Oct 06, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2012 
Undergraduate Catalog 2011-2012 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Life on Campus


The University of Scranton is a devoted to the Jesuit maxim of cura personalis, or care for each person and the whole person given their uniqueness. The University recognizes the integral role that campus life plays in the overall education of a student. Because in so many ways learning does not stop at the classroom door, the University provides a range of activities and support services for leadership development, for reflection, for spiritual and personal enrichment, and simply for fun and recreation.

Student Services

The University of Scranton recognizes that much of a student’s education at The University of Scranton takes place outside the classroom. The Division of Student Affairs is an integral part of the teaching and learning experience, committed to the development of the whole person in the Ignatian tradition. Grounded in humility and a lifelong respect for self, others and community, students are challenged to reach beyond their perceived capabilities and to develop a reflective, passionate and restless desire for excellence.

Residence Life

The Residence Life program includes freshman and upperclass residences that provide secure and comfortable living spaces for study and personal development. Residential freshmen are assigned with their classmates in traditional halls where they are supported in their academic programs through leadership opportunities.

Upperclass students may select from a range of housing options that include suite-style halls with semi-private baths, University houses and townhouse apartments. The University also provides limited apartment-style housing for graduate students.

The main goal of the residential experience is for each student to learn while living in a community environment. The process for this occurs through the active participation of the resident in his or her community. Learning occurs best when students attempt to incorporate their in-class and extracurricular experiences.

The individual residential communities are designed for active student participation. A basic expectation is for each student to respect the rights of others. The privilege of living in a residence hall is accompanied by the responsibility of positive community building.

Residence Life stresses the importance of high achievement in the academic and community realm. It is expected that students make healthy decisions regarding substances, stress and time management, relationships, and the exploration of their faith.

The Office of Residence Life is located on the first floor of Condron Hall and is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The phone number is (570) 941-6226. Additional information is available online at www.scranton.edu/residencelife.

For additional information on room and board, see “Tuition and Fees .”

Residence Life Policies and Guidelines

The University of Scranton requires all first- and second-year undergraduate students to live in campus housing. Exceptions to this policy are limited to students who reside with a parent, legal guardian or spouse; are 21 years of age or older; or present other documented extenuating circumstances. The Admissions Office will determine a student’s residency status upon admission to the University.

The University provides in-room access to the campus communication network (cable and Internet) in all residence-hall rooms and University houses at no additional charge. In addition, light in-room housekeeping, 24-hour maintenance and 24-hour security are provided.

Students residing in non-University, off-campus housing (within a one-mile aerial radius of campus) can also have access to campus communication services. For more information regarding these communication services, contact the Office of Network Resources, Alumni Memorial Hall, Room 102, or call (570) 941-4357.

Contractual Obligations

Once enrolled in a room and/or board plan, the student is obligated to that plan for the remainder of the academic year including intersession.


Resident students taking one or more classes during intersession must live in University housing and, if applicable, continue their meal-plan program if they were enrolled for room and/or board for the preceding fall semester. As noted above, additional fees do apply for meals. For reasons of safety and security, those not enrolled in classes during intersession are not permitted to reside in University housing. Student athletes, approved by the Office of Residence Life, may live in their rooms over intersession without taking classes.

Dining Services

Students have a choice of six cost-effective meal plans that provide unlimited, 14 or 10 meals per week.

  • The unlimited meal plan provides an unlimited number of meals per day in our Fresh Food Company Monday through Friday, with brunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday.
  • The 14-meal plan provides any combination of 14 meals per week, not to exceed 3 meal swipes per day.
  • The 10-meal plan offers students any combination of 10 meals per week, not to exceed 3 meal swipes per day.
  • The unlimited plus, 14-meal plus and 10-meal plus plans offer students the same amenities as the regular meal plans with the addition of more flex dollars.

All freshmen living in University housing must participate in the unlimited or unlimited plus meals plan during the entire freshman year. Upperclass students living in Redington, Condron and Gavigan Halls must participate in one of the six meal plans. Meal plan participation is optional for upperclass residents of Mulberry Plaza, Madison Square, Linden Plaza or one of the University houses, as well as for students residing off campus.

Off-Campus and Commuter Students

The University makes special efforts to ensure that commuting students and those who live off campus have access to its academic and co-curricular programs and services. Leadership programs, various student activities and services are available. In addition, the Student Government has commuter and off-campus representatives in its student senate. These students represent commuter and off-campus issues and concerns to this governing body. For information about the Student Government or more information about how to become involved, call (570) 941-7462.

