Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
PHIL 295 - (P,D) Chinese Philosophy and Culture in Contemporary Taiwan3 cr. (Prerequisites: PHIL 120 and PHIL 210 unless a waiver for special reasons is approved by the instructor)
This is a travel course to Taiwan that explores Chinese philosophy and culture with Taiwanese characteristics. It aims to expand students’ philosophical imagination through a real cultural encounter with the East. The course will include: (1) lectures and discussion on Confucian, Taoist, and Buddhist philosophy and culture and its development in Taiwan, (2) guest speakers, (3) field study, (4) hands-on cultural lessons, and (5) cultural excursions. The selection of sites will be based on what’s available and what enhances the lectures and discussions delivered in class. Depending on availability, overnight stay at a Buddhist monastery and service work at NGO/NPOs may be arranged. Travel expenses and material fees apply.