Feb 06, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 
Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Economics, BS (CAS)

For more information about the Economics (Social Science) department, visit its website.

Economics Curriculum

   Department and Number - Descriptive Title of Course Fall Cr. Spr. Cr.

First Year

 GE S/BH  ECO 153 - (S) Principles of Microeconomics  — ECO 154 - (S) Principles of Macroeconomics   3 3
 GE SPCH - WRTG  BUS 140 - (FYDT,FYOC) Business Information & Oral Proficiency  — WRTG 107 - (FYW) Composition   3 3
 GE PHIL  PHIL 120 - Introduction to Philosophy   3  
 GE T/RS  T/RS 121 - (P) Theology I: Introduction to the Bible     3
 GE QUAN  MATH ELECT – Math Option1 3-4 3-4
 GE HUMN  HUMN ELECT – Humanities Elective2 3 3
 GE FSEM  First Year Seminar 5    
 BUS CORE  BUS 150 - Career and Professional Development     1
    15-16 16-17

Second Year

 MAJOR  ECO 361 - Intermediate Microeconomics  — ECO 362 - Intermediate Macroeconomics   3 3
 MAJOR  STAT 253 - Statistics for Economics   3  
 COGNATE  ACC 253 - Financial Accounting   3  
 COGNATE  COGNATE ELECT - Cognate Elective   3
 GE PHIL - T/RS  PHIL 210 - Ethics  — T/RS 122 - (P) Theology II: Introduction to Christian Theology   3 3
 GE NSCI  NSCI ELECT – Natural Science Electives   3
 GE HUMN  HUMN ELECT – Humn. Electives (HIST 110 -HIST 111  recommended) 3  
 GE ELECT  FREE ELECT - Free Elective4   3
 BUS CORE  OIM 251 - Excel for Business Applications   1  
    16 15

Third Year

 MAJOR  ECO/IB 351 - (D) Environment of International Business   3  
 MAJOR  ECO ELECT - Economics Elective 3 6
 COGNATE  FIN 251 - Introduction to Finance     3
 COGNATE  COGNATE ELECT – Cognate Electives4 3 3
 GE PHIL or T/RS  PHIL - Philosophy Elective or T/RS ELECT - T/RS Elective 3  
 GE ELECT  FREE ELECT - Free Elective 3 3
 GE NSCI  NSCI ELECT - Natural Science Electives 3  
    18 15

Fourth Year

 MAJOR  ECO 460 - Monetary and Financial Economics   3  
 MAJOR  ECO ELECT - Eco. Elective — ECO 490 - Economics Seminar   3 3
 COGNATE  COGNATE ELECT - Cognate Elective4 3 3
 GE HUMN  HUMN ELECT - Humanities Elective 3 3
 GE ELECT  FREE ELECT - Free Electives 3 6
    15 15

Total: 125-127 Credits

1 See note on Math Options .

2 If EDUC 113  is required in the first semester, it is taken in place of a humanities elective and is counted as a GE free elective. One GE free elective in the fourth year must then be taken as a humanities elective.

3 If a third math course is required, it replaces this GE elective.   

4 Economics majors may apply up to 6 cognate credits toward a Math minor. Students taking the sequence open to Math majors are strongly urged to complete the calculus sequence by taking MATH 222 , particularly if they plan on pursuing graduate studies.

Economics majors in the College of Arts and Sciences will apply their elective cognate credits to the following areas (exceptions require the permission of the CAS Dean): Political Science, Psychology, Sociology. Nine credits must be in the same field.

5 The selection of a First Year Seminar is likely to fulfill requirements both for the First Year Seminar and a General Education Requirement.  Thus, the First Year Seminar will not add to the total credits for the semester.  Talk with your advisor if you have any questions.