For off campus students, the Dean of Students office provides resources and educational programs and outreach regarding the transition from on to off campus living. For more information, visit www.scranton.edu/offcampus or call 570-941-7680.

Career Services

Career Services helps students focus on career decisions that are consistent with their unique talents, aspirations, and vision for living. Professional counselors help students discover links between their personal traits and career options through individual counseling, workshops, and many other electronic and hard-copy resources available at the Office of Career Services.

Students who are looking for related work experience while they are attending the University can benefit from a variety of services provided by the office. All students can receive training in resume and cover letter writing as well as interview and job search techniques. They are also able to participate in employer on-campus recruiting visits, employment fairs, and the annual Law/Graduate School Fair. Students and alumni can access a wide range of employment opportunities through the office’s online job posting system.

The Office of Career Services is located in Ciszek Hall and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Evening hours are arranged on a semester basis. The phone number is (570) 941-7640. Additional information is available online at www.scranton.edu/careers.

Multicultural Affairs

The University has increasingly been a learning community that mirrors the diversity of the Kingdom of God. Multicultural Affairs supports this mission by building and maintaining a campus environment that is inclusive, pluralistic and diverse. This office provides a seamless link within the Division of Student Affairs in addressing these issues. Students, staff and faculty work together to develop a strategic plan and annual goals to help build a more diverse community that will enhance the value of this community for each of its members. Each individual in this community is encouraged to embrace the richness of life associated with other cultures and people of diverse backgrounds. The Director of Multicultural Affairs assists with the establishment of policies and programs addressing diversity, multiculturalism, harassment and injustice toward students of color. Multicultural Affairs collaborates with other academic services and learning resources that provide guidance and advisement to students of color. Leadership, support and advice are given to individual students and multicultural student organizations. Additional support includes providing guidance and advisement to individual students of color and the general student population for oversight and planning of programs, workshops and training sessions that promote goals and values of a diverse and inclusive campus for students and the entire University community.

The Office of Multicultural Affairs is located in room 205G in the DeNaples Center. The office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and interested students can call (570) 941-5904. Visit us at www.scranton.edu/multicultural.

Jane Kopas Women’s Center

The Jane Kopas Women’s Center fosters a campus community in which women and men can live in a climate of mutual respect, understanding and equality, and where women are encouraged to reach their fullest potential. It provides a safe, comfortable and educational environment in which students, faculty, staff and members of the community can learn about the current and historical role of women in society and where they can explore issues of gender equality, diversity and social justice.

Both women and men are encouraged to attend the JKWC’s co-curricular programs on gender and diversity issues and to use its resource center for courses, special projects or personal enrichment. Books, periodicals, films, Internet access, and informational pamphlets are available for use, and the JKWC is also a place to learn about internship possibilities and conference opportunities.

There is always a need for work-study students and volunteers to serve the campus community. Interested students can call (570) 941-6194 or visit the JKWC, which is located in room 205F of the DeNaples Center.

Office of Student Conduct

While participating in the life of the University community, students are expected to learn and develop within the Jesuit educational tradition. Consistent with this tradition, the University community expects students to lead examined lives supportive of the common good. Thus, it is important for students to comply with University behavioral expectations designed to promote respect for others and observance of the tenets of the University’s Student Code of Conduct.

The Office of Student Conduct seeks to educate students regarding their behavioral responsibilities as members of the University community and to ensure that the process to adjudicate matters of misconduct is consistent and fairminded. For more information about the student conduct process, please visit www.scranton.edu/studentconduct or call (570) 941-7680.

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center provides a safe, comfortable, caring and confidential place for students. Sometimes students have personal concerns they may wish to discuss with one of our staff. These may be related to relationships, transition, stress, development, school, self-concept, family dynamics, etc. Other concerns may be alcohol and other drug use/abuse, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, learning disabilities/ADHD and self-harming behavior.

The Counseling Center is staffed by licensed psychologists, counselors, social workers and a part-time psychiatrist who are available to help students make the most they can out of their years at the University. Finding ways to identify and cope with these concerns can make a difference in the life of a college student.

