Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Economics, Finance, and International Business
Economics, Finance, and International Business
Iordanis Petsas, Ph.D., Chair
Aram Balagyozyan, Ph.D.
Satyajit Ghosh, Ph.D.
Hong V. Nguyen, Ph.D.
Christos Pargianas, Ph.D.
Iordanis Petsas, Ph.D.
Edward M. Scahill, Ph.D.
The major in Economics, which is available both through the Kania School of Management and the College of Arts and Sciences, provides an excellent training for understanding the economic events and developments of our complex industrialized society and of the world economies. It equips the student with training and background needed to assume responsible decision-making positions in the financial sector, industry, commerce, banking, or government service. It also gives a strong preparation for the pursuit of graduate studies in Economics or the law.
Course Information
Courses for Economics are listed under the prefixes ECO and ECO/IB. For more information on all courses offered, visit our Course Descriptions page.
Finance and Economics Double Majors
For students double-majoring in Economics and Finance, Finance Must be their first declared major.
Jinghan Cai, Ph.D.
Ioannis N. Kallianiotis, Ph.D.
Pedro Monteiro, M.S.
John A. Ruddy, D.P.S., C.F.A.
The practitioner in finance must be familiar with the tools and techniques available and, given the resources and constraints of organizations and the general economic environment in which the organization operates, be adept at efficiently managing the fiscal resources of the organization, including the raising of funds and their short-term and long-term investment. Career opportunities in finance include:
Banking – Bank Examiner, Trust Officer
Investments – Financial Analyst, Security Broker
Corporate – Financial Analyst, Working Capital Management
The department offers two tracks within the Finance major; 1) Financial Services Track and 2) Corporate Finance Track.
Course Information
Courses for Finance are listed under the prefixes FIN and FIN/IB. For more information these and on all courses offered, visit our Course Descriptions page.
Finance and Economics Double Majors
For students double-majoring in Economics and Finance, Finance Must be their first declared major.
International Business
The major in International Business is an interdisciplinary program designed for those Business students who seek an understanding of the complex world within which multinational corporations, national and international agencies, and individuals interact. In the 21st century all business activities are becoming more and more international in nature; it is imperative that those who wish to succeed in this international setting have a clear understanding not only of the theory and practice of the core business disciplines, but also of their interaction with the geographic, cultural, and political environments within which multinational corporations operate, and international trade and investment occur. This major is designed to prepare students who wish to work in the international arena – either overseas or in the United States.
Course Information
For more information on all courses offered, visit our Course Descriptions page.
Affiliated Programs
For information on programs affiliated with the Department of Economics, Finance and International Business visit Environmental Studies Concentration .
Click here for information on the Accelerated Master’s Degree and Combined Baccalaureate/Master’s Degree Programs and Accelerated BS/MS in Finance .
For more information about the Economics, Finance and International Business department, visit its website.