Jan 15, 2025  
Student Handbook 2020-2021 
Student Handbook 2020-2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Policies Governing The University Community

Academic Related Policies (Also see Undergraduate & Graduate Academic Catalogs) Student Conduct Policies
Equity & Diversity Other University Policies

Academic Related Policies (Also see Undergraduate & Graduate Academic Catalogs)

Academic Code of Honesty

I. Importance and Purpose of Code

The University seeks to educate students who have strong intellectual ambition, high ethical standards and dedication to the common good of society. Academic excellence requires not only talent and commitment but also moral integrity and a sense of honor. Integrity in intellectual activity is an indispensable prerequisite for membership in any academic community, precisely because the resultant trust makes possible the open dialog and sharing of information that are the core of successful academic community.

Plagiarizing papers and cheating on examinations are examples of violations of academic integrity. Academic dishonesty trivializes the students’ quest for knowledge and hinders professors from accurately assessing the individual talents and accomplishments of their students. To avoid these problems, to educate all scholars about the nature of academic dishonesty, and to promote a healthy academic community, The University of Scranton has implemented its Academic Code of Honesty and an on-line tutorial to support it.

An effective code must indicate unacceptable behavior and appropriate sanctions. Members of the University community who understand and appreciate the purpose of an institution of higher learning will rarely, if ever, be guilty of sanctionable offenses listed in the following sections.

As the University plans for the future, three key themes in our Liberal Arts characteristics and goals as a Jesuit Institution in the Catholic intellectual tradition address academic integrity. We seek to:

  • Impart the importance of gathering, evaluating, disseminating and applying information;
  • Provide learning experiences that include interactions and synthesis; and
  • Promote a lifelong commitment to learning and ethical decision-making.

To educate each student about the importance of academic integrity, the University has implemented an Academic Integrity Tutorial that will be taken by all First Year and Transfer students each summer before beginning classes. The purpose of this tutorial is to promote academic integrity by increasing students’ awareness of the issues and offering dilemmas/strategies to protect themselves from academic dishonesty situations. Faculty can use it as an educational resource to supplement their classroom discussions on academic integrity.

As new members of the University’s community of scholars, embrace your first steps toward a lifelong commitment to learning and the highest ethical standards. Welcome to the University of Scranton.

II. Student Behavior in Violation of Academic Honesty

The University has two codes of behavior; one for academic behavior (this document) and one for social behavior (Student Code of Conduct). This code addresses behavioral integrity in the academic work of the University. The latter deals with matters outside the context of academic courses.

The following conduct constitutes a violation of The University of Scranton Academic Code of Honesty.

A. Plagiarism

The handbook of the Modern Language Association describes plagiarism as “giving the impression that you have written or thought something that you have in fact borrowed from someone else.”

Examples of plagiarism in paper writing include: direct quoting of any source material whether published or unpublished without giving proper credit through the use of quotation marks, footnotes and other customary means of identifying sources; paraphrasing material from books and articles, etc., without identifying and crediting sources; submitting papers written by another person or persons; offering false, fabricated or fictitious sources for papers, reports, or other assignments.

Examples of plagiarism in taking examinations include any attempt to do the following: 1. Look at another’s examination; 2. Communicate by any means with another student during the course of an examination regarding its content; 3. Use any unauthorized materials, such as notebooks, notes, textbooks, or other sources, not specifically allowed by the course professor for use during the examination period; or 4. Engage in any other activity for the purpose of seeking or offering aid during an examination. (By the term “examination” the code includes quizzes, hourly tests, midterms, finals, laboratory practicals, etc.)

Another kind of plagiarism consists of fabricating, falsifying or copying data to represent the results of laboratory work, field assignments or computer projects.

B. Duplicate Submission of the Same Work

Submitting the same work for more than one course is a violation unless all concerned professors give their consent in advance.

C. Collusion

Ordinary consultation of faculty, library staff, tutors or others is legitimate unless the instructor has imposed stricter limits for a particular assignment. Any cooperative effort is forbidden which results in the work or ideas of others being presented as one’s own.

D. False Information

Furnishing false information to the University - when professors, advisors, officials or offices have a right to accuracy - violates academic honesty. Instances would include but are not limited to misrepresenting activity outside of the classroom (reports on field work, etc.) or improperly seeking special consideration or privilege (postponement of an examination or assignment deadline, etc.).

E. Unauthorized Use of Computers

In the context of the completion of a course and/or assignments (contained within a course) the unauthorized use of computers or the University Computing System and related networks (e.g., the unauthorized use of software, access codes, computing accounts, electronic mail and files) constitutes a violation of this code (see The Student Computing Policy available from the University’s Information Resources Division for more detail).

F. Theft and Destruction of Property

Unauthorized removal, retention, mutilation or destruction of common property of the University is a code violation as such behavior relates to specific academic responsibility. Such property includes but is not limited to library books, the collections of the Library and the Media Resources Center, laboratory materials, computers and computer software, etc. Also prohibited is the theft, mutilation or destruction of a student’s academic work, including books, notes, computer programs, papers, reports, laboratory experiments, etc.

G. Unauthorized Possession

Possession, without authorization, of copies of tests, answer sheets or other materials, however obtained, that could interfere with fair, accurate testing violates this code.

H. Other University Codes and the Civil Law

The University’s Student Code of Conduct proscribes conduct that will often have a direct bearing on the ability of faculty and students to achieve their academic goals. Therefore, violation of the Student Code of Conduct will often result in a violation of academic integrity as well. For example, harassment, physical and verbal abuse, drunkenness, disturbance of the peace, etc. impair academic life. If a violation occurs which might be addressed by either code, the University will pursue action under either the Academic Code of Honesty or the Student Code of Conduct but not both.

If a question as to which code should be applied to a particular situation arises, the Provost and the Vice President for Student Life will confer concerning the particular venue of the potential violation and reach a decision.

Students, in particular, should be aware that certain violations of honesty are also illegal and expose them to legal action by the University or others. Such acts include unauthorized copying, duplication, quotation or plagiarism of copyrighted materials and acts outlined above in sections E (computer use) and F (theft/destruction).

III. Faculty Responsibility to and for Academic Honesty

It is expected of the faculty of The University of Scranton that they will set a proper and effective tone for academic and intellectual inquiry. As role models, faculty should demonstrate characteristics which promote a sense of community within and among peers and the student body. At the heart of this community is a belief that academic honesty is derived from an appreciation for and adherence to moral integrity. Failures in the area of academic honesty strike at the heart of what is essential to the University community - the pursuit of truth.

Members of this University community, especially the faculty, should strive to guide the behavior of students through positive actions which clearly demonstrate that honesty and integrity are essential to the life of the University.

In light of these expectations the faculty should assess, accurately and effectively, the ability and achievements of their students. To do so, each faculty member should adhere to the spirit as well as the letter of this policy. Such adherence includes assessing and prosecuting to the fullest extent all violations of this code.

In order to carry out this policy properly, faculty are expected to:

  1. Familiarize themselves with this policy and its procedures;
  2. Familiarize themselves with statements on plagiarism and methods of insuring compliance;
  3. Remind their students of the general principles and requirements of this policy, giving specific attention to pedagogical and assessment criteria employed in their particular course. Unique requirements necessitate specific promulgation;
  4. Reflect on the necessity for fairness/equity in assignments and tests. Such reflection ought to be concretely reflected in all assessment of students;
  5. Secure tests and course materials so as to insure equal access for all;
  6. Pursue perceived violations of this code as part of their role in assessment of the student, in the pursuit of truth and in the formation of an academic community.

These expectations are enumerated to assist the faculty in establishing and sustaining an environment where academic and intellectual integrity are highly valued; these goals are pursued as a necessary component of the educational community. The manner in which inquiries into and discussion of infringements of this policy are pursued is important. All parties involved ought to remember that such inquiries and discussion, with colleagues or students, ought to be in pursuit of legitimate educational interests. Frivolity, curiosity and careless identification of parties involved are not consonant with such aims.

IV. Acceptance of  Responsibility

In accepting admission to The University of Scranton, students also accept responsibility for governing their own conduct in compliance with the Academic Code of Honesty.

V. Initial Action After Discovery of Academic Dishonesty

Plagiarism on the part of a student in academic work or dishonest examination behavior will ordinarily result in the assignment of the grade of “F” by the instructor. The instructor should notify the student of the academic dishonesty and his or her action in response to it, such as a lowered grade for the assignment or course, within five days after action is taken. In addition, all instances of academic dishonesty must be reported to the chairperson of the department involved and to the student’s dean within three days of the notification of the student. Upon receiving such notification, the chairperson will distribute a copy of the Academic Code of Honesty to the student within seven days.

VI. Procedures in Cases of Violation of This Code

In order to provide a forum for the fair resolution of accusations of academic dishonesty, the following procedure has been developed and will be applied in all cases involving University of Scranton students.

A. Pre-Hearing Procedure

  1. In all cases, a sincere attempt should be made by the student to resolve the problem by discussion with his/her professor. If that discussion results in no change of grade, the student may request an informal meeting in the office of the dean of the course. Present at the meeting will be the dean, the student, a faculty advocate for the student if the student so chooses, and the faculty member.
  2. If the student is dissatisfied with the results of the informal procedures, he or she may, within two weeks of the informal meeting or within one month of the disputed grade award, make a written request to the dean of the course for a formal hearing. The student’s request must state why he or she feels falsely accused or the grade is undeserved and his/her attempts to resolve the matter.
  3. Upon the student’s request, a hearing board will be constituted to review the evidence to determine if academic dishonesty has occurred and if the sanction imposed was fair. If the dean of the course is not the dean of the student, the dean of the course will advise the dean of the student of the impending hearing.