The Counseling Center, located in McGurrin Hall, second floor, is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Later evening sessions may be available by appointment. The Counseling Center does not provide online therapy services. After-hours emergency crisis consultation with a clinician is available on a 24-hour basis from September through May while classes are in session by contacting The University of Scranton Police Department at 570) 941-7777. For Counseling Center appointments, students may call (570) 941-7620 or stop by the Counseling Center. Our web address is www.scranton.edu/counseling.

Student Health Services

Good health is an essential part of success in college. Student Health Services is committed to assisting students in the acquisition of the knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviors necessary to attain and maintain an optimum level of personal wellness.

Student Health Services is located on the corner of North Webster and Mulberry Street and is open from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on Friday. All services are confidential and include unlimited visits for nursing assessment, treatment and/or referral for further evaluation and care. Physician and Nurse Practitioner appointments are available daily after initial evaluation by a nurse. Cooperative relationships with community health care providers such as laboratories, pharmacies, hospitals and medical specialists complement the care offered on campus.

University fees cover almost all medical services on campus. A limited formulary of prescription medication is available to students at a reduced cost. Student Health Services does no third party billing. Care by community providers such as laboratory, x-ray, specialists, emergency room visits or hospitalization are subject to the student’s health insurance or private payment. Information about an optional alternative insurance plan for students who do not have insurance coverage through another plan is available through Student Health Services.

Center for Health Education and Wellness

CHEW is Your Health Connection!

CHEW is the campus source for health information and programs to support academic, social and spiritual wellness.  An open, welcoming place, this Health Promotion office provides students with print, web and in-person resources on everything from stress management to eating vegetarian.  The CHEW crew of health education professionals, student workers and peer educators provide dynamic work-shops, community awareness events and individualized guidance to help students make healthy decisions and live balanced lives.

CHEW health education professionals design, deliver and evaluate wellness and health programs, train student peer educators, and work with other University departments on programming and policies to improve the well-being of students, colleagues and the community.  Through a myriad of programs and campus-wide activities, CHEW staff encourages students to assess their individual health and to create lifestyles that support wellness in all its dimensions.

Residence halls, classes, outdoor events, organization meetings, and trainings are frequent stops for COPE, CHEW’s Coalition of Peer Educators, which includes Specially Trained Peer Educators who serve on programming committees to assist students in getting the most out of their college experience. CHEW’s crew of trained peer educators produce campus health projects and lead active and informative sessions on a variety of wellness topics geared toward the college student population, such as physical activity, late night programming, mental health, and alcohol prevention, to name a few.

CHEW wants you!  CHEW continually seeks students interested in becoming peer educators, who want to learn about health and wellness and make a difference on campus.  Leaders among the student body, CHEW peer educators gain not only valuable health information, but useful presentation skills and leadership ability all while having the option of earning service-learning credit.  For more information, stop by CHEW or apply online!  Check out all that CHEW has to offer you.  Visit us at www.scranton.edu/chew to learn more!

Outside the Classroom

Student Activities and Orientation

The Office of Student Activities and Orientation complements the University’s overall educational experience by acting as a learning lab. Ideas and concepts discussed in class are practiced and mastered through participation in Student Activities programs. Experiential learning opportunities include leadership, orientation and event planning programs. Keeping the care of the whole person and the magis at the forefront, Student Activities and Orientation is a resource that emphasizes a welcoming environment that supports a free flow of ideas that empowers, challenges and supports students in their development towards their potential. It encourages such things as positive and realistic self-appraisal, intellectual development, making appropriate personal choices, clarification of values, the ability to relate meaningfully with others, and the capacity to work independently and interdependently.

The Office of Student Activities and Orientation is located in room 205 of the DeNaples Center and is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The telephone number is (570) 941-6233.


Orientation helps all new freshman and transfer students make their transition to life at the University in the most successful way possible. The program is the link between the admissions process and students’ arrival for their first semester. The emphasis is on scheduling, academic and social integration, and providing a natural connection to the strong sense of community at the University. All first-year students attend one of the four two-day orientation sessions in July. Transfer students attend a special orientation before the start of the semester.

Student Government

Student Government is an organization with the task of maintaining and improving all aspects of student life to provide a productive academic and social environment for the student body. Its familiar faces and widespread involvement give the campus life and energy. Its leadership consists of elected student officers.

Clubs and Organizations

The University of Scranton encourages students to participate in activities, clubs, and organizations supported by the Office of Student Affairs. These clubs and organizations encourage students to become immersed in the campus community. Such activities allow members to develop their leadership skills while meeting the goals of the organization and its members. The following are some of the clubs recognized by The University of Scranton.

