descriptive Title of Course Fall Cr. Spr. Cr.

First Year

 MAJOR (GE HUMN)  LANG 211–212 or 311–312 — Intermediate or Conversation/Composition 3 3
 COGNATE  Second language or relevant electives3 3 3
 GE WRTG  WRTG 107 - (FYW) Composition     3
 GE QUANT  QUANT ELECT - Quantitative Reasoning Elective 3  
 GE ELECT  FREE ELECT - Free Elective 3  
 EP FYOC - FYDT  Level I Oral Communication (FYOC) and Level I Digital Technology (FYDT) 3  
 GE FSEM  First Year Seminar 5    
 GE PHIL  PHIL 120 - Introduction to Philosophy     3
 GE T/RS  T/RS 121 - (P) Theology I: Introduction to the Bible     3
                                          15 15

Second Year

 MAJOR  LANG 311–312 - Conversation/Composition1 3 3
 MAJOR  ACC 253 - Financial Accounting   3  
 COGNATE  Second language or relevant electives3 3 3
 GE HUMN  HUMN ELECT - Humanities Elective   3
 GE S/BH  S/BH ELECT - ECO 153 - (S) Principles of Microeconomics  — ECO 154 - (S) Principles of Macroeconomics   3 3
 GE PHIL–T/RS  PHIL 210 - Ethics  — T/RS 122 - (P) Theology II: Introduction to Christian Theology   3 3
    15 15

Third Year

 MAJOR  LANG ELECT – Advanced Language Electives 6 6
 MAJOR  MGT 351 - MGT I: Managing Organizations     3
 MAJOR  ECO/IB 351 - (D) Environment of International Business     3
 MAJOR  FIN 251 - Introduction to Finance   3  
 GE NSCI  NSCI ELECT - Natural Science Electives 3 3
 GE PHIL or T/RS  PHIL ELECT or T/RS ELECT - Philosophy Elective or T/RS Elective4 3  
    15 15

Fourth Year

 MAJOR  LANG 319 - Business Language   3
 MAJOR  LANG ELECT - Advanced Language Electives 6 3
 MAJOR  MKT 351 - Introduction to Marketing   3  
 MAJOR  INT ELECT – One of MGT/IB 475 , MKT/IB 475 , ECO/IB 375 , FIN/IB 475 , IB 476 , IB 477   3  
 GE HUMN  HUMN ELECT - Humanities Elective   3
 GE ELECT  FREE ELECT - Free Electives 3 6
    15 15

Total: 120 Credits

1 Students who begin their major language level at the 311 level take 6 fewer credits in the major and 6 more credits in the cognate or free area. In their second year, they will choose advanced language electives.

2 Students whose first language is Spanish will take SPAN 320 SPAN 321 , and three of the following four courses: SPAN 313 , SPAN 314 , SPAN 330 , and SPAN 331  in their advanced language electives area.  French majors are required to take FREN 320 .

3 PS 212 , PS 210 , and ACC 254  are recommended GE electives.  Other recommended GE electives include a second language or history, political science, art history or other courses relevant to world area(s) of interest, such as HIST 125 /126  and PS 219 /323  for Latin America, HIST 132 -133 , PS 213  and ARTH 211  for Africa.  Consult with your adviser.

4 A course focusing on the ethics of business is recommended.

5The selection of a First Year Seminar is likely to fulfill requirements both for the First Year Seminar and a General Education Requirement.  Thus, the First Year Seminar will not add to the total credits for the semester. Talk with your advisor if you have any questions.