B. Hearing Board

  1. Training will be made available by the Provost/Academic Vice President for those faculty and students interested in serving on hearing boards, and for those faculty who wish to be chosen as student advocates.
  2. The hearing board will be appointed by the dean of the course. The hearing board will consist of two tenured faculty members and one student from the department in which the alleged academic dishonesty took place (or a student from the same school if there are no majors in the department) and one tenured faculty member and one student from outside the department of the course. In certain departments, tenured associates may be used.A faculty member on the committee will serve as chairperson.
  3. The chairperson of the hearing board receives all requests for hearings from the department, sets the calendar, notifies all board members and involved parties of the dates and time of hearings and informs students by written notice of the recommendations of the board.

C. Hearing Procedure

  1. After receiving a request for a hearing, the chairperson of the hearing board shall establish a date and time for the hearing and notify the student and professor involved and the other members of the board in writing. The student will receive written notice of any charges of academic dishonesty to be considered.
  2. If practicable, the hearing will be held within two weeks of the receipt of the request for a hearing.
  3. The hearing will be private and all persons present at the hearing will consider all information presented to be confidential. If, however, the student disseminates information disclosed during the hearing, the student’s interest in the confidentiality of the hearing will be deemed waived.
  4. Both the student and the faculty member involved may request assistance in presenting their cases at the hearing by any member of the University community other than an attorney. If the student used a faculty advocate for an informal meeting in the dean’s office, the same advocate should be used for the hearing. The individual must inform the chairperson of the hearing board of the names of his/her representative and any witnesses before the hearing date.
  5. Individuals appearing before the hearing board have the responsibility of presenting truthful information, and the board in reaching its decision will evaluate the credibility of the witnesses.
  6. Presentation of evidence will be made only during the hearing. The board may address questions to any party or witness. Any party may present witnesses or other evidence. The conduct of the hearing is informal, and the board is not bound by rules of evidence or court procedures. Matters of procedure will be decided by the chairperson of the hearing board.
  7. After the hearing board decides whether academic dishonesty has occurred, but before the hearing board makes its decision as to sanction, the chairperson will contact the dean of the student to find out whether the student has been involved in other academic dishonesty incidents.
  8. All decisions of the board will be determined by a majority vote of the members present. The student, the faculty member involved, and the dean of the student will be informed in writing by the chairperson of the hearing board of the board’s decision within two weeks of the hearing.

D. Appeal

The student may appeal the decision of the hearing board in writing to the dean of the student, or the dean’s designee, within thirty days of notice of the hearing board’s decision.2

The dean or designee may approve, modify, or reverse the decision of the board and will notify the student of his/her decision within two weeks of receiving the appeal if practicable. In those cases where the appeal was heard by the dean’s designee, the student may have a final appeal to the dean if a request in writing is made within 30 days of the designee’s decision. The dean will ensure that the sanctions imposed are carried out. The decision of the dean is final in all cases except expulsion. The sanction of expulsion may be imposed only by the Provost/Academic Vice President upon recommendation of the dean.

E. Repeated Violations

In cases of repeated violations of the Academic Code of Honesty by the same student, the dean of the student may impose additional sanctions. The student may appeal the imposition of additional sanctions to the Provost/Academic Vice President, who may approve, modify, or reverse the decision of the dean and will notify the student of his/her decision within two weeks of receiving the appeal if practicable. The Provost/Academic Vice President will ensure that the sanctions imposed are carried out. The decision of the Provost/Academic Vice President is final in all cases.

1 Tenured associates are tenured faculty members from another department who fulfill certain departmental functions for departments with fewer than four full-time tenured faculty members.

2 If an informal meeting took place in the office of the student’s dean of the course, and that dean is the same as the student’s dean, the student has the option of appealing the decision of the hearing board to the Provost/Academic Vice President rather than to the dean of the student.

Student Athlete Academic Absence Policy*   

The University of Scranton, as part of its mission, recognizes the importance of personal development through participation in authorized athletic competitions. The University endorses, supports, and takes pride in these events in which students represent the institution on and off campus. Faculty and coaching staff are committed to an on-going collaboration for the purpose of continuing rapport, joint problem-solving, and the ultimate benefit of the individual student’s overall learning and development.  However, there may be times when athletic competitions conflict with course related academic requirements, and it is hoped that faculty will regard any such absence as excused.

            It is the individual student-athlete’s responsibility to:

  • Present to each faculty member in whose course they are registered, within 1 week of the start of the season, a letter from the athletic director that details the dates and times of all known scheduled athletic events pertinent to that individual student-athlete.
  • Provide updates regarding the schedule to the course faculty member as needed throughout the semester.
  • Know the course requirements, including which academic experiences cannot be missed, because of their importance to course competency. 
  • Plan with course faculty and coaching staff as far as possible in advance to avoid class /clinical/ internship/ lab absences.
  • Inform course faculty and coaching staff at the earliest time possible (ideally within a 24 hour time frame) when potential conflicts might exist.
  • Know the absence policy of each course for which they are enrolled and discuss with course faculty a plan regarding missed class work and assignments.

*for authorized Division III athletic competitions.

Policy on Compliance - Grants, Research and Sponsored Programs

For more information on the GRASP Compliance Program and Plan, visit the website at http://matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/pdf/grasp1.pdf or contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, IMBM Room 201, 941-6353.


The University of Scranton (the University) has developed and implemented a comprehensive Grants, Research, and Sponsored Programs (GRASP) Compliance Program to assure full compliance with all laws, governmental regulations and University policies and procedures governing all grants, research, and sponsored programs, regardless of funding source. The highest standards of ethical conduct and careful stewardship of funds and resources are required of University employees in performance of their University responsibilities. Employees will not engage in conduct or activity that may raise questions as to the University’s honesty, impartiality, or reputation or otherwise cause embarrassment to the University. Any external activities related to University business must follow University policy.


The GRASP Compliance Program applies to all research and sponsored program activities conducted at the University by faculty, staff, students and affiliated agents.

The GRASP Compliance Program applies to the following:

  • Sponsored program activities, regardless of funding source (federal, state, private, nonprofit, etc.) or type of legal agreement (grant, contract, cooperative agreement, memorandum of understanding, subcontract, etc.), in support of the University’s threefold mission of instruction, research and public service.
  • Protection of human subjects in research
  • Welfare of animals in research
  • Integrity in research
  • Publication of research findings
  • Laboratory safety
  • Export controls of information and technology
  • Data acquisition and management
  • Student financial aid eligibility, payments and reporting
  • Allowability and consistency of cost accounting practices
  • Management of cash and accounts receivable
  • Safeguarding of University property
  • Applicable government regulations and grant/contract provisions
  • Management and development of intellectual property
  • External and internal reporting
  • Retention and availability of records

Policy on Protection of Animal Subjects in Research

If you are interested in more information or plan to do research with animals, please access the website at matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/research-compliance/IACUC.shtml or contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, IMBM Room 201, (570) 941-6353.

The animal facilities and programs of the University of Scranton are operated in conformity with the Animal Welfare Act (CFR 1985), the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (revised in 2016), 2011 Guide to the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (8th Edition), and other applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and policies.

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) has the responsibility to assure that no animals are used unnecessarily for research or instruction and that every effort is made to insure animal well-being and to minimize pain and distress.

All students, undergraduate and graduate, must complete a Student Research Assistant Training Certification form prior to their involvement in any animal research protocol. The form lists requirements which must be completed prior to any work with animals and then must be co-signed by the faculty supervisor and the animal caretaker.

Policy on Protection of Human Subjects in Research

If you are interested in learning more or if you plan to conduct research with human subjects, you can access The University of Scranton Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects Policies and Procedures Manual and forms at matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/research-compliance/IRB.shtml or contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, (570) 941-6353.

The University of Scranton (University) is committed to safeguarding the rights and welfare of human participants in all research under its sponsorship and to serving as their protector on behalf of the community of persons that comprise the University.

Principal guides for the University’s human subjects review system are:

The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research [The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, April 18, 1979].

Protection of Human Subjects [Code of Federal Regulations - 45 CFR 46, effective July 19, 2019].

All research involving human subjects, conducted at the University or under its sponsorship at another location by faculty, staff and/or students, must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board for Protection of Human Subjects (IRB) or its designated reviewer(s) as outlined in the Policies and Procedures Manual.

Policy on Research Misconduct

You can also access this policy on the web at matrix.scranton.edu/academics/provost/research/research-compliance/Research_Misconduct_policy.pdf or contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, IMBM Room 201, (570) 941-6353.


  1. This policy statement represents the University of Scranton’s commitment to ensuring adherence to appropriate standards in the conduct of research by its faculty, staff, and students. Primary responsibility for adherence to standards rests with the individual researcher. However, the University has an interest in seeing that certain minimal conditions are met in this sphere of activity.
  2. This policy statement is formulated to comply with current federal regulations, e.g., from the Public Health Service (PHS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF), regarding scientific misconduct. However, this policy applies to all research conducted by members of the University community under any circumstances and is not restricted to externally funded research. All researchers should be aware that no actions taken by the University in response to allegations of misconduct preclude inquiry, investigation, or disciplinary action by a federal agency. Copies of the misconduct regulations of NSF and PHS are available at the Office of Research Services.
  3. This policy statement is based upon and guided by general principles enunciated in the Framework for Institutional Policies and Procedures to Deal with Fraud in Research (November 4, 1988) developed by the Association of American Universities (AAU), the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges (NASULGC), and the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS). In some instances, wording has been taken directly from these guidelines in formulating the University’s policy statement.
  4. As emphasized in the document referred to in point 3, every reasonable attempt will be made in implementing the policy set forth herein to maintain confidentiality and to protect the researchers and persons making good-faith claims of research misconduct as defined below. Further, any inquiry or investigation should be conducted in as expeditious a manner as is compatible with the case being considered.