Advertising Club
American Psychological Society Student Caucus (APSSC)
Asia Club
Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACMSC)
Biology Club
Business Club
Chemistry and Biochemistry Club
Circle K International
College Democrats
College Republicans
Colleges Against Cancer
Community Health Education Club (CHED)
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
Counseling and Human Services Association
Crew Club (Men’s and Women’s)
Criminal Justice Club
Debate Society
Exercise Science Club
Fencing Club
Finance Club
Habitat for Humanity
Health Professionals Organization (HPO)
Healthcare Administration Association (HADM)
Ice Hockey
Ignatian Consulting Club
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
International Business Club
International Students
Invisible Children Club
Italian Society
Jam Club
Jesuit University Students Concerned with Empowerment (JUSTICE)
Liva Arts Company
Marketing Society of The University of Scranton (MSUS)
Math Club
Men & Women for Octaves/Acapella
Middle Level Education Club (MLEC)
Mock Trial
Mountain Sports/Ski Club
Neuroscience Club
Photography Club
Physical Therapy Club
Pre-Law Club
Psychology Club
Public Relations Students Society of America (PRSSA)
Ranger Challenge (ROTC)
Roller Hockey
Royal Dance Ensemble
Royal Historical Society
Royal Riders Equestrian Team
Rugby Club, Men’s and Women’s
Running Club
Saudi Students Club
Scranton Environmental Awareness Club
Scripture of Scranton
SAS (Society of Accounting Students)
Se Habla Español
Society for Human Resources Management
Society of Physics Students
Student Education Club of The University of Scranton (SECUS)
Student Nurses Association
Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA)
Students for Life
Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)
Ultimate Frisbee Club
United Colors Club
United Students for Fair Trade
University of Scranton Figure Skating Club (USFC)
University of Scranton Political Society
University of Scranton Programming Board (USPB)
Urban Beats – Hip Hop Dance Team
Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)

A complete list of campus clubs and organizations is available on the Web at www.scranton.edu/clubs.

Intercollegiate Athletics

The University of Scranton is a Division III member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).  As such, the university is prohibited by NCAA rules to offer any type of financial assistance based on athletic ability.

After a long and proud affiliation with the Middle Atlantic States Collegiate Athletics Corporation, more commonly known as the Middle Atlantic Conference, the university joined the Landmark Conference in 2006.  The conference is comprised of the following institutions:  The Catholic University of America (Washington, D.C.), Drew University (Madison, N.J.), Goucher College (Baltimore, Md.), Juniata College (Huntingdon, Pa.), Moravian College (Bethlehem, Pa.), Susquehanna University (Selinsgrove, Pa.), and the United States Merchant Marine Academy (Kings Point, N.Y.).

The athletics office is located in the John Long Center and is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Additional information is available online at www.scranton.edu/athletics.



Baseball Basketball
Basketball Cross-Country
Cross-Country Field Hockey
Golf Lacrosse
Lacrosse Soccer
Soccer Softball
Swimming Swimming
Tennis Tennis
Wrestling Volleyball

The University is widely regarded for its tradition of excellence on both the national and regional level. Scranton has won three NCAA Division III national titles, two in men’s basketball (1976, 1983) and one in women’s basketball (1985), while the men’s soccer team has advanced to the semifinals four times, including championship match appearances in 1980 and 1981. The women’s soccer team has played in the NCAA tournament 12 times in its 28-year history, including quarterfinal berths in 2001 and 2003, while six other Royal teams – men’s cross country (1975), men’s golf (1974), fled hockey (1997), softball (1982, 1983), women’s volleyball (1999, 2001, 2003, 2005) and women’s lacrosse (2003, 2004) – have competed in NCAA team championships.

As a former member of the Middle Atlantic Conferences, Scranton won 82 league titles. The men’s and women’s basketball teams led the way with 17 each, followed by women’s soccer (13), men’s soccer (11), women’s tennis (10), softball (7), women’s volleyball (5), women’s swimming (3), field hockey (1) and baseball (1). In its first three seasons in the Landmark Conference, Scranton captured nine titles: women’s soccer (2), men’s basketball (2), women’s basketball (2) and women’s swimming (3).

