Feb 14, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2012-13 
Undergraduate Catalog 2012-13 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Nursing, RN to BS

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Sharon Hudacek, Ed.D., Director, RN-BS Track


The registered-nurse student is recognized as an adult learner who comes with a diversity of life experiences, education, and clinical expertise, as well as motivation and ability to learn independently and collaboratively. To facilitate advanced placement, opportunity is provided for students to validate previously acquired educational and clinical competencies.

The nursing program, accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), is open to all registered nurses who meet admission requirements. The registered-nurse student may enroll on either a full-time or part-time basis.

To apply for admission to the RN to B.S. track , students should follow the regular admissions process and submit the following with completed application forms and fees:

  1. Official transcripts from high school, nursing school and other colleges attended.
  2. A copy of current Pennsylvania Registered Nurse License.
  3. A letter of recommendation from the nursing supervisor.

Transcripts are individually reviewed and evaluated. Transfer courses, especially courses in the sciences, must be equivalent to courses in the nursing program at The University of Scranton (science courses taken at a non-degree program are accepted if they were taken at an affiliated college and received college credit); a grade of C or better must have been earned.

Student Policies: RN Track

  1. Ordinarily, to continue in the nursing program, the RN student must enroll in a minimum of one course in each regular semester. 
  2. The RN student is expected to complete the degree requirements within seven years from the date of admission. 57 credits in Nursing are required for the degree, 38.5 of which may be earned by verifying current employment or graduation through an original RN program less than 10 years prior to acceptance. The 38.5 validation credits are posted on the student’s official transcript.
  3. Students must have completed at least 100 credits prior to enrollment in NURS 493 . Completion of all course work toward the baccalaureate degree is suggested prior to enrollment in NURS 484.
  4. Nursing students must achieve a grade of C or better in the major and cognate courses. Once the student is enrolled, all Nursing courses must be taken at The University of Scranton.
  5. Before students begin clinical work, they must submit copies of their professional malpractice-liability insurance policy, evidence of current licensure and CPR certification.
  6. College of Graduate and Continuing Education students will meet the service-learning requirements by completing major courses that have a service-learning component.

Students who have earned an overall GPA of 3.3 or higher and completed 96 undergraduate credit hours including NURS 241  and NURS 242  may choose an accelerated track toward the M.S.N.  Graduate course substitutions can be made for undergraduate NURS 484, 493 and electives.  Additional information is available from Dr. Hudacek, Director of the RN Track.

RN to B.S. in Nursing Curriculum

  Department and Number Descriptive Title of Course Credits

First Year

COGNATE CHEM 110-111 - (E) Introductory Chemistry  6
COGNATE BIOL 110-111 - (E) Structure and Function of the Human Body  8
GE SPCH–WRTG COMM 100 - Public Speaking WRTG 107 - Composition  6
GE C/IL C/IL 102 - Computing and Information Literacy 1 3
GE PHIL PHIL 120 - Introduction to Philosophy 1 3
GE S/BH S/BH ELECT–Social/Behavioral Science Elective1,2 3

Second Year

MAJOR NURS 241 - (W) Perspectives in Professional Nursing  3
MAJOR NURS 242 - Health, Illness and Assessment  3
COGNATE BIOL 210 - Introductory Medical Microbiology  3
COGNATE NUTR 220 - Nutrition for the Health Care Professions  3
COGNATE PSYC 210 - (Q) Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences  or EDUC 120 - (Q,W) Applied Statistics  3
GE T/RS T/RS 121 - (P) Theology I: Introduction to the Bible  3
GE PHIL–T/RS PHIL 210 - Ethics T/RS 122 - (P) Theology II: Introduction to Christian Theology  6
GE HUMN HUMN ELECT - Humanities Electives 9
GE S/BH S/BH ELECT - Social/Behavioral Science Elective2 3

Third Year

MAJOR NURS - Nursing Validation Credits 38.5
GE PHIL-T/RS PHIL-T/RS ELECT - Philosophy or T/RS Elective1 3
GE ELECT FREE ELECT - Free Electives2 6

Fourth Year

MAJOR NURS 471 - (D) Community Health Nursing 3,4 3.5
MAJOR NURS 484: Special Topics in Nursing Leadership5 3
MAJOR NURS ELECT - Nursing Elective5 3
MAJOR NURS 493 - Research in Nursing 5 3
GE HUMN HUMN ELECT - Humanities Elective 3
GE ELECT FREE ELECT - Free Elective5,6 3

Total: 131 Credits


1 Fall or spring

2 Department recommendation: PSYC 110 , PSYC 221  or PSYC 225 

3 Portfolio option available

4 Clinical Practicum Fee

5 Optional B.S./M.S. course substitution

6 Department recommendation: PHIL 212 

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