The University will undertake diligent efforts, as appropriate, to restore the reputations of persons alleged to have engaged in misconduct when allegations are not confirmed, and will also undertake diligent efforts to protect the positions and reputations of those persons who, in good faith, make allegations.

Definition of Misconduct

Members of the University community are expected to adhere to the highest standards of their respective fields in the conduct and reporting of research. This policy statement is aimed only at certain egregious violations of accepted practices in the conduct and reporting of research widely applicable across fields and broadly accepted in the research community as not only inappropriate but clearly unacceptable.

For purposes of this policy, misconduct is defined as follows:

  • Fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the scientific community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research. It does not include honest error or honest differences in interpretations or judgment of data.
  • Misappropriation of others’ ideas, i.e., the unauthorized use of privileged information (such as violation of confidentiality in peer review), however obtained.
  • Failure to meet University and/or federal policies regarding use of human or animal subjects in research.
  • Failure to meet legal requirements governing research.

Retaliation of any kind against a person who has reported or provided information about suspected or alleged misconduct and who has not acted in bad faith.

Review Procedure

This part of the policy identifies procedures to be followed when there is an allegation of research misconduct, as defined above. The review procedure identifies the steps to be followed and the parties involved when an allegation is made.


An inquiry is initiated whenever a specific allegation is made in writing that misconduct occurred at the University. The written allegation should be presented to the Director of Research, who will serve as the University’s misconduct officer.

If the research in question is funded by a federal agency, that agency will be notified of all actions and outcomes in accordance with its policies, guidelines, or rules regarding misconduct. Additionally, the University will notify the appropriate federal agency if it ascertains at any stage of the inquiry or investigation that any of the following conditions exists:

  1. there is an immediate health hazard involved;
  2. there is an immediate need to protect Federal funds or equipment;
  3. there is an immediate need to protect the interest of the person(s) making the allegations or of the individual(s) who is the subject of the allegation as well as his/her co-investigators and associates, if any;
  4. it is probable that the alleged incident is going to be reported publicly; or
  5. there is a reasonable indication of possible criminal violation (in this instance, the federal agency will be informed within 24 hours).

During an inquiry or investigation, the University will take interim administrative actions, as appropriate, to protect Federal funds and insure that the purposes of the Federal financial assistance are being carried out.

An inquiry will be completed within 60 calendar days of its initiation unless circumstances clearly warrant a longer period. A written report shall be prepared that states what evidence was reviewed, summarizes relevant interviews, and includes the conclusion of the inquiry. The individual(s) against whom the allegation was made shall be given a copy of the report of the inquiry. If they comment on that report, their comments will be made part of the record. If the inquiry takes longer than 60 days to complete, the record of the inquiry shall include documentation of the reasons for exceeding the 60-day period.

The University will maintain sufficiently detailed documentation of inquiries to permit a later assessment of the reasons for determining that an investigation was not warranted, if necessary. Such records shall be maintained in a secure manner for a period of at least three years after the termination of the inquiry, and shall, upon request, be provided to authorized Federal personnel. In the event that the institution decides to terminate an inquiry or investigation for any reason without completing all relevant Federal requirements (e.g. the requirements of section 50.103 (d) of 42 CFR Part 50, Subpart A), a report of such planned termination, including a description of the reasons for such termination, shall be made to the appropriate Federal office, which will then decide whether further investigation should be undertaken.

The Director of Research will determine whether a formal “investigation” as defined below is warranted. In doing so, the Director of Research is expected to use normal prudence in determining whether the allegation is frivolous, can be handled through simple corrective action using ordinary University procedures, or warrants more detailed pursuit. When the latter is the case, the Director of Research shall (a) involve at a minimum one other member of the Research Committee with appropriate experience and background, (b) notify in writing the Provost, the researcher, and the researcher’s undergraduate Dean that an allegation has been made, and (c) notify in writing the Provost, the researcher, and the researcher’s Dean about the disposition of the case, i.e., whether an investigation is warranted or the case has been otherwise resolved. Where simple corrective action is found adequate, the Director of Research will confirm this disposition of the case in writing to the researcher.

If an unsigned allegation is made, the University still bears responsibility for follow-up. In such a case, three members of the Research Committee will recommend, by majority action, whether or not an investigation is warranted; in this case, if an investigation is called for, these three members of the Research Committee shall not participate in the investigation stage.


A formal investigation is warranted if there is reasonable basis for believing that research misconduct, as defined herein, has occurred and could not be remedied by some simple corrective action with the researcher involved.

An investigation should ordinarily be completed within 120 days of its initiation. This includes conducting the investigation, preparing the report of findings, making that report available for comment by the subjects of the investigation, and submission of the report to federal agencies, as appropriate (see below). The investigation will be initiated upon notification of the researcher that an investigation is being conducted, as per (a) below.

If the University determines that it will not be able to complete the investigation in 120 days, it will submit to the appropriate Federal agency a written request for an extension and an explanation for the delay that includes an interim report on the progress to date, an outline of what remains to be done, and an estimated date of completion of the report. Any consideration for an extension must balance the need for a thorough and rigorous examination of the facts versus the interests of the subject(s) of the investigation and the Federal agency in a timely resolution of the matter. If the request is granted, the University will file periodic progress reports as requested by the Federal agency. If satisfactory progress is not made in the University’s investigation, the Federal agency may undertake an investigation of its own.

If an investigation is warranted, the Research Committee will conduct the investigation, unless the case involves violation of policies regarding human or animal subjects, where the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB) or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), respectively, shall be the investigative group, and shall follow the same rules for proceeding as specified for the Research Committee.

If an investigation is warranted, the chairs of the Faculty Affairs Council (FAC) and the Faculty Personnel Committee (FPC) shall be so informed by the Director of Research.

In order to draw upon additional expertise related to a particular discipline, the Research Committee may call upon other individuals (including persons outside the University) to assist in the investigation.

No determination that research misconduct has been committed shall be made until the researcher against whom the charge is made is:

  • (a) served by certified mail (return receipt requested) with a copy of the specific charges filed against him/her;
  • (b) provided with an opportunity to respond to the charges in writing no later than twenty (20) days after receipt by him/her of the allegations of research misconduct, with such response to be made to the University’s misconduct officer (the Director of Research);
  • (c) provided with an opportunity for a hearing before the misconduct officer or his/her designee.

The hearing to be held shall be stenographically recorded. The misconduct officer shall preside at such hearing. Both the party bringing the allegation of research misconduct and the researcher who has been so charged shall be entitled to be heard, to bring witnesses, if necessary, and to submit whatever documentary, demonstrative or tangible evidence each wishes to submit for consideration on the issue of research misconduct. Legal counsel or attorneys for any party will not be permitted in the room during the hearing.

The misconduct officer shall have the authority to issue whatever orders governing such hearings as are necessary to preserve the confidentiality of the scientific and research information, documentation and other evidence which may be presented by the parties in the course of such hearing. This authority shall include, where necessary, the authority to sequester witnesses, close the hearing to other University personnel and the public at large and to seal written documents to prevent public disclosure, with the exception that, if the accused is a faculty member, he or she may keep the Chair of FAC apprised of the progress of the investigation and hearing. The Chair of FAC will protect, to the maximum extent possible, the confidentiality of any information he or she receives regarding the investigation and hearing.

The misconduct officer shall also have the authority to designate a panel of three individuals having recognized expertise in the area or discipline wherein the allegation of research misconduct is alleged to have been committed to aid in the determination of the validity of the allegations raised against the researcher. Such experts need not be associated with the University but their credentials must be made known to both the party bringing the charges of research misconduct and the party so charged.

The party raising the allegation of research misconduct shall have the burden of proof in any proceeding conducted pursuant to this policy. Any oral or documentary evidence may be received, but the University, by its misconduct officer, may provide for the exclusion of irrelevant, immaterial or unduly repetitious evidence.

The transcript of testimony and exhibits, together with all documents filed in the hearing, shall constitute the exclusive record for a decision by the misconduct officer and thereafter by the University Provost.


The Research Committee (or IRB or IACUC) completes its investigation by filing with the Director of Research a report of findings which indicates whether or not research misconduct has occurred, the basis for the determination, and recommendations regarding corrective actions which should be taken if misconduct has occurred. A report of the findings shall be given to the researcher(s), the Provost, and the external agency funding the project (if any). The findings report should also contain recommendations regarding appropriate disciplinary action. Possible disciplinary actions can range from warnings against similar misconduct in the future to the actual dismissal of the individual from the University. The disciplinary action will be determined by the Provost after consideration of recommendations made by the Research Committee.

A determination of disciplinary action, if any, shall be made by the Provost and the researcher so notified in writing within 14 days (two weeks) of the date the Provost receives the report of findings, if practicable. The report of findings shall be maintained and made available to authorized representatives of Federal agencies, if applicable, which may decide to proceed with their own investigation or act on the University’s findings.