The University has also produced its share of all-Americans. Since 1959, 52 student-athletes have earned this prestigious honor, including Megan Kopecki of the women’s basketball team during the 2009-10 academic year. The women’s basketball program has produced 18 all-Americans, while men’s soccer is next with 10, followed by men’s basketball (8), women’s soccer (8), women’s swimming (2), wrestling (2), baseball (1), field hockey (1), men’s golf (1), men’s cross-country (1) and women’s lacrosse (1).

Excellence in all athletic venues has also translated to success in the classroom. The University has produced 24 Academic All-Americans and 13 Royal student-athletes have earned prestigious NCAA post-graduate scholarships.

Recreational Sports

The Byron Recreation Complex is located at the top of campus, adjacent to the John Long Center. The complex contains three multi-purpose courts, four racquetball courts, a six-lane swimming pool, a dance aerobics room, locker rooms, saunas and steam rooms. Housed in the Byron Recreation Complex, the Recreational Sports Department seeks to provide a comprehensive program of sports activities designed to appeal to the diverse needs and interests of the University community. Intramural leagues begin approximately the third week of each semester and include dodgeball, basketball, volleyball, walleyball, flag football, racquetball, tennis, soccer, wiffleball, badminton, softball and Ultimate Frisbee. Special one-day events are held on weekends throughout the year and include skiing, snow tubing, golf, table tennis, whitewater rafting, biking and hiking.

In addition to structured programs there are also many opportunities for individual recreation. Aerobics classes are conducted on a weekly schedule and may be attend on a drop-in basis. A new 14,00-square-foot fitness center will open in the fall of 2011. This new facility will be located on the first floor of the new apartment complex on Mulberry Street and will be home to cardiovascular training equipment, a full circuit of Cybex selectorized machines and a comprehensive free weight area. This new facility will more than double the current fitness space and will provide the University community with state-of-the-art equipment. Whether students are looking for a competitive game of basketball, a high-impact aerobics class, or just a leisurely swim in the pool, the Rec Sports Department can meet their needs. Rec Center hours vary. For questions, call the Rec office at (570) 941-6203.

Student Publications

The University offers a wide choice of journalism opportunities:

  • The Aquinas is the weekly, award-winning campus newspaper. Positions are available to all full-time undergraduate students.
  • Esprit is the award-winning campus literary journal.
  • The yearbook, Windhover, is produced annually by students.

Performance Music

The University of Scranton Bands, Choirs and String Ensembles offer high quality instrumental and choral performing ensemble opportunities in a variety of formats ranging from large ensembles to small ensemble and solo performing opportunities. In the finest liberal arts tradition, participation is open to any and all interested University students (as well as faculty, staff and administrators) with no individual audition requirement nor enrollment or membership fee.

The programs include an annual World Premiere Composition Series performance, the only series of its kind in the nation, which has received honor and acclaim from artists throughout the world. Since 1984, the series has provided our students with opportunities to work and interact with internationally renowned composers and conductors, and has made significant contributions to the wind and choral repertoires.

The University of Scranton Performing Arts Series presents concert performances by outstanding and renowned musicians representing a variety of musical genres, and closely coordinates programming with the Bands, Choirs and String Ensembles to offer special masterclasses, workshops and lectures by our visiting artists.

All performances are free of charge and open to the public, and most take place in the magnificently restored concert hall of the Houlihan-McLean Center on campus.

Our tradition of guest artists and clinicians has brought to our student musicians, our campus and our community the joyful experience of performing with and hearing a long list of musical masters, among them George Avakian; Jeffrey and Lauren Curnow; Aaron Diehl; Dominick Farinacci; Wycliffe Gordon; Victor Goines; Mark Gould; Carlos Henriquez; Frederick Hohmann; T. Terry James; Robert Kapilow; Wynton Marsalis; Sam Pilafian; Eric Reed; Joshua Rosenblum; Loren Schoenberg; Lawrence Wolfe; Marcus Printup; The National Jazz Museum in Harlem All-Stars; members of the New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Minnesota and Dallas Symphony Orchestras and The Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra; and late composer-in-residence Vaclav Nelhybel, whose long and productive relationship with the University continues to be honored through close cooperation between the University and the Nelhybel Estate with the establishment of The Nelhybel Collection.

Hundreds of students participate in the ensembles every year, and they are achieving their performance goals in the musical ensemble of their choice. For more information on any Performance Music offerings, please visit us online at www.scranton.edu/music, or contact the office at music@scranton.edu or (570) 941-7624.