An appeal of the findings report may be made by the researcher to the Provost. An appeal (if made) of the Provost’s disposition of the case must be filed within 14 days (two weeks) of the date of the Provost’s notification. The determination of the Provost regarding the appeal is final, including adoption of any disciplinary action, if warranted.

The Provost shall sustain the findings of the Research Committee (or IRB or IACUC) if there is substantial, competent evidence in the record to support such findings.

With respect to faculty members covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Faculty Affairs Council and the University of Scranton, it is understood that any disciplinary action, including termination, imposed by the University of Scranton pursuant to this research misconduct policy, if challenged by the researcher disciplined or terminated, shall be so challenged exclusively through the grievance-arbitration procedure of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

If either the chair of FAC or chair of FPC is directly involved in any aspect of an investigation of scientific misconduct, then the chair(s) involved shall be replaced by other members of FAC or FPC, respectively, for purposes of handling any grievances which may arise hereunder.

Equity & Diversity Policies

Equal Opportunity and Diversity

The University of Scranton is a Catholic, Jesuit University in the liberal arts tradition, serving primarily undergraduate men and women. We are committed to a policy of equal opportunity in employment and education without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, ancestry, pregnancy, genetic information, or other status protected by law. The University reaffirms and endorses the goals of equal education and employment opportunity consistent with the law and firmly rooted in its values and policies.

The University of Scranton is committed to recruiting a diverse faculty, staff, and student body embracing an inclusive campus community which values the expression of differences in ways that promote excellence in teaching, learning, personal development, and institutional success. The University of Scranton is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Educator.  The University of Scranton fully complies with the letter and spirit of applicable laws, statutes and regulations that govern equal opportunity, diversity and non-discrimination efforts.

Policy on Students with Disabilities

The University of Scranton complies with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to the provision of reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities as these terms are defined in the law. The University will provide reasonable accommodations so that students can fully participate in curricular and co-curricular activities. Students who have a physical, mental or learning disability and need assistance to achieve successfully their academic or co-curricular goals should contact CTLE at 570-941-4038.

Emergency Evacuation Plan for People with Disabilities

An individual with a disability attending the University of Scranton needs to self-disclose and provide information regarding special assistance that may be needed during an emergency evacuation. Self-identification is VOLUNTARY and the purpose for the request is to provide information to the CTLE department. A meeting with the Health and Safety Officer will be scheduled with the individual for a briefing on procedures to ensure safe evacuation in case of an emergency.

  • It is important for the individual with a disability to be aware of his or her surroundings at all times, and know what actions need to be taken in the event of an emergency.
  • In the event of an emergency, the individual should go to a designated “Area of Rescue Assistance” with the assistance of a nearby individual who can report their location to emergency personnel. These areas will normally be the fire-safe stairwells and may be designated by signage.
  • If no one is available, call University Police at (570) 941-7777 or 9-911 or use an emergency phone to report your location.
  • The individual needing assistance should wait there until a First Responder arrives. University Police or Scranton Fire personnel are equipped and trained to evacuate occupants needing special assistance from a building.

Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy

Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy

*All forms of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence and stalking are governed by and adjudicated through the Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

I. Preface As a Catholic, Jesuit institution of higher learning, The University of Scranton recognizes the important contribution a diverse community of students, faculty, and staff makes towards the advancement of its goals and ideals. The University is dedicated to providing a diverse, inclusive, educational, residential, and working environment that is free of harassment and discrimination, and protecting rights and dignity of all members of the University community and guests. These protections include, but are not limited to, freedom from unlawful discrimination, harassment, or retaliation of any kind, freedom to be heard without reprisal and the assurance of a prompt and equitable investigation and/or resolution. At the same time, the University is committed to the principles of academic freedom. Vigorous discussion and debate, even of controversial matters, are an integral part of the educational experience.

II. Policy Statement The University is committed to providing an educational, residential, and working environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. Members of the University community, applicants for employment or admissions, guests and visitors have the right to be free from harassment or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, gender, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, genetic information, national origin, veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable law. This policy educates members of the University community about discrimination, harassment, and retaliation and provides clear procedures when a violation of the policy occurs. The policy guides students, employees, applicants, visitors and guests who have experienced, witnessed or been affected by harassment or discrimination. Retaliation against any person who reports harassing or discriminatory behavior or files a complaint of discrimination or harassment in good faith, participates in any manner in an investigation or resolution of a report or complaint conducted by the University or an external agency, or otherwise opposes discrimination under federal and state laws, and this policy, is prohibited. Any violation of this policy will be treated as misconduct, and may result in appropriate disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the University.

Click here to review the comprehensive Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy


As a Catholic, Jesuit institution of higher learning, the University of Scranton is committed to providing an educational, residential and working environment that is free from gender and sex-based discrimination.  Members of the University of Scranton (the “University”) community, guests and visitors have the right to be free from all forms of gender and sex-based discrimination, examples of which can include sexual assault, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence, stalking and sexual harassment.

All members of the campus community are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights of others. The University does not tolerate sexual harassment and sexual misconduct.  When a report of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct is brought to a n appropriate University official’s attention, the University will take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to resolve the allegations and to implement supportive measures and remedies.  the University will take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to resolve the allegations and to implement supportive measures and remedies.  Where appropriate the University will also take prompt and effective steps to  stop sexual harassment or misconduct, eliminate a hostile environment, prevent its reoccurrence. This policy has been developed to reaffirm these principles and to provide recourse for those individuals whose rights have been violated.  end the misconduct, eliminate the hostile environment, prevent its recurrence, and, as appropriate, remedy its effects.  This policy has been developed to reaffirm these principles and to provide recourse for those individuals whose rights have been violated.  This policy is intended, not only to comply with laws, but also to define our community expectations and to establish a mechanism for determining when those expectations have been violated.

This policy applies to conduct that takes place while on University property, at University sponsored events and activities, and off-campus programs including but not limited to study abroad programs, internships, student teaching, and athletic events.  This policy also applies to off campus activity that violates the policy and has the effect of interfering with or limiting one’s ability to participate in or benefit from a work-related or educational program or activity.

Click here to review the comprehensive Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Student Conduct Policies (Also see Student Code of Conduct)

Alcohol and Drug Policy

These policies express The University of Scranton’s educational concern for creating an environment that fosters growth by and among its members and its commitment to the physical and emotional health and well-being of all those who work, study or congregate at the University.

I.    University Alcohol Policy

A.    Student Alcohol Policies
The University of Scranton prohibits students and guests from engaging in the following:

  • Use, possession or consumption of alcohol by individuals who are under twenty-one (21) years of age.
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol, intoxication, alcohol impairment, or alcohol abuse as evidenced by factors including, but not limited to, public drunkenness, disorderly or erratic behavior, slurring of speech, physical coordination difficulties, vomiting, or a preliminary breath test reading/blood alcohol content of .08% or greater. Excessive consumption of alcohol is not an excuse for behavior that violates the Student Code of Conduct.
  • Social hosting, which is defined as providing the site for a gathering where underage alcohol possession or use is documented.
  • Providing or serving alcohol to individuals who are under the age of twenty-one (21). Please note that under Pennsylvania state law, charging admission, selling mugs, glasses, chits, tickets, etc. constitute furnishing alcoholic without a legal license and are illegal.
  • Possessing an open container containing alcohol in a public location (i.e. street, Commons)
  • Being in the presence of any other person on-campus who is engaging in a violation of the University Alcohol Policy.
  • Operating a motor vehicle in an illegal or unsafe manner while under the influence of alcohol.
  • Use or possession of alcoholic beverages at University-sponsored athletic events.
  • On-campus possession or use of kegs (quarter or half), beer balls, or other common containers of alcoholic beverage larger than one gallon without the written approval of the appropriate Vice President (or designee). Please note that the registration form for events where alcohol will be served is available in the Center for Student Engagement.
  • On-campus possession of “grain” alcohol except in a supervised laboratory setting.
  • Violating laws or ordinances pertaining to the possession or consumption of alcohol.

B.     Alcohol Policies Applicable in On-Campus Housing

In addition, The University of Scranton prohibits students and guests from engaging in the following in University on-campus housing:

  • Possessing or consuming alcohol while twenty-one (21) years of age or older in the presence of individuals who are under the age of twenty-one (21) (except for one’s roommate).  
  • Possessing or consuming alcoholic beverages in public areas in University residences. Public areas include, but are not limited to, kitchens, lounges, closets, hallways, bathrooms and balconies. Note that students and guests who are at least twenty-one (21) years of age may consume alcohol in the privacy of student rooms in a manner otherwise consistent with the University Alcohol Policy.
  • Displaying empty alcohol containers (cans or bottles) on shelves, desks, etc.
  • Possessing beer funnels, beer pong tables or other paraphernalia that can be used for fast, abusive consumption of alcohol.
  • Refusing to submit to a preliminary breath test when requested to do so by a University Police officer. A student who refuses such a test will be presumed to have a .08% blood alcohol content.