More than 80 students each year gain valuable experience while operating WUSR, 99.5 FM, which is broadcast at 300 watts with a coverage area of 700 square miles. The broadcast region of the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre metropolitan area has an audience of more than 250,000. The format is eclectic with rock, jazz, urban and alternative music. In keeping with the University’s mission the station produces public affairs programming and provides the community with an alternative to commercial radio. Students are encouraged to become involved with all aspects of the station, from on-air positions to management.


The Royal College Television Network gives students the opportunity for hands-on experience in television production. Students take the initiative in producing, directing, writing, shooting and editing television programs to express their creativity. These programs range from comedy, sports and film reviews, to news and public affairs. Programs produced by students appear on the campus cable television system.


The tradition of theatre and dramatics in Jesuit colleges goes back 400 years. The University of Scranton has played a vital part in that tradition as evidenced by the many theatre professionals who were undergraduates of the University: Walter Bobbie (Broadway actor and Tony Award–winning director), Gene Terruso (director and chairman of Theatre Arts at The University of the Arts, Philadelphia), and the late Jason Miller (Pulitzer Prize–winning playwright/Academy Award nominee).

Today, the University Players produce a main-stage season along with a festival of original one-act plays, and a workshop devoted to new student directors. More than 150 students, from virtually every academic major, participate on and off stage in the productions each year. The theatre program is housed in the McDade Center for Literary and Performing Arts, a state-of-the-art facility complete with a 300-seat thrust main stage, a flexible studio theatre, fully equipped scenery and costume shops and additional theatre support spaces.

The University Players have historically been host to many prominent guest artists. Oscar-winning actress Glenda Jackson conducted an acting workshop in 1984; the late Richard Harris, another Oscar recipient, directed Julius Caesar in 1988; and, also in 1988, Emmy Award–winning designer and University alumnus Dennis Size created scenic and lighting designs for Aristophanes’ Lysistrata.

Participation in the Players is open to all students, regardless of academic year or major. Interested students should contact the Director of Theatre in the McDade Center, Room 103.

University Ministries

University Ministries serves the mission of The University of Scranton by making visible and effective our Roman Catholic and Jesuit identity. Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the spirituality of St. Ignatius Loyola, we seek to reach out with love and respect to all and to be a fire that kindles other fires by …

  • Nurturing and celebrating our faith through spirit-filled sacramental worship and prayer.
  • Educating our students in the faith and teachings of the Church in ways that integrate their educational and personal experiences so as to find God in all things.
  • Developing in our students habits of reflection and prayer in order to discern God’s presence and action in their lives.
  • Fostering in our students a passion for justice that is rooted in faith and expressed in action.
  • Empowering our students to be leaders in ministry and service as men and women for and with others in our community, university, church and world.

Worship and Prayer

Sacramental Life

The celebration of the Eucharist is held twice each weekday at Chapel of the Sacred Heart and three times on Sunday at Madonna della Strada chapel. The sacrament of Reconciliation is held daily at Chapel of the Sacred Heart and also by request.

Liturgical Ministers

Students from all classes serve the Scranton faith community as liturgical readers, extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist and as ministers of hospitality at Sunday liturgies as well as at University-wide events like Palm Sunday and the Advent Mass.

Music Ministry

Students from all classes, both vocalists and instrumentalists, are dedicated to bringing music into the liturgical life of our community. These musicians provide music for each Sunday as well as at larger liturgical celebrations like Baccalaureate Mass.

Building Faith Communities

Residence Hall Ministry

Several members of the University Ministries staff serve as Residence Hall Ministers, providing counsel and support to undergraduate students in different residence halls on campus.


Many different retreats are offered for our students including Freshmen, Search, Senior and JUSTICEplus, as well as three- and five-day Ignatian silent. Retreats are offered to students at our beautiful Retreat Center at Chapman Lake, just 20 minutes from campus.

Call and Commitment

This group is offered for students interested in exploring a call to church ministry as a priest, religious or layperson.

Christian Life Communities (CLC)

Christian Life Communities are small faith-based groups of students who agree to meet on a weekly basis to grow in spirituality, community and service. Through prayer, focus activities and reflection, the groups enhance their understanding of Ignatian spirituality and deepen their personal relationship with God.


A student-led group, the JUSTICE Club strives to bring awareness of and advocacy for justice issues in our world. They help to prove that ours is truly “a faith that does justice.”

Service and Outreach

Community Outreach Office

The Community Outreach Office is committed to advancing the Jesuit tradition of forming men and women for others. The programs sponsored by this office include food and clothing drives, domestic break trips and local service. Each element enables the students to express their faith in reflective service while responding to local and national needs.