C.    Alcohol at University Social Events

Alcoholic beverages may be served at University social events registered with the appropriate Vice President or his/her designee (student functions are always registered with the Center for Student Engagement) at least five (5) class days prior to the event. Registration includes agreement to assume responsibility for monitoring and controlling the event. In addition, the following regulations apply to University social events where alcohol is served:

  • Persons under twenty-one (21) years of age may attend functions where alcohol is served only with the written approval of the Vice President for Student Life or other appropriate Vice President/Vice Provost (or designee). The approval is based on the nature of the event and the ability of the organizing group, department or division to provide suitable and effective control. No one under the age of twenty-one will be permitted to consume alcohol at these functions.
  • Non-alcoholic beverages and food items must be provided and must be as accessible as alcoholic beverages. ARAMARK must cater all events where alcohol is served on campus.
  • Alcohol must be served by bartenders provided by ARAMARK or trained through the ARAMARK TIPS program. Hiring and training costs are the responsibility of the sponsoring division, department, club or organization, which must also provide individuals from its own membership to serve as checkers of identification and control agents to monitor behavior.
  • A University of Scranton identification card or valid driver’s license, or both, are proper identification to verify the age and University status of an individual. Some events may require the use of a computer-generated list to verify age or University status.
  • The University’s Chief of Police will determine when University Police officers and/or Scranton Police Department personnel are necessary.
  • Alcohol will not be served to visibly intoxicated persons.
  • Advertising or promoting alcohol as a primary attraction of an event and the marketing of alcohol by beverage manufacturers or distributors or by clubs, organizations, departments or divisions of the University are prohibited.
  • Alcoholic beverages must not be sold at any event held in a University facility not covered by a Pennsylvania liquor license. Under state law, charging admission, selling mugs, glasses, chits, tickets, etc. constitute furnishing alcoholic without a legal license and are illegal.

Any division, department, club or organization that fails to follow these guidelines and procedures will lose its privilege to conduct social events for a period of time determined by the appropriate Vice President or his/her designee.

D.    State and City Laws Concerning Alcohol

Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and ordinances of the City of Scranton are applicable to all members and guests of The University of Scranton community. Below is a list of prominent laws and ordinances. However, this list is not comprehensive. Community members are encouraged to ensure they are familiar with relevant laws and ordinances. Failure to abide by them may result in disciplinary action.

  • It is illegal for any person under twenty-one (21) years of age to attempt to purchase, consume, possess or transport any alcoholic beverage. Note that Pennsylvania applies the concept of constructive possession under which guilt can be construed for possession of alcohol by determining that alcohol was readily available to a minor who apparently made no good faith attempt to distance him or herself from it. Also note that individuals who violate this law do not have a right to a breath test or blood test.
  • It is illegal for any person to sell, furnish or give away any alcoholic beverage to a person under twenty-one (21) years of age or to any person who is visibly intoxicated.
  • It is illegal to operate or control a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. “Under the influence” is currently defined in Pennsylvania as .08% blood alcohol content for individuals who are twenty-one (21) years of age or older and .02% blood alcohol content for individuals who are less than twenty-one (21) years of age.
  • It is a violation of a City of Scranton ordinance to possess and/or consume alcoholic beverages from open containers in public streets, sidewalks, highways, buildings, lanes, parking lots, recreation or park areas, or other public property within the City limits.

II.    University Drug Policy

The University of Scranton established this policy in an effort to ensure the most positive learning environment for all students. Violations of this policy are serious and may result in a student’s suspension from the University and/or removal from on-campus housing, even for a first offense. University students and their guests are prohibited from engaging in the following:

  • Use or possession of illegal drugs, controlled substances, or other substances that significantly alter one’s physical and/or mental state.
  • Use or possession of a controlled substance without a valid prescription; Use of a controlled substance in a manner other than as prescribed; Abuse of prescription or over-the-counter products.
  • Use or possession of drug paraphernalia or items that have been or can be used to smoke or ingest illegal drugs, controlled substances, or other substances that significantly alter one’s physical and/or mental state (i.e., pipes, hookahs, bowls, bongs).
  • Being in the presence of any other person on-campus who is engaging in a violation of the University Drugs Policy.
  • Manufacture, transfer, sale, distribution, or intent to distribute any amount of illegal drugs, controlled substances, or other substances that significantly alter one’s physical and/or mental state. Students who engage in such conduct will be suspended from the University as a minimum sanction, even for a first offense.

III.    Amnesty & Good Samaritan Policy

The University of Scranton is a caring community that holds paramount the health and safety of students. Accordingly, all University students are expected to alert appropriate officials in the event of any health or safety emergency, including those involving the abuse of alcohol or other drugs.

When a student is in need of medical attention as a result of alcohol or other drug (“AOD”) use, fellow students are expected to (1) contact appropriate officials to report the incident and request assistance (i.e., University staff members, University Police, law enforcement), (2) provide their names and contact information to the appropriate officials, and (3) demonstrate cooperation and care by remaining with the student in need of medical attention and providing assistance during and after the incident. 

A student (other than a student-staff member) who seeks medical attention for an AOD impaired student by following the aforementioned steps will generally not be subject to formal University disciplinary action for Alcohol or Drug Policy violations relative to this incident. While no formal University disciplinary action may be taken, the student who acted as a Good Samaritan may be requested to meet with a University staff member to discuss the incident and adhere to any appropriate therapeutic and/or educational recommendations.

Similarly, an AOD impaired student who receives medical attention because another student (other than a student-staff member) followed the aforementioned steps will generally not be subject to formal University disciplinary action for Alcohol or Drug Policy violations relative to this incident. While the impaired student may be granted amnesty from formal University disciplinary action, the student will be required to meet with a University staff member, participate in substance abuse education and/or an evaluation at the University’s Counseling Center, and comply with any therapeutic and/or educational recommendations (i.e., counseling, therapy, outpatient or inpatient care).

The Amnesty & Good Samaritan Policy does not protect students from repeated, flagrant, or serious violations of the Student Code of Conduct (i.e., physical or sexual assault, property destruction, disorderly behavior, theft) nor does it prevent or preclude action by police or other legal authorities. While Pennsylvania law provides an exception for persons seeking medical attention for another (18 Pa.C.S. 6308), it differs from the University’s Amnesty & Good Samaritan Policy.

In general, the Amnesty & Good Samaritan Policy only applies for an initial Alcohol or Drug Policy violation, as it is the expectation of the University that students learn from poor decisions involving alcohol or other drugs and avoid such situations in the future. Therefore, if a student was previously responsible for an Alcohol or Drug Policy violation or previously was covered by the Amnesty & Good Samaritan Policy, the applicability of the Amnesty & Good Samaritan Policy for subsequent incidents is at the discretion of the Vice President for Student Life (or designee). See also, Sexual Harassment & Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Note that student clubs, teams, and organizations, through their officers and members, are also expected to take responsible action in emergency situations. While the Amnesty & Good Samaritan Policy may not fully apply, a group’s adherence to the aforementioned steps will be considered a mitigating factor when determining the outcome or sanction of an incident that merits disciplinary action. Additionally, the University will consider a group’s failure to adhere to the aforementioned steps to be an egregious factor when determining disciplinary action. 

Anti-Violence Policy

The University of Scranton is known for its nurturing and supportive community. As partners in an educational mission inspired by the vision of Saint Ignatius Loyola, the trustees, administrators, faculty, staff and students of the University resolve to maintain a campus community that is free from violence in all of its forms. The mission of education that takes place in the offices and classrooms of the campus is only possible in an environment of mutual respect and concern.  The University family, therefore, recognizes that violent behavior - from the seemingly insignificant to the significant - is inherently destructive to the fabric of our community and will not be tolerated.

The University prides itself on fostering a caring community, one that is committed to the personal growth and transformation of its members. Accordingly, the University will not tolerate acts of violence (i.e., assaulting, striking, shoving, slapping, fighting), harassment, verbal threats, intimidation and other similar behavior. Students are expected to handle conflict appropriately. In the event of physical violence, students should pursue every means possible to avoid physical retaliation. Students who are found responsible for engaging in acts of physical violence will be subject to disciplinary action (including suspension or expulsion), removal from campus, and/or criminal prosecution. The University community must do all that it can to eradicate violence on campus and in the surrounding neighborhood. To this end, acts of violence, harassment, verbal threats, intimidation and other similar behavior should be immediately reported to the University Police Department. Acts of retaliation are prohibited against anyone who brings a complaint under this policy or who serves as a witness in the investigation of such a complaint.

Campus Social Norms Policy

As an institution of higher learning grounded in the Catholic tradition, The University of Scranton is committed to Church teaching which explicitly calls all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, to chastity. Chastity requires those who are single to refrain from sexual union or sexual intimacy. While it is a teaching for which there is little societal reinforcement, it remains a clear call of the Gospel with respect to our sexual mores.

While the University does not seek to coerce into our beliefs those within our community who honestly differ and guarantees to all members every reasonable right to privacy in their actions, this ideal remains normative for the community.

Domestic or International Study Away & Student Conduct Expectations

A University student studying abroad or away on a faculty led program or non-faculty led study program is subject to the laws of the state or country in which he or she is studying and the conduct and academic codes of the host institution. While studying abroad or away, a student is concurrently enrolled as a student at The University of Scranton and is subject to all University of Scranton conduct and academic integrity standards. Misconduct of any kind by a student studying abroad will be referred to the International Programs and Services Office and the Office of Student Conduct for review and appropriate action. Serious misconduct may lead to the expulsion of a student from a study abroad or away program and/or the university abroad or away, and suspension or expulsion from The University of Scranton.

Hazing Prohibition Policy

The University of Scranton is a caring and compassionate community where, by working together, challenging each other to strive for excellence, and engaging in service, students are transformed in positive ways through their involvement in clubs, organizations, and teams. Hazing and/or other inappropriate club, organization, or team activities that endanger, degrade, or devalue the worth of another person are antithetical to our University’s values. While cura personalis calls us to care for the whole person, hazing disrespects and devalues people.

Therefore, the University of Scranton strictly prohibits students from engaging in hazing activity for the purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership in any student group (i.e., organization, club, team). Any activity organized by a student group  or members of a student group that involves other students in practices which (1) endanger or potentially endanger an individual’s physical, emotional, or psychological well-being (as determined at the sole discretion of the University), (2) constitute violations of University policies or local, state, or federal ordinances and laws, or (3) involve the distribution or removal of public or private property shall be immediate cause for disciplinary action. It shall not matter whether such practices were mandatory or voluntarily entered into by any of the students or the student group members in question, including new and initiated student members.

Hazing includes, but is not limited to, brutality of a physical nature, forced or coerced consumption of food, alcohol, drugs, or other substances, forced or coerced sleep deprivation or excessive fatigue, forced or coerced exclusion from social contact, or forced or coerced actions such as public stunts or buffoonery which could result in humiliation or embarrassment. For purposes of this policy, any activity directly or indirectly conditioned with initiation, admission into, affiliation with or continued membership in any student group shall be presumed to be “forced or coerced” activity, the willingness of an individual to participate in such activity notwithstanding.

Individuals and student groups found in violation of this policy will be subject to University disciplinary action that could include loss of recognition, suspension or expulsion from the University. In addition, students may also be subject to criminal charges as a result of concurrent violations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Antihazing Law (24 P.S. 5353). This law states: “any person who causes or participates in hazing commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.”

Off-Campus Behavior Policy

The University of Scranton is an integral part of the historic Hill neighborhood and the City of Scranton, and students are members of both the University community and the local community. Respect and concern for the dignity, well-being and property of members of the local community are essential. All University students are obligated to exhibit exemplary citizenship at all times. The Assistant Director of Off-Campus and Commuter Student Life serves as a University resource for students who have questions regarding their rights and responsibilities in the local community. Excessive or unreasonable noise and/or trash, littering, possession, use and/or sale or distribution of alcohol or drugs in a manner that violates the law or University policy, excessively large parties, and/or disrespect for neighbor and community are incongruent with students’ obligations. The University’s jurisdiction in disciplinary matters extends to any conduct that adversely affects the University community, the University’s reputation and/or the pursuit of its mission and objectives regardless of where it occurs. Accordingly, the University reserves the right to refer students involved in the aforementioned behaviors, as well as other disruptive behaviors, to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary action.

Refund Policy for Disciplinary Dismissal

A tuition refund granted to a suspended or expelled student will be made in accordance with the refund policy published in The University of Scranton Undergraduate Catalog. In addition, federal and state refund policies will be utilized to determine where any refund should be directed. The effective date used for this type of tuition refund will be the date on which a suspension or expulsion was agreed to at the informal hearing level or was imposed at a formal hearing (including completion of the appellate process). A tuition refund cannot be granted to a student who is suspended or expelled after the last date for a partial refund, as published in the University refund schedule.

Room and board charges will be refunded to a suspended or expelled student on a pro-rata basis. The effective refund date will be the date after which a suspended or expelled student is no longer entitled to use housing and dining services after the adjudication of his/her case. The Director of Student Conduct will determine this date. All other fees will be forfeited with no refund.

In the case when the student is very near the end of the term, the student can request the ability to complete the term before the suspension or expulsion takes effect, through the Vice President for Student Life (or designee). This determination will be made on the basis of the magnitude of the offense(s) and the student’s disciplinary history. A student allowed to complete a term must finish all course work as scheduled within the term. Faculty will be consulted to determine if a grade of “W” or “F” will be assigned to uncompleted courses. It should be noted that the term would officially end on the day of his/her last final examination.

If a suspended or expelled student is not allowed to complete an academic term and the sanction takes effect during the course drop/refund period, no courses or grades will appear on the student’s transcript for the term. However, if a suspended or expelled student is not allowed to complete an academic term and the sanction takes effect after the end of the drop/refund period, course faculty will be consulted to determine if a grade of “W” or “F” will be assigned for each course. In both cases, a comment of “Administrative Withdrawal” or “Administrative Leave” will appear on the transcript to denote ceased attendance for the term.

Other University Policies

Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy

Students are responsible for reading, understanding, and abiding by this policy.

I. Policy Statement

The University of Scranton community is encouraged to make innovative and creative use of information technologies primarily for purposes related to the University’s mission, including teaching, research, scholarly pursuits, services, and business activities. That use has limitations however. This policy is designed to serve as a general guide for the acceptable use of computer and information systems and networks provided by The University of Scranton. All students, faculty, staff, and other authorized users should interpret this policy as a launch point to the various specific policies it encompasses – not as a replacement or amendment to any single one of them.

II. Reason for Policy

The University expects all members of its community to uphold the highest societal standards of respect for policy, law, the University, the community, and for all other persons. This expectation extends to include our use of computing and network resources. While there are various policies already in place to outline specific and targeted expectations, this Acceptable Use Policy is designed to unite and relate these policies within the larger framework of the University’s mission, vision, and Jesuit tradition.

III. Entities Affected By This Policy

All users of University information technology resources are governed by this policy.

IV. Website Address for this Policy


V. Related Documents, Forms, and Tools

A number of other related policies that provide greater specificity can be found in Appendix A.

VI. Contacts

For policy clarification and interpretation, please contact the Chief Information Officer at 570-941-6185. For legal advice and interpretation of law, please contact the Office of General Counsel at 570-941-6213.

VII. Definitions


VIII. Responsibilities

The University of Scranton computing and network resources are to be used for University-related research, instruction, learning, enrichment, dissemination of scholarly information, and administrative activities. All use of computing and network resources must be consistent with University policies and codes of conduct, and must not violate international, federal, state, or local laws. The computing and network facilities of the University are limited and must be used wisely and carefully with consideration for the needs of others.

It is an affront to the mission of the University to use electronic mail, or any other means of communication, to insult, harass or threaten any other user. It is also a serious violation to pose as another user or hide one’s identity on the system. The University’s computing resources and operating software are the property of the University, and users must not, knowingly or unknowingly, take actions which compromise the integrity of the system or degrade its availability to others. Individuals may not share with or transfer to others their University accounts through the use of network IDs, passwords, or other access codes that allow them to gain access to University information technology resources.

Computing and network resources offer powerful tools for communication among members of the community and of communities outside the University. When used appropriately, these tools can enhance dialogue and communication. When used unlawfully or inappropriately, however, these tools can infringe on the rights of others.

The Chief Information Officer reserves the right for final interpretations of the applicability of this policy and decisions regarding sanctions would be made in consultation with existing governing policies and procedures.

IX. Procedures

Violations of this policy should be reported to the Chief Information Officer who will coordinate with the appropriate divisional Vice-President or designee. Immediate action, including suspending access to University computing and network resources, may be warranted pending further investigation if there is an imminent threat to University systems and data. Violations of any part of this policy, in addition to any immediate action above, will subject violators to the regular disciplinary processes and procedures of the University that apply to students, faculty, staff, graduate teaching assistants, work study students, and all third parties. Depending on the individual and circumstances involved this could include the offices of Human Resources, the Provost, Student Conduct, the General Counsel, and/or appropriate law enforcement agencies.

X. Appendix A

Related documents include but are not limited to:

Information Classification & Protection Policy


This policy defines how University information is classified and how it is to be protected. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni trust that the University protects their personal information as it exists in any medium — electronic, as well as all forms of paper record. This policy also helps to fulfill the requirements of federal and state information security regulations; specific examples of these regulations can be found on page 2 of this policy.

Copyright Compliance and Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Policy


The University of Scranton fully complies with copyright laws and regulations, and regulates the use of peer‐to‐peer (P2P) file sharing activities on its network, which can be illegal.

University Privacy and Confidentiality Policy


This policy establishes the principles to guide the practices of divisions and units in protecting the privacy and confidentiality of the information entrusted to us. This policy also helps to fulfill the requirements of federal and state information security regulations; specific examples of these can be found in Section V of this policy.

Student Code of Conduct (available in Student Handbook)


Student Handbook


Copyright Policy


Academic Code of Honesty


Web Guidelines


A guide to page creation, oversight and maintenance of our website and social media sites.

Administrative Withdrawal of Students

A student who exhibits behavior that (1) poses a significant risk to the health or safety of others, (2) poses a significant risk of damage to property, or (3) is disruptive to the normal educational processes of the University (including activities in University-owned housing), may be administratively withdrawn from the University. An Administrative Withdrawal may be enacted by the Vice President for Student Life (or designee) or the Provost (or designee) in consultation with the Director(s) of Student Health Services and/or Counseling Center (or designee(s)). In most cases, an Administrative Withdrawal will be immediate and shall be for a reasonable length of time. There is no appeal to implementation of an Administrative Withdrawal. Note that at any time prior to the implementation of an Administrative Withdrawal, a student may choose to withdraw voluntarily in accordance with the Leave of Absence Policy.

Decisions regarding Administrative Withdrawal will be based on observations of student conduct, actions, and statements and not based on knowledge or belief that the student has a disability. All decisions will be made in consultation with a professional qualified to interpret the information and will include consideration of reasonable alternative educational/residential arrangements. Any student facing administrative withdrawal will be given the opportunity to be heard on the decision by the Vice President for Student Life (or designee) who enacted the Administrative Withdrawal understanding that in exigent circumstances, this opportunity may be after the fact. The University will apply this policy in a nondiscriminatory manner.