International Service Program

Our International Service trips provide opportunities for students, faculty and staff to be immersed in cultures and experiences in developing countries of our world. The program revolves around simple living, community, generosity and faith-based reflection.

Christian Education


The RCIA program prepares these students interested in becoming Catholic for baptism and/or confirmation, with reception into the Church during second semester.

Spiritual Direction

Those interested in broadening and enhancing their relationship with God through prayer meet with a spiritual director regularly to discuss their prayer life and their ever-changing relationship with God and with Christ in our midst.

Soup and Substance

Offered during Lent, these gatherings encourage conversations among students, faculty and staff about real-world issues related to Catholic Social Teaching.

Liturgy Schedule

Sunday Mass at Madonna Della Strada Chapel: 11:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m., 9:30 p.m.

Daily Mass at Chapel of the Sacred Heart: Monday through Friday, 12:05 p.m. and 4:40 p.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation at Chapel of the Sacred Heart in the Reconciliation Room: Monday through Friday, 11:30 a.m.

The Campus

The University’s 58-acre campus is located in the heart of Scranton, a community of 75,000 within a greater metropolitan area of 750,000 people. Since 1984, the University has built 26 new buildings and made renovations to 30 others.

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Memorial Library at the center of campus includes a large study area open 24 hours a day with Internet connectivity to the world. Loyola Hall of Science and the Harper-McGinnis Wing of St. Thomas Hall have highly specialized laboratories and equipment for the study of physics, electrical engineering, computing sciences, chemistry, biology and molecular biology. There is also a fully equipped television studio with editing facilities in the Communications Wing of St. Thomas Hall, along with the broadcast studios of WUSR-FM, located in St. Thomas Hall, not the Communications Wing.

The John J. Long, S.J., Center and the adjoining William J. Byron, S.J., Recreation Complex house the departments of Intercollegiate Athletics and Exercise Science and Sport. They also have facilities for intercollegiate and intramural basketball, wrestling, handball, tennis, racquetball, volleyball and swimming. Fitzpatrick Field is home to men’s and women’s soccer, lacrosse and field hockey teams. Offering lights and an artificial turf surface, it is also used for intramural and club sports.

Thirteen traditional residence halls, primarily for freshmen, are centered on terraced quadrangles at the core of the campus. Francis E. Redington Hall, John R. Gavigan Hall and Christopher & Margaret Condron Hall provide housing for sophomore students. The University also maintains a series of houses and apartment buildings in the vicinity of campus, some of which are organized around academic interests. In all, there are more than 28 housing options for students, who are guaranteed University housing for four years.

Recent additions to University housing for upper-class students is provided at Mulberry Plaza, Madison Square, Linden Plaza. This housing style consists of low-rise, multi-building complexes that provide apartment style living in 2, 3, 4, and 5 bedroom units. All units contain kitchens and combined living and dining areas. In addition, there are nine campus houses with various size apartments some of which are organized around academic interests.

Performance and rehearsal space for the Performance Music ensembles and concert offerings is in the Houlihan-McLean Center. The McDade Center for Literary and Performing Arts includes a “black box” studio theatre and a 300-seat main theater, classrooms, a writing laboratory and offices for the English Department. The Mulberry Street Apartment and Fitness Complex is the newest addition to the campus. Scheduled to open in the fall 2011 semester, the complex houses 396 upper class students in 107 two- and four-bedroom apartments. The main floor of the west building houses the University’s main fitness center. A small food service operation and convenience store is located on the main floor of the east building.

McGurrin Hall houses the Panuska College of Professional Studies and contains classrooms, laboratories, an academic advising center, and offices for the departments of Counseling and Human Services, Education, Health Administration, Human Resources, and Nursing. Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy classrooms and laboratories are in adjacent Leahy Hall.

Brennan Hall is our newest academic building. This 71,000-square-foot facility located in the center of campus provides offices, classrooms and support facilities for the Kania School of Management. Also in Brennan Hall is a 148-seat auditorium and seminar rooms. The McShane Executive Center on the fifth floor of Brennan includes conference and meeting rooms that are technologically equipped, as well as a dining and kitchen area. The main floor of Brennan Hall features the Irwin E. Alperin Financial Center. The center simulates a Trading Floor, complete with an electronic ticker and other news and data displays.