When a student is administratively withdrawn from the University, the student shall be provided with the following in writing:

  1. The reason(s) for this action;
  2. Information regarding the student’s eligibility for any tuition and/or fee refund;
  3. Information regarding any impact this action may have upon the student’s current grades and academic progress;
  4. Conditions which must be met prior to the student’s request for re-enrollment as well as the earliest date at which the student may re-enroll providing all conditions are met;
  5. Information regarding the student’s presence on campus or use of University services/facilities;
  6. Results of non-compliance with the treatment recommendations for the student’s academic future at The University of Scranton (see below).

The written plan outlined above may be subject to amendment as determined by the Vice President for Student Life (or designee) or Provost (or designee).

In the event that the student does not fulfill the conditions outlined at the time of withdrawal in the specified time frame, the Vice President for Student Life (or designee) or the Provost (or designee) in consultation with appropriate health/mental health professionals may extend the administrative withdrawal period or permanently withdraw the student from the University. A student who is permanently withdrawn from the University must reapply for admission to the University in order to resume her/his studies. A student will be notified in writing by the Vice President for Student Life (or designee) or Provost (or designee) if she/he is permanently withdrawn.

Although this policy is not intended to be punitive, invoking the policy does not imply that the student will be exempt from regular disciplinary action according to the Policies Governing the University Community/Student Code of Conduct as published in the Student Handbook.

Free Assembly Policy

Orderly and rational discussion should continue to be the hallmark of University communications. The promotion of such discussion is one of the principle objectives of any educational community committed to the active pursuit of truth and goodness and unity. This educational community, imbued as it also is with Judeo-Christian ideals, approves of nothing less.

The University readily acknowledges the rights of members to express their views by way of individual or collective protest on issues of institutional policy or on matters of interest to the University community. However, for reasons of courtesy, general information, and assistance, as well as good order, the University requires those contemplating such protests to request a protest permit from the Vice President for Student Life. If the request is approved, the Vice President for Student Life will issue a written permit and furnish a copy to the University Police Department.

The University of Scranton is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator and therefore prohibits derogatory speech and/or actions aimed at any group or individuals based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, national origin and veteran status.

This policy applies to all University personnel: staff, faculty, administrators, students, alumni, and visitors to The University of Scranton campus.

Firearms and Weapons Policy

On-campus possession of weapons, or implements used as weapons including, but not limited to, firearms, explosive devices, martial arts paraphernalia, and knives (except for small, non-serrated pocket knives and kitchen knives that are possessed and used in their intended manner) is prohibited, whether or not a federal or state license to possess the same has been issued to the possessor.

Also see Student Code of Conduct  & Residence Life and Housing Policy .

Hoverboard Policy Statement

In light of recent fire and safety concerns, the use, possession, or storage of Hoverboards (electronic, self-balancing boards) and similar devices is prohibited. This includes all campus property including, but not limited to campus facilities, athletic fields, retreat venues, and shuttles (i.e. Royal Ride). Community members are encouraged to inform themselves about the fire and safety concerns raised by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). If there are any questions regarding this policy, please contact the Division of Student Life at 570-941-7680.

Parking Policy and Motor Vehicle Registration

The University Parking Services Office

The goal of the Parking Services Office is to serve the University community with fairness, courtesy and efficiency. Any parking related problems, complaints, suggestions or compliments should be referred to the Parking Services Manager, Parking and University Police Pavilion, 820 Mulberry St. The office is open weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

A 24 hr. drop box for express or after-hours ticket payment is located in the University Police Department Office area. This box can be used to pay a ticket or submit a ticket appeal without waiting in line. Payment envelopes and appeal forms are available outside the parking office. Follow the printed instructions to ensure your appeal will be heard and your ticket payment credited. The University Police Department is open 24 hours daily.

Vehicle Registration

Parking Regulations | Parking | University Police Department

Any member of the University community  wishing to park or operate a motor vehicle on campus must register with the Parking Services office to obtain a parking permit. Vehicle registration and receipt of a permit indicates you will comply with these University parking regulations and any amendments published during the year.

Vehicle registration authorizes ticketing or towing by the University at the owner’s expense for violations. Registration can be accomplished online, by mail or in person at the Parking Services office.

All parking permits remain property of the University of Scranton. Permits are to be returned immediately upon termination of employment or enrollment, retirement, transfer or sale of a registered vehicle or at the request of the University.

Registration is not complete until the permit has been properly affixed to the vehicle on the rear bumper (driver’s side of the vehicle) or the outside of the rear windshield (lower left corner). Only the current permit should be displayed on the vehicle, expired permits must be removed.

A vehicle may only be registered for one permit type, (i.e. faculty, staff, or student). Vehicles may not display more than one valid permit. For example, a vehicle registered to a student with a valid student permit may not display a valid Faculty or Staff permit. Exceptions must be approved by the Chief of Police.

Vehicle Registration Fees*
Student Permit Day School Evening School
Resident Student (academic year) $200 $200
Commuting Student (academic year) $200 $100
Intersession & Spring (Jan.-May) $120 $70
 Intersession $20 $20
Spring Semester $100 $50
Summer Session (each session) $20 $20 
*Parking permit fees are non-refundable

Student Registration

Parking Regulations | Parking | University Police Department

Student Registration

  • Students must provide a valid state motor vehicle registration the first time they complete a permit application. A copy of the state motor vehicle registration will be required in subsequent years if the vehicle or license plate information has changed. The permit is valid from the date of purchase to the expiration date printed on the permit. *Fees are not refundable unless a student is graduating in the fall semester or studying abroad for spring semester. Return the Refund Permit form along with your parking permit before the end of the fall semester to receive a partial refund. Any outstanding parking tickets or fee’s will be deducted from the refund.
  • Commuter Students will be issued a commuter permit that is not valid for overnight parking. Commuter permits are only valid in Staff/Commuter parking lots in non-reserved parking spaces. See Campus Parking Map for designated lots. Commuter students parking their vehicle overnight will be ticketed for after hours use. Should a situation arise in which a commuter students must leave their vehicle on campus after hours, the student must notify Parking Services or University Police to avoid being ticketed.
  • Resident Students other than first year and sophomores living in University residences will be issued a resident student permit. Resident student permits are only valid in lots designated for Resident Permits. See Campus Parking Map for Resident Parking Lots. Vehicles with resident parking permits must be parked in resident parking lots Monday through Friday, 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. Resident students with valid permits can only park their vehicles in the Parking Pavilion or under the Wellness Center when there is a parking ban in effect. Once the ban is placed in effect vehicles with valid permits can be parked in non-reserved spaces in the pavilion without being ticketed. Vehicles parked in surface lots when a snow ban is in effect are subject to ticketing.
    • First Year and Sophomore Resident Students are not permitted to bring a vehicle to The University of Scranton campus or to have access to a vehicle within the city of Scranton limits.
      • *See exceptions below:
      1. Sophomore Resident Education Majors – Student can purchase a parking permit for the one semester (only) which they are required to be off campus for classroom observing.
      2. Sophomore Resident Nursing Majors – Student can purchase a parking permit for the semester (only) which they are required to be off campus for clinical classes at the hospital. 
      3. Medical exception - Students requesting a medical exception to The University of Scranton parking policy will be required to complete an authorization form so medical information may be obtained from your health care provider. Click here for more information. 

                         * We do not make exceptions for work/job requirements.

      4. For Alternative transportation options please click here.

  • Students living in private non-University housing in the area of The University of Scranton, which includes north to Gibson St., south to Ridge Row, east to Harrison Ave. and west to Mifflin Ave., are not permitted to purchase a University parking permit.
  • Evening Classes (Commuters Only) - students may purchase an evening permit valid for use after 4:00 p.m. Students who attend day classes or who conduct academic research activities on campus earlier than 4:00 p.m. must purchase a day/commuter student parking permit.
  • Graduate fellows, graduate assistants and teaching assistants can purchase a parking permit for all-day use.

Replacement Decals

Replacement permits can be obtained at the Parking Services Office. Remnants demonstrating total destruction of the current permit must be turned in to entitle the registrant to a replacement permit for $5.00. If total destruction is not demonstrated, replacement will be at the full regular cost of the permit. Permits reported stolen can be replaced at the $5.00 fee if a theft report has been filed with the University Police Department.

Handicapped Parking

A University of Scranton handicap-parking permit will be issued to faculty, staff and students with a valid University parking permit and a State-issued disability parking placard or registration plate for their vehicle.  Both your State-issued person with disability placard and University handicapped permit must be displayed when parked in University handicapped spaces. To obtain a University handicap-parking permit please bring, fax or mail a copy of your state issued disability card to the Parking Services office.  Students and employees, who are temporarily handicapped due to accidents etc., may be eligible to obtain a state-issued temporary disability placard.  Students and employees in need of temporary handicap parking should contact Parking Services for further assistance.  University handicap parking spaces are available for University visitors whose vehicles bear a permit, placard or special license plate issued by the Commonwealth or another state.  Information for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania can be found at the Department of Motor Vehicles web site: http://www.dmv.state.pa.us/registration/pwd_plate.shtml.

Visitor Parking

Visitor parking spaces are available on level two of the Parking Pavilion (T), and a limited number of visitor spaces are available in Lot B, see campus parking map. Visitor passes are available at the Parking Services office during business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you arrive before or after business hours, visitor passes can be obtained from the University Police office (open 24/7). Visitors to campus who have not made advanced arrangements for parking must obtain a visitor pass.

Parking arrangements for guests and visitors to the campus are the responsibility of the inviting party or activity sponsor. Sponsors should coordinate parking arrangements with the Parking Services Office for their visitors or events at least two weeks in advance of the event date.

A visitor to campus who receives a parking citation can file a visitor quick appeal. Complete the back of ticket with your name, address and reason for your visit. Mail the ticket back to the Parking Services office in the envelope provided to: The University of Scranton, Parking Services Office, 820 Mulberry St., Scranton, PA 18510-0458.

Temporary Permits

Eligible students who occasionally need to drive a vehicle to campus can purchase a daily permit at the Parking Services Office. The daily rate is $2.

Snow Days/Parking Ban

When a snow ban is initiated, it will go into effect at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise instructed. Parking is prohibited in all surface parking areas from the time the ban is initiated until 7:30 a.m. A snow ban is activated when snow accumulates or is predicted to accumulate overnight. Vehicles parked on University property during this snow period should use the Parking Pavilion, Wellness Center or additional lots designated in the snow ban announcement. Dial 570-941-5999 (option 2) for parking ban information and updates. It is your responsibility to monitor the snow and parking ban announcements.

General Rules and Regulations

All vehicle operators on campus are subject to The University of Scranton parking regulations. Each operator is responsible for knowing and abiding by these regulations.

  • A current parking permit is required to park on University property. Permits are valid only through the displayed expiration date.
  • Permits are not transferable between vehicles. Any attempt to transfer, loan or resell a permit will result in revocation of parking privileges.
  • Parking is permitted only in areas identified as legal parking spaces by white/yellow stall lines on both sides of the vehicle.
  • Handicapped spaces marked with blue and white handicapped signs and painted to designate the space for handicapped use are reserved exclusively for vehicles displaying a University of Scranton Handicapped Permit or visitors whose vehicles bear a permit, placard or special license plate issued by a state or federal authority.
  • The responsibility for finding a legal space rests with the motor vehicle operator. Inability to locate a convenient spot is not an excuse for violating University parking regulations.
  • When a particular angle of parking is indicated by signs or markings, no vehicle shall be parked except at that angle or occupy more than the space indicated within the lines for the one vehicle.
  • The campus speed limit is 15 miles per hour. Speed limit inside the Parking Pavilion is 10 miles per hours.
  • The permit owner is responsible for vehicle licenses, operator licenses, insurance or appropriate financial responsibility as required by law.
  • A vehicle will be considered in violation of University regulations if it is stopped or standing in a fire lane, no parking area or restricted zone.
  • Persons driving a replacement vehicle to campus without a parking permit must obtain a temporary permit from the Parking Services office.
  • Areas not specifically designated for parking shall be considered “No Parking” zones.
  • University Police Officers are authorized to tow, at the owner’s expense, motor vehicles in violation of University parking regulations.
  • Towed vehicles will be released by the towing company upon receipt of the claim check, which can be obtained from the Parking Services office upon payment of assessed fee and charges.
  • University parking rules, regulations and enforcement are in effect all year, including periods when classes are not in session.
  • Visitors and guests of the University are permitted to park in legal spaces without obtaining permits between the hours of 5 p.m. Friday and midnight Sunday, except for reserved or authorized vehicle only spaces or as posted.
  • Vehicles obstructing flow of traffic will be issued a traffic violation ticket. Vehicles must be completely pulled into a parking space and parked between the parking lines.

Agreement to Parking Regulations

The University of Scranton provides parking for students, staff, faculty and visitors. The University is not responsible for any damage to or theft from vehicles parked on University property. This is the sole responsibility of the vehicle owner or operator.

We recommend you take every reasonable precaution to prevent theft and vehicular damage. Such measures include closing all windows, locking all doors, parking in designated areas only, following all traffic signs, refraining from displaying valuables. Should a theft or vehicle damage occur while parked on University property, you should contact University Police for investigative purposes only

Fines and Penalties

The schedule of fines for violations is:  
No Permit $20
Improper Display  $10
Parking in Handicapped Space  $50 +$125 towing
Parking in No Parking Area  $20
Parking in a Reserved Space $30
No Decal/Use of Reserved Space $40
Obstructing/ Parking in Fire Lane  $50+$125 towing
Parking over Stall Line  $10
Snow Violation  $20
In Pavilion or Wellness Center after Parking Ban $20
After Hours  $20
Careless Driving  $25
Disregard of Traffic Signs $25
Habitual Violator  $30 + $125 towing
Obstructing Flow of Traffic  $25
Careless Driving $25
Resident Permit Violation $30
Incorrect Lot Violation  $30


Fines are payable in the Parking Services Office within ten (10) business days and are subject to a $10 late payment penalty for each offense.

The fine schedule applies equally to faculty, staff and students. Students who fail to remit fines will have their registration and transcripts withheld. Staff and faculty who fail to remit fines will have the matter referred to their supervisor or department chairperson. Failure to remit fines may also result in the loss of parking privileges.

Repeat Violations

Violators without a valid parking permit accruing two (2) violations will be classified as habitual and subject to a $30 fine and towing of vehicle at owner’s expense.

If your vehicle is towed there is a minimum $125 towing fee plus any outstanding parking tickets. Total will be due in full before the vehicle is released.

Violators with permits accruing three (3) violations may have their campus parking privilege revoked. The registration fee will not be refunded. All violators accruing three (3) violations will be classified as habitual and subject to a $30 fine and towing of the vehicle at the owner’s expense.

Loss of Parking Privileges

Repeated violation of University parking policy may result in revocation of the privilege to park on campus. Repeat offender records will be presented to the Parking Review Board for final adjudication.

Appeal Procedure

Parking Regulations | Parking | University Police Department

The appeals process is open to students, employees and visitors.

To be considered, the appeal must be in written form and submitted within three business days of the issuance of the parking violation notice. Payment must accompany the appeal. Traffic violations are not eligible for appeal.

Appeal forms are available in the Parking Services office and at the 24-hour drop box located in the office area of the parking pavilion. Properly submitted appeals will be reviewed by the Parking Review Board as needed each semester.

Appeals should address the circumstances resulting in the violation. The appeal decision will be reached based on the merits of the submitted written appeal. The appellant will be notified of the decision within 10 days of the board acting on the appeal.

The decision of the Parking Review Board is final.

Print the Appeal Form

Parking Review Board

The Parking Review Board is comprised of staff, faculty, and students (both undergraduate and graduate) representatives. The Chief of University Police chairs the board, but is not a voting member. The Parking Service Manager attends board meetings providing responses to questions of policy on the circumstances of the violation. The Parking Services Manager is not a voting member. A minimum of three voting members must be present for the board to convene. In the event of a tie vote, the Chief of University Police will vote on the violation to resolve the tie.

Frequently Asked Questions


Eligibility for parking in University parking lots is normally limited to students, faculty, administrators and staff with valid permits. Resident first year and sophomore students are not permitted vehicles on campus.


Any vehicle parked on University property without being registered, and displaying a permit may be ticketed and/or towed at owner’s expense.


Lost permits can be replaced at the current price. Purchase of another vehicle requires scraping the old decal from the vehicle and bringing it to the Parking Office with the vehicle registration for the new vehicle for a $5.00 replacement fee.


The responsibility for finding a legal space rests with the motor vehicle operator. (Inability to locate a convenient spot is not an excuse for violating University parking regulations.)


University parking rules, regulations and enforcement are in effect all year, including periods when classes are not in session. Visitors and guests are permitted to park in legal spaces without obtaining permits between the hours of 5 p.m. Friday until midnight on Sunday.

Policy on Smoking

At the University of Scranton, smoking is prohibited inside all buildings and indoor public areas, including but not limited to classrooms, private offices, and residence halls. Smoking is also prohibited in residential building courtyards, parking garages, and athletics facilities as well as in University vehicles. Smoking is not allowed within 25 feet of any University building, unless otherwise specified by individual building policies. For more information, please reference the full policy at the link below:



Policy Requiring the Submission of University Contact Information

Given the critical need for the University to be able to contact, as well as know where each student is physically living, all students must provide their University contact information (the address to which the student physically resides while taking classes) to the University at the beginning of each academic year. This information includes a local physical address (a P.O. Box is not acceptable) and the student’s cell phone number, which will be used for emergency purposes and for other University business. Access to this information will be restricted to University personnel acting in the performance of their duties for educational and emergency purposes. (Students who wish to receive text and/or voice alerts through the University’s Emergency Notification System or ENS must sign up via the Scranton portal and are encouraged to do so.) Students who fail to update their University contact information will be required to complete this verification process before being able to access menus that assist with enrollment certifications, web registration, grade information, financial aid, etc. Students who fail to provide accurate University contact information will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct.

Please note that all official University email communications to students are sent directly to assigned addresses ending in the @scranton.edu suffix.

Pet Policy

Except as required by law, pets of any kind — except for non-carnivorous fish in an aquarium, not to exceed ten gallon capacity per room — are prohibited in on-campus housing. Individuals are strongly discouraged from having any pets on campus as the University is not an appropriate place for most animals. Dogs or cats that visit the University’s campus must be on a leash at all times, and handlers are responsible for properly removing any excrement produced by the animal.

Injuries to persons or destruction of property by the actions of an animal will be the responsibility of the owner/handler and may result in disciplinary action. Sanctions will minimally include restitution for injuries or destruction of property. Other sanctions, including but not limited to suspension or expulsion may result.

The University of Scranton is committed to reasonably accommodating qualified students with disabilities. Students who seek to bring a service animal or assistance animal to campus should contact the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE) to discuss their request.