In 2006, the University dedicated an expansion of its Retreat Center at Chapman Lake, which is located 15 miles north of campus. The 7,050-square-foot addition includes the chapel, which accommodates approximately 60 people and incorporates beautiful views of the lake. The expansion also added 15 bedrooms to one wing of the existing 13,118-square-foot facility. The original structure, which was built in 1998, includes a dining room, kitchen, 1 large meeting room, 5 small meeting rooms and 11 bedrooms. With the expansion, the Retreat Center now accommodates 50 overnight guests.

The Patrick & Margaret DeNaples Center, a new 118,000-square-foot campus center, opened in January 2008. The building includes dining and meeting spaces, the bookstore, convenience store and mailing services, Student Affairs and University Ministries, and a unique Student Forum. Its location along Mulberry Street expresses the University’s commitment to engaging the Scranton community by the building’s availability for a wide variety of events.

In May, the University announced plans for the largest capital project in its 121-year history — an approximately 200,000-square-foot unified science center. The facility incorporates today’s most innovative science teaching techniques into a dynamic, modern design that includes inviting spaces for student/faculty collaboration, visible glass-walled laboratories and the efficiencies of using shared instrumentation. Construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2009 and the center is scheduled to be open for use in the fall semester of 2011.

Other notable campus buildings include The Estate, former residence of the Scranton family that was constructed in 1865, houses the office of Undergraduate Admissions; Campion Hall, built by the Society of Jesus for its members in Scranton; Hyland Hall, which houses classrooms, the Hope Horn Gallery and Desktop and Instructional Resources; and O’Hara Hall, which is home to the College of Graduate and Continuing Education, Institutional Advancement and academic departments.

The University of Scranton at a Glance


The student population, including adult, part-time and graduate students, is approximately 6,070. About 86% of full-time freshmen live on campus.

Schools and Colleges (Year Established) Enrollment Fall 2010
College of Arts and Sciences (1888) 1,855

College of Graduate and Continuing Education (2006)
(graduate programs since 1951; part-time programs since 1923)

Arthur J. Kania School of Management (1978) 831
J.A. Panuska, S.J., College of Professional Studies (1987) 1,235


Undergraduate Students 4,100  
Men 1,813 (44%)
Women 2,287


Graduate Students (full time) 582  
Men 205 (35%)
Women 377 (65%)
Primary States of Origin (Undergraduates)  
Pennsylvania 44%
New Jersey 29%
New York 21%
Other 6%
Primary State of Origin (Graduate Students)  
Pennsylvania 48%
New Jersey 18%
New York 10%



Retention/Graduation Rates

Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate 90%

(National Average for Selective Bachelor’s/Master’s Institutions: 78%)

Six-Year Graduation Rate 80%

(National Average for Selective Bachelor’s/Master’s Institutions: 60%)


Student Life

  • Approximately 2,850 students perform 170,000 hours of community service each year
  • More than 75 active clubs and organizations
  • 18 Landmark Conference athletic teams
  • More than 3,000 student participants in intramural and recreational sports each year

Academic Programs

Bachelor’s Degree Programs 61
Master’s Degree Programs 25
Minors 45
Undergraduate Concentrations/Tracks 28
Doctor of Physical Therapy 1


Eighty-five percent of the University’s faculty hold doctoral or other terminal degrees in their fields. The student-to-faculty ratio of 13:1 allows for class sizes that average 20* students. (*Average size undergraduate lecture sections, fall 2010.)

Full-Time Faculty 281  
Tenured Faculty


Faculty Scholarly Activities, 2008-09  
Articles Published 142
Book Articles Published 17
Book Chapters Authored 56
Books Published 14
Book Reviews Published 39
Creative Activity 41
Editorships 14
Fellowship 1
Grants 44
Patents and Patent Applications 6
Peer Reviews 93
Presentations 311
Proceedings 18
Review 1

Community Impact

A report issued by the University in 2010 showed that its estimated annual economic impact on Northeastern Pennsylvania totals $411,111,106. The report is based on economic impact studies and formulas, including those used by the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Pennsylvania.

Catalog Archives

The Weinberg Memorial Library’s website contains a collection of undergraduate and graduate course catalogs, published annually by The University of Scranton (and its predecessor, St. Thomas College). Undergraduate catalogs are available dating back to 1926; graduate catalogs are available from 1967. The catalogs can be viewed at www.scranton.edu/library/coursecatalogs.